Making the Journey

Discussion in 'Northern Hyrule' started by WillowtheWhisp, Apr 4, 2011.

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  1. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    (Continued from here: viewtopic.php?f=54&t=75&start=30 )

    Dante walked closely next to Guy, trying to keep pace without a walking implement. It was difficult, but he managed, with an odd sort of hop through the snow. "I guess we should follow you or Victus." Dante said to Guy, but seeing as Guy had already taken the lead, Dante guessed that they would now be following Guy. Dante looked behind them, saw that the peak had already gotten smaller. The Hylians were beginning to trail after them now, if at a slow pace. Dante looked through the crowd, looked for the other Deku in their midst. He couldn't see between the taller Hylians; Dante assumed that Victus was somewhere in the middle of the group, probably helping the wounded and infirm as they made their way to Nabooru.

    Dante sighed. It wasn't like him to suffer pangs of guilt. Maybe it was something the other Deku had said, something about the way he carried himself, believed every word that he said. Maybe Dante was reminded a little of himself, when he looked at Victus, when he had been very very young. Dante shook his head. What had gotten over him lately? He was as moody as a goddess forsaken pubescent Hylian. "Jeez..." Dante rubbed the sides of his head with his hands, trying to massage away his headache. Letting out another sigh, Dante looked over at Guy, who seemed to be faring well, despite the snow. "Maybe I should get a walking stick." If Dante could have, he would have grinned. As it were, being a Deku, the only thing he could manage was a strange look on his face and a snort.

    "So, I take it you've been to Nabooru already?" Dante asked Guy, looking down towards the city, through the veil of cloud and snow.
  2. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    "Oh yes, many times." Guy kept up his abrupt pace, being quite used to travelling long distances. He was barely even out of breath, and now being ahead of the others, was quickly forgetting they weren't so accustomed to being nomads.

    "In my youth, I actually worked there as a bartender for several years... and I still frequent the place rather often." He shrugged between sentences, only now halting for a couple breaths in his pace. "Behind only Castle-Town and the Lost Woods, it's the town I frequent often in the north..."

    ...The Scrub's tracks and rambling abruptly came to an end. When Dante caught up, he would soon find out why. Though it was hidden well behind the pine and the curvature of the mountain, the two of them soon came to a gargantuan gorge that seemed to slash through the entire mountain itself. Going for what seemed like miles in either direction, simply going around it wasn't an option. At the same time, however, it must have been a dozen meters across. Something like that probably couldn't even be cleared if he held a Roc's Feather, or so he assumed.

    With his eyes peering down into the icy depths, his head cocked to one side inquisitively, "...I don't suppose you kept your Deku Leaf, eh, Dante?"

    As Guy peered down into the depths, however, he noticed there was the remains of a bridge down there--a rather rickety wooden bridge, likely destroyed by someone who didn't want the monsters coming down to Nabooru so easily... or vice versa. Aside from that, however, there were a few frozen stretches of ice which crept from one side to the other down there as well.

    "If... we could get down to those somehow," Guy continued staring down the gorge, "...but I don't see how we could. These walls are smooth and slippery."
  3. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    Victus had stopped to admire the view, one he didn't usually stop to see, but the group had all stopped in awe, so he was able to take in the sights. It was rather calming, but once he noticed the two Deku take the lead, he slowed down to watch the back of the group since the Deku took the front. As they started their descent of the mountain.

    After a while of walking, the group came to a halt, and Victus moved ahead of the group to see why they weren't moving. Walking up by the other two Deku, he noticed the large gorge, with no bridge. Victus had clearly remembered the bridge being there last time he was through, but that had been a while ago and it could of gotten old and snapped... but a better chance being it was cut for a purpose.

