Mighty Vladimir, the Yeti Warrior

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Lightning Fast, Mar 6, 2017.

  1. Lightning Fast

    Lightning Fast New Member new

    Trophy Points:
    “Come, little hairless man! I will protect.”

    Name: Mighty Vladimir
    Race: Yeti
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Place of Origin: Snowhead, Northern Hyrule

    PWC: 5 Power, 1 Wisdom, 2 Courage
    Treasures and Rupees:

    Frigid Composition (Racial, automatic)

    Power Lift (Racial)

    Rage (Racial)

    Yeti Punch (Racial)

    Ball and Chain (-40 Rupees)

    Mirror Shield (-30 Rupees)

    30 Rupees

    Equipment: Modified Darknut’s discarded helmet (nonmagical), Iron Bracers (nonmagical), Ball and Chain, Massive Mirror Shield, Camper’s backpack, tuba (loud, but nonmagical)

    Pet: A baby seal, named Poppo. He does not keep this baby seal with him; it is back at his house in the care of his family. Please do not hurt Poppo, as he is a good boy.

    Appearance: Vladimir is large, even for a yeti, standing in at approximately nine feet tall and with considerable bulk. His dark skin is covered in thick white fur, and he has large white tusks jutting out of his face. He wears some limited armour, most notably what appears to be a modified old Darknut helmet with a visor that obscures the upper-half of his face when kept down. He keeps the visor on his helmet up, unless he’s in combat. He wears large, thick bracers of iron and leather on his arms. Tied to one of the bracers is a massive tower-shield, much too large for any normal-sized Hylian to wield, with a reflective surface. To folks of smaller stature, it almost looks like a full-bodied mirror, and functions as such. He also carries an absolutely massive ball and chain which would normally need to be wielded with two hands, though his obscene size and strength means he can wield it with just one.

    Personality: For someone so brutish and imposing, it seems as though malice really isn’t in Vladimir’s nature. He is anything but hostile, particularly towards smaller denizens of Hyrule. He typically keeps his visor up around these people so as not to appear too threatening. Though he speaks in broken Hylian, he enjoys singing, drinking, dancing, and all sorts of revelrous activities. Vladimir may not be the brightest, but he is ever the optimist, remaining happy no matter the situation... so long as he’s not fighting anyone. Though it may be an exaggeration to call him truly brave, he stalwartly defends his comrades-in-arms whenever it is required of him.

    Around enemies, however, he seldom speaks at all aside from warcries, flipping his visor down and slipping into an almost trancelike state. He braces himself for battle, and with laser-focus, does everything he can to crush his enemies, bringing forth aggression and fierceness that one would not expect from such a lumbering loveable oaf.

    Background: Vladimir had known about the Hylians for most of his childhood, though only in the abstract. His birth coincided with Ganon’s Conquest of Goron City, and so he knew, first and foremost, that the Hylians were in a state of near-perpetual warfare with the evil forces to the South. Though this did not directly influence the Yetis in any way, a constant shadow of dread loomed over them as they worried that the evil king would sweep North and conquer all of Hyrule.

    Thanks to the efforts of the Hero of Time, however, Ganon’s conquest was stopped. Despite this, the war was nowhere near over, and that shadow of dread never did dissipate. Yetis were not a race of warriors, you see, and they feared that if Hyrule fell, no-one would be able to stop those dark creatures from overrunning their mountain homes and making dark and twisted slaves out of them.

    A few Yetis saw it fit to head south to help the Hylians fend off Ganon’s hordes, preferring to defend their homes with a degree of foresight rather than have to organize into hastily-prepared militias after their allies have already been broken. Among these Yetis was Vladimir, who joined the Hylian Guard as a member of their auxiliary forces.

    Vladimir found it difficult to motivate himself at the beginning of his training. Afterall, how could one relish in the taking of another being’s life? Was all life not precious? Overtime, though, his perspective began to change. Yetis may have different concepts of what is good and what is evil, but the disciples of Ganon were most certainly evil, destroyers of all that was lively and good in the world. He reconciled these ideas, realizing that those who wish to destroy the lives of the innocent must be stopped at any cost.

    As Vladimir fought with more powerful foes, he came upon the spoils of war, most notably a large ball and chain and helmet from a Darknut that he crushed beneath his fists. Now, armoured and armed, Vladimir has begun to think of himself as a paladin of sorts, a protector of the weak, a breaker of barriers and a mover of obstacles.
    Eevachu likes this.
  2. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    Everything seems to be fine to me.
