
Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Guy, Mar 22, 2011.

  1. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    So, I've been editing the Character Creation thread... for the past hour or so... mostly fixing minor errors, adding in most races' racial abilities, and noting the Mad Scrub and River Zora variations. Anyway, my impression is that Koroks are quite rare in Hyrule, akin in this regard to Subrosians, Skull Kids, Tokay, and (at least in perception) Picori. Their racial abilities also seem just slightly higher than average, akin in this regard to River Zora and Business Scrubs.

    So, I'm wondering, because of these factors, should Koroks be a Regular-exclusive or Veteran-exclusive race, as to opposed to a race which can be used by anyone? Who knows, maybe my fatigue and fever are making me crazy, but at the moment it kinda seems like they should be.

    Oh. Also. The Positions & Promotions thread needs to be edited for the Regular-exclusive race variations, and the Library thread needs to be edited in several ways (e.g., in that Mad Scrubs now have Scent Seeds). I'll do that later today, probably.

    EDIT: Additionally, it would be pretty boss if the Character Creation Sheet was linked to in its forum description, like the Map of Hyrule.

    EDIT2: On top of that, I assume any given character can only be in one place at any given time, like on HS? On MS, multiple quests could be done simultaneously, which was quite nice if one of them got bogged down by an inactive role-player... but I get the inclination that allowing this will not be the case here.
  2. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    Trophy Points:
    Yeah, I agree with you, they should be harder to obtain. Perhaps even a veteran race? That would mean we would have to up their PWC a tad.

    And as for the two places at once, probably not. Though I still haven't completely decided about that, we will see if the whole people not showing up becomes an issue.
  3. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    Hm, yes, I suppose by the standards defined thus far, they should be a Veteran Race. Regular-exclusive races have, so far, just been variations on the standard races. I'll edit the Character Creation Sheet accordingly.

    If simultaneous role-plays with the same character are against the rules, that should be clarified, otherwise someone may eventually try it. Also, I would suggest perhaps laying out some sort of standard etiquette for continuing a RP (or letting someone know you can't), and how/when one can be expected to leave the inactive player(s) behind.

    EDIT: I edited in Koroks as Veteran races, and also added the most fundamental of information on the other four Veteran races (name, PWC, and racials). I'll leave filling in most of the details to you, since I'm not exactly sure how you'd want them to fit into HC's lore. Oh, and a warning: the post's character count is already over 48k.