    "May I make a suggestion?" Victus spoke up after hearing Guy's musing. "I know of a spell that could slow our fall, if at the very least as a safety precaution. I should be able to have everyone protected with it..."
  4. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Dante nodded, placing his hand where his chin was approximately located, on his round face. Using Victus' spell would definitely help them reach the bottom safely. However, there were a few problems; the wind was beginning to pick up, and it would only be worse further into the gorge. The refugees would be blown pell-mell, and would be unable to control themselves, and prevent themselves from being slammed into the cliff face. Additionally, the wind might throw some refugees away from the main group, either losing them completely, or forcing the main group to search for the lost party after landing. Dante shook his head. "We will have to use that spell, Victus, but this wind poses too much of a danger to the refugees. There's no telling where it would take you."

    Dante closed his eyes, thinking to himself, trying to think of a plan. Dante's eyes fluttered as he went through the catalog of his mind. His eyes opened fully, and he looked between Guy and Victus. He spoke to Victus first. "Do you have a rope? Or do the refugees have some rope? I will need quite a lot, so much that we might have to tie some ropes together. if that doesn't work, we can use old clothes, that people have no need for. As long as we have something that's long enough to make it to the bottom." Dante pointed to the valley floor below them. Then he looked to Guy.

    "Guy, I'm going to make a special arrow, and tie whatever rope we can manage to it. Any chance that you remember that wall-walking trick of yours? We're going to need someone to get to the bottom, and secure the rope, as well as help people off as they float down." Dante asked Guy, crossing his fingers. It had been years, but Guy was not the type to let his skills get too rusty. Without waiting for an answer from either Deku, Dante ran over the a tree, pulling out his Kukri and hacking off a large branch. Dante sat on a nearby boulder and began his work. Hitting the ancillary branches off with his Kukri first, he pulled out his smaller knife, that was paired with his Kukri, and began shaving off splinters of wood.
  5. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    "Hm..." In truth, Guy was musing over the fact he hadn't used it in years. At least, not successfully. He last tried it mere weeks ago, and that endeavor rather promptly ended up with him smashing face-first into the ground. It was something he did not wish to recall... yet, apparently, something he was quite willing to repeat it, even on a wall as slick as one made completely of ice over a gorge of which he could not even see the bottom. "I can give it a try." The words were uttered with a mere callous shrug.

    "But even so, the main problem is that... well... it looks like it's only a couple feet lower on the other side... It would probably be best for you to give me the arrow and the rope, I walk across on one of those little ice-bridges down there while Victus works his magic on me as a safety precaution, then I climb back up and secure the rope to a tree on the other side, while you affix it to a higher point on a tree on this side. Then the Hylians can just sling across with their belts or shirts or whatever... Although, that's assuming we actually have a cord or a hemp rope and not just clothes tied together."

    A grunt of mild annoyance came from his lips at the fact he had to do all this even though he could just walk across by himself and leave the others behind. Nonetheless, he crossed his arms, and turned towards Victus and the Hylians to see if they had any proper rope.
  6. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    At the idea of rope, Victus turned to the group of Hylians and starting asking people to search their things for a rope, or multiple ropes. Lacking well prepared supplies, one Hylian was able to find some rope in his pack, but it wasn't long enough for their plan. "Ok, we need some spare clothes, we're going to tie them together to extend the rope so we can get across." Victus went about collecting what the Hylians would give, and once he had a hefty armful of assorted clothing and the rope, he returned to the other Deku Scrubs.

    "This is what I could gather," he said as he placed them down with his hammer. Stretching his fingers, he prayed silently to the Goddesses, wishing for Din to give everyone strength, Farore to make the work go smooth, and Nayru to protect everyone while they worked. Picking up parts of the clothing and ropes, Victus started to tie them off to create a large rope. Once he was finished, he turned to Guy.

    "Whenever your two are ready, I will cast the spell on you to lighten your body."
  7. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Dante looked at the rope made of clothing ad actual rope, let out a sigh. It wasn't the sturdiest thing, but it looked like Victus knew how to tie a good knot; as long as the knots did not come unraveled, they would be fine. Whittling at the arrow, as Victus made the rope, Dante wondered if it would all work out well. He supposed that he could easily leave them at the gorge, and simply go off on his own, but that did not seem right to him. It felt as if he had invested himself into the refugees, and now had to see them safely to Nabooru. He wasn't exactly sure why he felt this way, only that he felt like a parent, responsible for their child. Dante cringed at the thought of a child, his child. The wound still festered it seemed.

