Markis Antonias Beoulve (WIP)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by SenpaiPancake, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. SenpaiPancake

    SenpaiPancake Shhh! I'm charging my laser... reg

    Trophy Points:
    Markis Antonias Beoulve III, Earl of Alkous

    59 years



    Place of Origin:
    Hyrule Castle Guard

    Pre extra: Power 2, Wisdom 1, Courage 1

    Final: Power 5, Wisdom 1, Courage 2


    Spin Attack


    248 pounds


    Parashu/Pickaxe cross

    Markis’ main weapon, Reaper has been known to demoralize men who have merely looked upon the weapon. The axe stands roughly 6 feet tall from the top of the haft, to the tip of the bottom spike. The axe head itself is of the Parashu design, broader at the blade then at the portion attached to the haft. The blade is kept perpetually sharp, always capable of hewing a limb right from the body. The width, from haft to blade, measures a little over one and a half feet. The blade is joined to a metal cap, which is in turn fastened to the top of the haft, literally melted into the wood. This has kept the head affixed over the decades Markis has owned Reaper. As first touch the metal feels brittle, but upon impact the wielder can feel the blade bend slightly, reducing the jarring impact sensation, and reducing the loss of feeling in Markis’ hands.

    Directly opposite the axe head is a foot long spike, roughly an inch in diameter, used mostly for cranial impalement. It is slid into the haft from above, using a simple interlocking pattern to keep the spike from dislodging from the weapon. This spike is only used when Markis wishes to not harm his victims flesh, providing a simple death for his future meals, and the most flesh he can get. If Markis is planning on a fight, he may replace the spike with another, identical in length and appearance, save for a barbed tip. The goal of this spike is to cause as much damage to the target upon removal, often aimed at the gut or thigh. The spikes themselves are curved downwards slightly, allowing for wide swings while retaining the ability to drive the spike in straight.

    Attached to the bottom of the haft is a half foot dagger, used for impalement of injured or fallen enemies. Rather than needing to hew them with his axe, this allows Markis to strike quickly, and still be ready for any other attacks that may come if a group is present.



    Alkous Keep, a two story castle on the northern shore of the Eastern Sea Bay. What was once a sprawling castle has fallen into considerable disrepair over the last fifty years. When Markis returned, he found that much of the keep had collapse around the main hall. The only livable areas that remain are the Earl’s Bedroom and the Noble’s Kitchen. This provides enough room to live similar to those living in a small cottage. It is here that Markis resides when he is not our hunting for fresh flesh.

