Metallic upgrade [On Hold]

Discussion in 'Treasure Creation' started by Tsubori, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Metallic Upgrade

    P/W/C Type: W or P

    Appearance: The same item as enchanted, but the item becomes fully made of metal, making it hard and unbendable. 

    Description of Function: Upon pressing their hand to a mundane item, it's immediately converted directly into metal, with the hardness of steel for about a minute. This is especially useful when there are no real weapons around and one has to improvise, or when someone needs an object to have more weight.

    Limitations: Same as a normal enchantment spell, however only mundane, non living objects may be given this enchantment.
  2. Ribitta

    Ribitta What would you ask of me? reg

    Trophy Points:
    Re: Metallic upgrade

    Sooo... what kinds of things were you thinking of converting to solid hunks of metal? Like... sticks? As a concept this seems like it could be fine, I just wonder how useful it would really be and, consequently, if it should be made a treasure at all.
  3. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

    Trophy Points:
    Re: Metallic upgrade

    Well, a scene I imagined has a person pick up a broom when their disarmed. Broom then becomes a greathammer :P Another kind of use I could see for it is something like weigh enhancement. Also, imagine of someone touched their clothing as they were being struck. While you'd lose mobility like crazy, I imagine the other person's hand now hurts.
  4. Ribitta

    Ribitta What would you ask of me? reg

    Trophy Points:
    Re: Metallic upgrade

    I'm going to put this on hold until we deal with Transmogrification, as that will be the broader of the two and may coincide with what we do for this treasure. Will keep you updated.
  5. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Transmogrification was passed, and since this falls under that, this is being moved.
  6. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    What? The reasons this wasn't accepted appear to be:

    1) "It doesn't seem that useful (except in niche circumstances)." Gibdo Mask, Handheld Illusion, Hover Boots, and more seem less useful. This can turn a door into a wall to thwart pursuers. It can turn a stick into a lethal weapon. It can turn a piece of paper into a makeshift shield. It's also good for actually role-playing not-killing-stuff, as it can be used to form tools like hammers, funnels, bars, liquid containers, and more out of common objects.

    2) "There's a much more powerful and costly version of this treasure." Life, Thunder, Hover, Eruption, Powder Kegs, and more fall into the same boat. Players should have the option of having less-than-the-full-effect at less-than-the-full-cost.

    The effect has been reworded, but Metallic Upgrade now exists in the new Library.