    Banishing such thoughts from his head, he returned to work. With each pass of the knife, the arrow began to take form. The blade hissed as tiny slivers of wood fell away, revealing the true form of the wood. It felt as if Dante were merely carving away the excess, revealing this wood's true purpose, as he created the arrow. The limb was good; it was straight, without knots. The grain of the wood was not resistant to Dante's shaping, flowed easily as he turned the knife over it again and again. He did not have to fight it, the wood's spirit working in tandem with him. Thank you... He nodded towards the tree. It seemed that even nature itself wanted to see the Hylian's safely across.

    With his work finished, he hopped down from the boulder, joined Victus. The arrow showed fine craftsmanship, despite being such a simple item. It was smooth, lacking any imperfection in the wood or of the maker. The tip was strange, had three hooks, instead of a point. Dante fingered them with his forefinger, withdrew it as he felt a tip almost break his first layer of bark. His fingers ran down to the other end, where instead of notches for a feather, Dante had instead left a wider portion at the end, a disc through which a hole had been carved. The ring was good too, appeared to be sturdy. Tying one end of the rope through the ring, Dante tightened the knot. He nodded in satisfaction when he heard the creak of wood. The knot would hold.

    "I can shoot this across the gorge, where you can fasten it to something, maybe a tree or something. Speaking of which." Dante took the other end of the rope, tied it to the tree that he had taken the wood for the arrow from. He wrapped it around a few times, fastened it around the trunk. He pulled it taught, then walked back over to Guy and Victus. "That way, you only have to concentrate on getting up that cliff, without worrying about lugging this rope and arrow with you. You should probably leave that spear with me. I can carry it across, when I go." Dante held out his hand to receive Guy's spear.
  8. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    "Mm..." With his mind miles away, he handed off the stolen spear into Dante's palm, then slung the blanket at him as well. He removed the Defiance from his arm and affixed it securely to his back.

    While the others had been working, he had found himself wondering why he was doing this at all. The Hylians and Victus were probably of no use to him, and he doubted they would pay anything either, so why was he just waltzing into a gorge? He wasn't even entirely sure if his long-lost wall-walking technique would properly function when he needed it, so why risk it?

    When he asked the depths of his mind these questions, all that came back was... the thought of being trapped in a dead-end job, working at the counter for some miserable little shop in Castle-Town... of being stuck in some podunk village... and of the excitement and experience he would lose if he did not do this. In essence, 'Because I can,' was the only significant reason he needed to give himself.

    His eyes remained affixed on the gorge as he spoke, "Go ahead and cast that spell of yours, Victus."

    After the cleric's magic began tingling through his body, Guy began to concentrate his energy and willpower into the soles of his feet... through his boots... and into the ground beneath him. He thought of how gravity had no effect on him; how he was able to defy its force with his own inner strength. In short order, he began to not only believe it, but identify it as fact. Gravity was such a weak force, one which could be bent so easily to one's whims, he mused with a soft chuckle. Taking that thought and distilling its power into the ground beneath him, the Scrub strode forward and off the cliff... and streadily strolling down the vertical face of the icy gorge as if it was a stroll through the Lost Woods on a warm spring day.

    In short order, he found himself passing across via one of the small ice bridges... only to abruptly forget they were frozen solid, and slip across one of their slick surfaces. Luckily, the spell cast on him managed to slow his descent to the point he was capable wrapping his arms around the narrow ice beam before he falling beyond it. With a weak gasp for breath, he continued squirming along the beam until re-affixing his feet at the opposite side of the gorge. In short order, he scurried up and across to safely reach the other side.

