Luna Blaise

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Queen Marceline, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. Queen Marceline

    Queen Marceline New Member new

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    Name: Luna Blaise

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Race: (Northern) Hylian

    Place of Origin: Hyrule Castle Town (Northern Civilian)

    PWC: 1/5/1

    Treasures: Shell Transfer
    Potion of tongues
    Straight Shooting

    Height: 5' 4"

    Weight: 120 lbs

    Equipment: Luna has a simple bow and quiver passed down from her family. Engraved in it is the seal of Hyrule and old markings. She also has a gold and silver dagger that she keeps on her at all times.

    Appearance:Luna is a small, tan skinned woman with olive green eyes. She has straight onyx black hair, usually held in a loose bun. She is rather short and has skinny legs. She isn't very skilled combat and she has almost no muscle mass. Luna usually wears old baggy pants held up by a weathered brown belt with a small pouch and a dagger holster on it's sides. She always wears scuffed black boots with copper buckles and a white shirt. She also has a small scar underneath her left eye from an accident when she was a child. Luna is a loner and often strays away from large crowds. On cold nights, she wears a thick black cloak that swaddles around her body.

    Personality: Luna is a loner and a bookworm. She spends her days with her pet bird Leo, and studying ancient spell books and mythology. Despite how fragile she looks, she is rather rather feisty and will defend herself if necessary, though she prefers not to.

    Residence: Residential District of Castle Town.

    Pet: Leo, a black bird that Luna has had ever since childhood. She found him with a broken wing and cared for him until he was better. The two bonded and Leo has been her companion ever since then.

    Backstory: Luna Blaise was born in Hyrule Castle Town, to a middle class family. She is an only child, and was the pride and joy of her parent’s life. Luna has always been a loner, opting to spend the day in the library rather than playing games with children her age. She lived in the Residential District with her family. Luna never had many friends and was a social outcast, spending most days reading indoors.

    When Luna was six, thieves ransacked her home, earning her a distinctive scar underneath her left eye. After that, she became more reclusive and preferred not to talk to anyone but her parents and close family friends. It was evident that she was selectively mute. At age 13 Luna found Leo on the outskirts of Hyrule Castle Town, a place where she enjoyed reading peacefully. Overwhelmed by compassion, she took the bird in and raised him back to health, at which point he became her pet. From then on, Luna completely isolated herself from the world, even including her parents. She eventually became estranged with them and rarely exchanged words with them, spending her days in either the library or the outskirts of Castle Town.

    However, she would come to regret this decision, when her parents were killed by thieves on a journey to Lon Lon Ranch when she 16 years old. From then on, Luna led an even more secluded life, almost never emerging from the house her parents left behind. Nowadays, she works at a bookstore in Hyrule Castle-Town and spending her days studying spells in her free time.
  2. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

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    Awesome Queen, I love it! Your backstory is unique and interesting and its a very well put together Character. There are a couple things to fix, though, and this is mostly my fault because I know the Character Creation sheet isn't completely clear on them.

    First, is the PWC. As a Northern Hylian you start with the P/W/C of: 1/2/1. After that you can add THREE more, you've only added one so you have two more to place! You can have 1/5/1, or 1/4/2, or WHATEVER other combination you desire (those were just examples haha.)

    The other is the Treasures, and there is little to no explanation of those, so I'll try to explain them. Your bow and knife are only equipment, basic weapons that you get just because you have a character and they need some weapons! Treasures are more powerful/unique items and skills that you can give your character, these are purchased through rupees. At creation, each character gains 100 rupees that you can spend on treasures (found here: The rupee cost for these things correlates to your PWC score, so be sure to use them accordingly!

    Also, as a Hylian Northern Civilian, you gain extra rupees! First is because of your "Magic Proficiency" skill, I'll quote it for you:

    Magic Proficiency - Civilian Hylians - Due to how common a pastime it is Hylians of Castle-Town to practice magic, they've been able to pick up a few things others may not have. A Northern Hylian with 2 Wisdom will have an additional 10 special rupees to spend on any Wisdom-based treasure, alongside the regular treasures they have upon creation. A Northern Hylian with 3 Wisdom will gain an additional 20 special rupees; one with 4 Wisdom will gain an additional 35; and one with 5 Wisdom will gain an additional 50. These special Wisdom rupees can only be spent at the character's creation, and can only be used to obtain Wisdom-based treasures. If any are not used, then they will simply be wasted.

    The underlined text is what is really important here, based on what your PWC is after you've added your 2 other points will determine how many extra rupees you have to spend during creation (So now, haha.) If you end up having 5, you get the 50 extra, 4 gives you 35 extra rupees, and so on. These need to be spent now (during character creation), the other 100 you got may be spent now at creation, or saved for later.

    Now thats not it! You also get MORE rupees for being a Hylian, this is because of "Rupee Riches" which I will quote for you:

    "Rupee Riches - Civilian Hylians, Darunian Hylians - Due to their status as nobility and upper-class citizens, or due to their proficiency as thieves, these Hylians gain an additional 50 rupees at creation only. These rupees cannot be used to purchase treasures at creation, however."

    Because of this skill you get 50 more rupees that you can save for later, but cannot use during creation.

    Now I understand if this is confusing, I'll try and summarize it for you. You get 100 rupees for your new character just as everyone else does, these you can spend now. You also get the Wisdom bonus rupees, up to 50 (lets assume your wisdom is five, so your PWC would be 1/5/1) So now you have 150 rupees to spend on treasures during creation. 50 of them HAVE to be spent now, while you may save 100 of them for later if you desire. Now, after creation, your Hylian is given an extra 50 (that cannot be spent during creation.) So keep track of your left over rupees after creation!

    Now what do you do with the left over rupees? You may spend these on treasures during your role play, this is primarily done during a quest. During the role play we don't want your treasures just appearing in your inventory or skill set, we want them to be earned or found in the RP (for instance, instead of a Mirror Shield just appearing on your back, we want you to either find it or purchase it from a store etc...) Does this make sense?

    I hope I didn't confuse you, haha. If you have questions feel free to ask! Just add the 2 points to PWC and list what treasures you are purchasing and your character is ready for role playing!
  3. Queen Marceline

    Queen Marceline New Member new

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    Okey dokey. Fixed now.
  4. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    Trophy Points:
    Alright, looks good! Accepted.