Leocard Aurelius(UnnamedDude)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Chi, Aug 25, 2012.

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  1. Chi

    Chi Pre-everything insanity girl reg

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Leocard Aurelius
    Age: 22

    Gender/Sex: Male

    Height: 5’8’’
    Weight: 154 lbs
    With a lightly muscled frame and neat, short dirty blonde hair, Leocade always stands with a just slightly imperfect posture. However, as a rookie DB, he has only one notable scar, a ragged, pale line across his cheek. He sports a fair tan and wears a forest green blazer over a burgundy sweater. His legs are adorned with well-worn jeans and black boots. His blue eyes never quite lose their shine. Occasionally while on duty he’ll be seen with headphones on, listening to music. At other times they hand around his neck.

    Kind and optimistic, Leocard is unfailing polite to everyone he sees. He doesn’t see any point in being down about the state of the world, having known nothing but this, and he sees DBs as heroes. He always gives his all in his endeavors and is fiercely protective of not only his ideals, but of people he has acknowledged as friends. He also tries his best to comfort and aid people around him, but he falters at actions that require him to be tough or stern; even if it’s for someone’s own good.

    He does, however, sometimes struggle to hold onto his ideals, as he knows that things are not always simple nor easy, and he often questions if he could have done things better somehow. Still, he firmly believes that he can somehow eke out a living in this world, even if he’s not always sure how to do it. Though he does sometimes get discouraged, it’s usually not long before he gets back on his feet to try again. He’s not overly analytical and often acts before he thinks whenever someone is in trouble; this does not however translate to stupidity, per se. He can, sometimes surprisingly, grasp concepts easily enough, he just lets his haste get away with him.
    Having been born in Home 3, Leocard was as normal as things ever got after the demons emerged. Born to average, civilian parents, in a regular Home. Other than his fixation on Demon Busters, that is. He’d seen them patrolling the Home and he’d always found them fascinating. He didn’t know why. But for some reason he just always thought it was so cool to be able to be someone to look up to, to be protecting all the people inside.

    He knew nothing of the reality, of course. He knew only of his own fantasies. He’d imagine heroic struggles or Demon Busters saving lost wanderers. He’d sometimes even follow them out as far as the entrance to the wastelands beyond hoping to see them summon something. He never had any such luck. Then again, he supposed it would’ve been stupid to risk panicking everyone in Home 3 with such an action.

    As he grew older his “studies” grew more and more brazen. He’d follow them more and more closely, further and further. Occasionally even drop by the Cathedral of Shadows, despite how unwilling the people there were to help him with anything.

    Eventually, he ended up following the DBs outside… and right into the midst of a demon battle. A swarm of beings had been just outside the safety of the Home, and he was immediately beset by some of the demons. Miraculously, he survived with minimal damage, only a wound upon his cheek, thanks to the timely intervention of a Demon Buster. After that, he remembers nothing, only of awakening back in the Home.

    But he still had the injury. Later he learned that one of the Demon Busters had died protecting him, which struck him as tragic, but reinforced his notions of them as some form of heroes. It would be an insult to think otherwise, after one of them had traded their life for his. Even with this, though, the death of one of them caused him great distress.

    Perhaps out of guilt, Leocard had himself tested for the qualities necessary of a DB.

    By some quirk of fate, he had the potential.

    His training started. And with that, began his story.
    Weapon of Choice:
    • Gauntlets

    • Fool (Upright)
    • Star (Upright)
    • Tower (Reversed)
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