    With a wave of his hand, Guy signaled for Dante to fire his specialized arrow.
  9. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    At Guy's command, Victus lifted his hands infront of him and closed his eyes for a moment, as he felt a surge run through his body and out to the Deku Scrub infront of him. The energy, though invisible to those around, swirled around Guy and a shimmering aura of soft light hovered around him. It was a magnificent sight to behold as Victus would imagine if it was viewable under normal means. He knew the form of this spell from much use, and the aura it have had become ingrained in his mind's eye as he could feel the energy at work.

    "May the Goddesses watch over you," Victus spoke softly as Guy made his way to the edge of the gorge, and much to the surprise of the people there, he walked straight down the side of the gorge like he was walking on flat land. Picking up his hammer again and resting it on his shoulder, he turned to Dante so he could watch this Deku's work with a bow and his crafted arrow that would carry the makeshift rope across the gorge to Guy.

    Once Dante fires the arrow, Victus planned to turn to the group, and would follow the same pattern in casting Feather Fall on everyone instead of just Guy. This would give extra safety precautions while the Hylian's crossed.
  10. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Dante watched, none too surprised as Guy made is way down the canyon wall, and then up the opposite wall. It was an impressive show, as usual, but Dante had gotten used to Guy performing above and beyond. He chuckled, watching the wonder on the faces of the Hylians. This was something that Dante used to see often, if almost every day. Shaking his head, he unslung the case from his shoulder, set it on the ground. He hated to bring his bow out where it would have a chance to get wet; being a composite bow, it did not deal well with moisture, and ran the risk of coming apart. However, the snow was a light, dry sort of snow, not heavy and wet. Crossing his fingers, hoping that his bow would be alright, he opened the leather case, slid the bow out gingerly.

    Holding up the bow, stringing it one swift motion, he pulled on the cord, testing its tension. Satisfied by it, he grabbed the arrow, walked closer to the edge of the gorge. He let out a heavy sigh. With the conflicting winds, he wasn't sure how far he would be able to shoot the arrow, or even make it to the other side. Still, he had to try. Placing his left foot forward, he balanced his weight between his too legs, spreading them about shoulders length. He raised the bow up, knocked the arrow. As he lowered the bow, he pulled back on the string at the same time. "Farore, guide my hand..." He whispered quietly to himself. Memories flooded his mind, memories of a time when the wind had been an ally, had parted at his command. His left arm was shaking now, with the strain as he kept the arrow knocked to the bow. He squinted, and in a heartbeat it seemed as if everything had stopped.

    I am the arrow, swift as the wind, indomitable as nature itself. Nothing will stand in my way. Unbidden words came to his mind, like an incantation. Green energy surged forth in tendrils from his right hand, strangling the well crafted arrow. Dante's eyes snapped open wide, letting the arrow fly. It whistled by his face, nearly left its mark. But without even looking, Dante knew that the arrow flew true. It pierced through the wind, the blasting gusts insignificant to the arrow's flight. The shaft fell right at Guy's feet. With a smile, he unstrung his bow and returned it to its case, then slung it back over his shoulder.
  11. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    With the arrow shot across successfully, Guy took a moment to snatch it up, and dragged both it and the length of the rope trailing behind it towards a nearby tree. He selected one with a wide and sturdy trunk, then began encircling ithe rope several times around the base until it was completely taut--as tight as he could get it. He then tied the end in place, and kept the end of the rope securely in his grip. With a hand still firmly grappling the rope, and a foot pushed against the trunk just to keep it even more secure, he motioned a beckoning wave towards the others, signaling them to cross.
  12. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    "Victus, allow me to go first. That way, I can show the refugees the proper way of crossing over, as well as help people down." Dante asked the other scrub. "We will want that spell on every person here, if you can, in order to safeguard people against falling. However, for so many people... That may be difficult. If we have to, we should get the children and elderly safely across first." Dante pondered, looking over the refugees. Though there were a few that were wounded, or sickly, it didn't seem like any would be completely unable to cross over. If they had anyone that couldn't... well, Dante wasn't sure what they would be able to do for them. He let out a sigh, hoping everything went off without a hitch. As he walked towards the rope, he felt the magical energies wash over him. Muttering his thanks to Victus, Dante turned around, so that his back was facing the gorge.

