
Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Spirit Adept, Jul 11, 2011.

  1. Spirit Adept

    Spirit Adept New Member reg

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    Name: Kamalya

    Age: 21

    Gender: Female

    Race: Gerudo

    Place of Origin: Fortress of Thieves

    PWC: 3/2/2

    Treasures: Roc's Feather, Straight Shooting, Cheval's Rope, Cross

    Height: 5' 10”

    Weight: 160 lbs

    Equipment: Quarterstaff, Two short sticks, Bow, Quiver, Dagger

    Appearance: Three words come to mind immediately upon seeing Kamalya: earthly, humble, and Gerudo. Nothing about her looks to be extravagant or excessive, from her clothing to her physical appearance. To most people she would appear to be just like any other Gerudo, if slightly poor. It's only her sisters that know Kamalya is a priestess in training. Rather then fighting alongside the other Gerudo within the Fortress of Thieves during raids and sharing in the wealth, she stays behind to study and learn about the three goddesses.

    Kamalya's fiery red hair is kept short to make caring for it easier and a simple copper diadem with a small amber jewel in it is used to keep her bangs back. She has sharp looking grey eyes that look to be filled with wild courage and discipline. Her body is appropriately tan and muscular though, studying not being an excuse to not train like the rest of her sisters. While being of average height and weight, she is a bit less curvaceous then most other Gerudo. It's an attribute others are quick to blame on her lack of time in combat.

    Kamalya's clothing has little flair to it and covers much more skin then the usual Gerudo outfit does. Her pants are loose fitting without being puffy and her traditional breastwrap is covered very modestly by a vest which comes does to right above her navel. The entire outfit is the same golden shade as a sunset in the evening and has traditional Gerudo symbols around the edges. Beyond some sandals which are tied to her ankle, Kamalya wears nothing else. No jewelry, no tattoos, no vanity items.

    Residence: Fortress of Thieves

    Pet: None

    Backstory: Kamalya came into being the same way many other Gerudo do, as the result of the kidnapping of some unlucky guy from Rauru. At first she seemed like any other child, full of energy and lusting for a good fight. As time went on though, her interest in warfare waned slightly and instead it was turned to the many stories of the goddesses the Gerudo taught their children and the divine laws of the world. Even thieves have a place and a need for religion in their society, so Kamalya was taught to read and began to study to become a priestess to her people. Of the many elements that make up the world, Kamalya decided to focus on spirit. She felt it was the most appropriate one for the Gerudo whose determination and unwavering will allows them to conquer even the most ferocious lands.

    When Kamalya was six years old, Ganon's forces of darkness forced the Hylian towns of Ruto and Rauru to abandon their homes and seek safety within the fortress. It was a minor nuisance for the most part, now that it was harder to find a quiet spot to study and room for her own personal training and exercise, but she didn't let it get to her though. What did prove to be an unavoidable distraction though was the fact that among the refugees was her father who brought with him his wife and their daughter. The Hylian family was very curious about how the daughter they never raised was growing up. Although the questions and push to be together was annoying at first, Kamalya grew to accept them for what they were. Especially her half sister, whom she ended up in the care of the Gerudo while her parents fought for the fortress. Over the years they formed a strong friendship with each other as they trained and learned together.

    While Kamalya learned how to use scimitars just like any true Gerudo woman, she found that she had much more of an affinity for the quaterstaff and short sticks. She possessed a rare talent for magic among the Gerudo and although it was never quite strong or tame enough for spellcasting, Kamalya became rather apt with channeling her spiritual energy through her weapons. The combination of talents allowed her to hold her own against any of her more traditional sisters, allowing her to maintain most of her pride and respect as a warrior even if she saw very little time on the battlefield. Kamalya also honed her archery talents and became one of the better archers amongst her peers.

    By the time the Hylian refugees were able to push Ganon's forces back and reclaim Rauru, Kamalya was quickly approaching the time for when she would set out to become a priestess of spirit. Her goal was to visit Spirit Shrines that were scattered throughout the world, pass their trials, and ascend to priestesshood. At her side would be her half sister, who was as well trained as any other Gerudo they grew up with. Her parents had given their blessings for her to take part in Kamalya's journey, they themselves fighting hard to secure the land from Ganon's forces. The day after Kamalya's twenty first birthday, the two of them set out in search of the first Spirit Shrine. Their only clue of its location being a roughly translated map drawn from description found in an old book. Neither knew what trials awaited them or even just how many shrines they would need to visit. They had faith that the goddesses would guide them in this endeavor, and that the spirit within them would give them all the strength they needed to continue on their path.

    Personality: While Kamalya would appear to be a quiet and reserved person among her own people, to others she would be more likely described as stubborn and mule headed. Kamalya is a firm believer in the Gerudo way of life and values her pride and honor more then most other things in life, save perhaps her sisters. She will not bend to the expectations of other cultures, Kamalya is determined to live life the way the goddesses intend the Gerudo to do. Even if it means rubbing everyone else the wrong way.

    Unlike other Gerudo though, Kamalya tends to be more restrained with her emotions. She has a long fuse on her temper compared to her sisters and is far more open to taking the time to think things through before lashing out and striking wildly. This is mostly due to her belief in the element of spirit, feeling that she doesn't need rage and anger to get things done. Sheer determination is all that she'll ever need to make things happen.

    Deep down Kamalya has a bit of a sore spot regarding her lack of combat experience. Time spent learning was time she couldn't spend out on the battlefield defending her home. While there is still honor in becoming a priestess, Kamalya sometimes feels that she's less of a Gerudo because of her lack of battles. At times this can make her feel reluctant to start a fight out of fear of being weak (although it's not something she'd ever admit.) Other times however, Kamalya can be a bit rash in jumping into combat, feeling that the fight might be an easy way to make herself feel better about herself.

    Rupees 10
  2. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Glad to see that your age is in keeping with the backstory/history of the site. Some people would miss that :V Anyways, everything checks out here, so I'm calling this approved.