Leave No Man Behind [Closed]

Discussion in 'Quest Bureau' started by Idarian, May 30, 2012.

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  1. Idarian

    Idarian Imperator of Known Space reg

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    Name: Leave No Man behind

    Description: Many weeks have passed since the heavy snows fell over Northern Hyrule. While the Guard has spent much time rebuilding after it bled itself to hold the Northwatch against hordes of an icy terror, Two of the Watch's best men are still lost in the Snowhead Mountains. Most Brothers would forget them for dead, but there is yet hope. Edric is not willing to simply abandon his uncle, Sir Emrys Snow.

    However, the mountains are not safe. Just because the horrible ice storms have stopped does not mean the creatures born beneath them will have entirely vanished. Also of concern are the various group of bandits and free-men roaming the peaks and mountain passes. They are ill-disciplined and are rarely armed with proper steel as men of Hyrule are, but they are known to be very violent, especially toward the Black Brothers. These threats are to be considered, of course, assuming one does not succumb to the cold and snow first.

    Braving all of these trials, Edric would seek to find some proof of his uncle's whereabouts, or preferably Sir Emrys himself.

    Edric Snow (Idarian)

    Reward: 50 Rupees
  2. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    Looks good to me. You can start when you have the right number of people participating.
  3. Idarian

    Idarian Imperator of Known Space reg

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    I feel like, if anything is sub-par, it would be the manner in which I ended things, though, if you ask me, it isn't horrible, just maybe slightly light on the detail as to what Edric is up to next... but I figure that can be left to the next quest to inform, right?
  4. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    I see you're writing as well as always. An impressively written solo quest, and a great start to your character. This passes.
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