    "Listen up!" He yelled out, his voice surprisingly loud for such a tiny body. "I'm going to demonstrate how you will want to make your way across this here rope." Dante took the spear Guy had handed to him, placed it on top of the rope, and grasped the side to the left of the rope with one hand, and the right side with the other hand. "You will use your hands to hold this rope, or some other sturdy instrument, like a belt strap. Next, you will bring your legs up to the rope." Dante pulled his body up, wrapped his legs around the rope. "Finally, you will shimmy across slowly. Do not look behind you. Take only what you need." With that, Dante was off, wiggling his way across the rope and to the other side.

    Though it was cold, Dante was sweating, more out of nervousness than anything. Of everyone, he was the one taking the greatest risk, because he was testing the rope's integrity. Dante grunted, decidedly ignoring his fears of falling from the rope, though the spell would keep him from falling to his doom. Before he knew it, the trip was over, and he was hovering over the ground on the other side. He let himself down, wiped his face of the moisture that had formed. Dante looked at Guy, shook his head, then made a feeble attempt at a grin. "Why do we do it, huh?"
  13. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    "I suppose because otherwise... we'd probably be bums in some city with a worthless job and a boring life." He chuckled softly at the absurdity of going back to that line of work, "Like waiter or something. We would probably fantasize about doing things like this, or write about it to each other over some sort of high-speed postage system..."

    Upon uttering that thought, Guy shuddered. It was partially because of an eerie feeling, but mostly because he had forgotten to re-secure the blanket around his shoulders upon reaching the other side, which he promptly did. After that, he snatched back his spear from Dante--giving a slight nod in gratitude--and shoved the butt of it into the ground, freeing up his hands to continue holding the rope.

    In short order, the first Hylian man came across--a spry little brat with a flute. After him came a middle-aged woman, presumably his mother. They seemed to be doing it one-by-one, women-and-children first. That's what you would expect from Hylians, or so Guy mused. He imagined Victus would be taking up the rear; they would be better off with at least one half-competent warrior on that side, after all, should a monster pop up again.
  14. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Dante stood close to the edge of the cliff, helping people down as they dropped their legs down and to solid ground. "I suppose you're right." Dante said with a grunt, making sure the Hylian child made it to the ground without event. The child giggled, ran off behind the tree. "At this point, I can't remember anymore, what life was like when I had been retired. It was quiet. But it was empty, too. Maybe I was deluding myself that entire time." Dante shrugged, waited for another Hylian to cross the rope. It seemed that things were going well. "I suppose people like you and I were never meant to settle down." Dante sighed. Though he enjoyed leading a life of adventure, it was kind of sad, too.

    "Hey, so, what are we going to do about the horse, anyways? I don't think it would be all that great, when it comes to crossing our rope." Dante snorted, looking at the chestnut mare that was milling around on the other side. The boy with the flute giggled, hoped down from where he was perched on the tree. He walked up to Dante, began to whisper in his ear. "Really!" Dante laughed out, listening carefully to the boy's words. The small boy began to play on his flute, soft, sweet music flowing from his instrument. A large gust of wind buffeted against Dante, flew past him. Miraculously, the wind didn't seem to affect the rope. The wind, instead, hit the horse, lifted into the air, began to drag it towards their side of the gorge. The horse's eyes widened in fear, its arms and legs flailing like wet noodles. Then it looked down. It seemed that the magical wind might drop the horse, as the boy's song faltered from distraction by the increased thrashing of the horse. But, the horse made it safely across, its hooves stopping their movement when they hit the ground. The horse trotted over next to Guy, and sat down.
  15. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    Guy blankly stared in awe for a few moments at the lad and his flute. He had chased a monstrous bird cloaked in evil shadows across the sea on a boat of his own design, hover-skated around an arena to the point that the force of his speed made him run on the walls, and had simultaneously rode and killed a sandworm big enough to eat a Darknut in a single gulp... and upon reflecting such things, he came to realize the boy's little trick really wasn't as impressive as he for some reason first seemed to believe.

    Regardless, "Dante. My hands are busy," obviously holding the rope, "I demand you learn the song from that kid and teach it to me someday." His tone was dead-serious, as much as one could ever expect.

    With his command made clear, Guy turned towards the horse. It seemed pretty abused and run-down, as if it had been in the hands of some barbaric and sadistic monster. "...What have those Hylians been doing to this poor fellow?!" Even he couldn't help but exclaim the words. Though he accidentally frightened it, the Scrub's free hand reached out to gently appease the creature. He was never terribly good with animals, but still knew the basics of letting the animal examine your hand before stroking it.
  16. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    "I stole it from a moblin, actually. You should have seen it then. He looks much better now." Dante watched as Guy made an effort to comfort the horse. Strange, that Guy was show compassion to something usually considered to be a work animal. But, in retrospect, it was odd that Dante thought that way. It seemed he had forgotten that Guy had a compassionate side, though it wasn't something he displayed often. He laughed at himself quietly. "You should give him a name. He seems to like you." The horse nuzzled Guy's hand, sniffing the the Deku. "There are some apples in the side pouch on that horse, there. He likes them a lot." Dante helped an elderly woman off the rope, who had made it across surprisingly well. Dante felt relieved, if a little bit sheepish for the thought, that these Hylians were malnutritioned. He wasn't sure if someone that was overweight would have been able to make it across. As it were, all the Hylians were terribly skinny.

    Seeing now that there were only the adults left on the other side, excluding the elderly or the sick, Dante judged that his job was done. He figured that they would no longer need his help. As such, he walked over to the tiny boy, taking off his celestial harp. He began to pluck a few notes, and every so often a sour note would come out, but the Hylian boy would quickly correct him with a note from his flute. "Yeah, I'll teach this to you when I get the chance, Guy." Dante yelled over. The Hylians were making quite a ruckus on their side. Dante supposed it was the trauma of crossing the gorge, or some other similar reason.
  17. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    Victus helped another person onto the rope when the others started to make a ruckus. At first he thought it was their reaction to the boy summoning the horse across the gorge, which had been surprising but not the craziest thing Victus had ever seen. Grabbing his hammer off the ground, he pushed his way through the group.

    "What's going on?" he asked curiously, looking around. The area was empty, but the Hylians swore they heard something. "It's either a small animal or your imagination," Victus told them calmly, resting the head of his hammer on the ground. "But if it will make you feel better, I'll keep watch, just continue climbing across the gorge."

    With the Hylians calmed and back to climbing across, he started looking around, keeping an eye and ear open to his surroundings. While he didn't think it would be anything, you could never afford to dismiss anything in a potentially dangerous situation. Praying to the Goddesses that it was nothing, he was still ready for combat should danger arrive.
  18. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    "Gordon," Guy whipped back. "Gordon is the greatest name for a horse," especially his horse, he silently added. Indeed, it seemed this horse belonged to no one as of yet. If it belonged to Dante, he would have said 'my horse,' not 'that horse.' Clearly it didn't belong to any of the Hylians, either. Actually, it almost seemed like they were avoiding it for some reason--perhaps it reeked of Moblin? Guy could only imagine the stench one of those things must be able to produce. He himself didn't have a particularly acute sense of smell, being a Deku Scrub and all. Surely Dante wouldn't have noticed it either... which would have explained why he was the only one leading it.

    With his wooden hand still reaching up to stroke the creature's face, Guy pondered upon the horse, and how exactly he would convince Dante to give it to him, or how he would even take care of the thing. Of all his past lives, not even one specialized in any form of animal husbandry. As he thought, his comrade's mention of the apples brought his attention back out of his mind, and his hands away from the rope.

    Just while he raised to his toes and reached into the sack at the creature's side, however, an obnoxious little red-headed Hylian brat came up to his side and stared at him. Surely, he mused, this was some pathetic attempt at being cute--this must be how Hylians beg, or something. He had seen canines do it before, and assumed the two of them must share such a trait, both being mammalian. At first he wanted to just smack her, or at least give a rude word to send her off, but soon realized she was skin and bones--as was the small group lining up behind her. With a scoff of complete annoyance, Guy dragged the sack off his newfound steed and slung it at the little girl, promptly knocking her over with its weight. They needed it more than Gordon. After all, they had no future. Gordon, by contrast, has a glorious future as well-fed, well-trained warhorse.

    With that taken care of, Guy's hands returned to the rope. With grumpy disgruntlement, he wondered just how many Hylians could be left over on the other end. He wanted to scream for Victus to hurry up, but then immediately realized his voice would not carry through the howling wind anyway.
  19. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    "Uh. Okay. Sure, yeah, I guess Gordon is a pretty good name for a horse." Dante gave Guy a strange look. Guy was acting awfully strange. And Dante didn't miss the glimmer in Guy's eyes, the sparkle that meant that he really wanted something. Judging from the way he was lustily looking at the horse, Dante figured that he wanted Gordon, and badly. He always got the same look whenever rupees were involved. Dante covered his mouth to stifle a laugh. He was going to let Guy stew things over, for it seemed that he wasn't entirely sure what to do with the horse. I'll let him wonder about it. Dante tossed his head from side to side, shaking it at Guy's antics. His comrade never ceased to amuse him.

    By this time, Dante had already gotten the notes of the song, apparently named Epona's Song, memorized. He couldn't help but wonder what an Epona was. Sounded like some, old lady-hermit's name or something. Or is it a hermetta? He wondered to himself, scratching the side of his head. He was just about to ask Guy, or a nearby Hylian the same question, until he realized that the ruckus was only getting louder. Looking around, the small Deku could only wonder what was going on; they were surrounded by much taller folk, and Dante felt like a bush among trees. "Blasted Hylians, and their long legs..." He gripped quietly, making sure no one heard him. Climbing on top of a Hylian, without so much as a first date before clamoring over a woman's ample bosom, Dante perched atop a Hylian's head and shoulders. The unfortunate Hylian woman could not move, due to the crowd around her, and as such had to suffer Dante's antics. Luckily, he wasn't terribly heavy. He looked around, saw Victus, but nothing out of the ordinary.

    By then, all of the Hylians had made it across without event, and now only Victus was left. Still, something seemed odd. Hurry up, Victus! Dante was beginning to get antsy. Something was wrong, and it seemed that only the Hylian's good senses were able to pick it up.

    (I don't actually know what's up. Someone feel free to add whatever in. CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE :tpr: )
  20. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    Victus continued to watch as the Hylians continued to cross. The group was thinning out on his side, and it looked like almost everyone was across. As he waited for the last to cross, he prepared to cross himself, but as he moved to turn away he heard the sudden screams from the Hylians across the gorge, and turned his head in time to see an arrow flying right at him. Waving his left hand deftly infront of him, the arrow smashed into a clear, near-invisible blue aura which likewise shattered as the arrow deflected off.

    Thanking Nayru, he quickly dove to the side behind a fair-sized rock to avoid more arrow fire as he glanced out from behind the rock. Three Moblins came running up the path, but Victus set his sights on what ran ahead of them. Four Stalfos, hard to see among the snowy backdrop of the mountain, but he could see their rusted armor and weapons in hand.

    "Get them away from here!" Victus called out to the other two Deku, hoping they could hear him. He waved his arm to make sure they got the point, they firmly grabbed hold of his hammer, Nayru's Wrath. He would try to at least slow them down for the group before crossing, thinking at the least that Dante could cover him with his expert and skilled marksmanship.

    "May Nayru watch over me, may Din lend me strength, and let Farore guide my hand."
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