Johnny Reckenrall - Unlikely Prodigy

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Tsubori, May 17, 2012.

  1. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Johnny Reckenrall
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Race: Hylian
    Place of Origin: Hyrule Castle town slums
    PWC: 2/5/2

    Rupee riches 
    Magic proficiency

    Actor's illusion 45
    Lens of truth 11
    Sun song 40
    Song of healing 40

    Total 136 spent
    64 remaining

    Height: 6 feet and 2 inches tall.
    Weight: 143 pounds
    Equipment: Johnny carries around naught but the clothes upon him, a lighter designed to look like a seed shooter, a few packs of cigarettes, and a simple metal calligraphy pen, outlining both a surprising amount of sophistication, and a subtle brutality in how he uses it as his only weapon.

    Personality: "Some people believe themselves better than others, and that with this superiority, blessings and exceptions are made. That simply because it's declared, the worth of all around the person wane and fade into oblivion where they're forced to worship the ground of a so-called 'Icon'. Those people? Impostors. By declaring superiority, they prove their own arrogance, making them dirt beneath the feet of a million moblins. 

    They aren't me. Am I superior? Maybe... Maybe... Most people who get close to me certainly believe so, but I'm just a self destructive ne'er-do-well who the world itself has it's regrets for spitting out. A punk. Hoodlum. Asshole. There's very little that's been said good of me, except by those who know. To them I'm a genius. Some prodigal mastermind who was destined for better than what I have. 

    But no... Destiny is for those either too lazy to seize greatness or those too modest to admit their work for it. What point is anything if it's offered? 

    Enough on that though... What do I like? The venom in my veins, a life of fun, and complete and utter blindness in what tomorrow brings and yesterday leaves. There's little I won't try, a whole rainbow of pretty substance floating around in my blood. And with this substance comes the spectrum of emotion. Bliss, anguish, depression, both fear for and welcoming of a slow, painful death? Felt it all... Though despite all this, it's what keeps me sane, or insane, whichever one is preferable for me in the moment. 

    Speaking of 'in the moment', this is where I live. Not in Hyrule, but in the moment. Yesterday leaves foggy memories, banished to an eternity of haze and smoke, with not a single regret for anything done ever in my existence. And the future? The future is impossible to see, and as they say, out of sight, out of mind. My actions today effect tomorrow, but why change now for a future 'now'? Either way, the new 'now' doesn't matter until it happens, at which point, it's the moment. 

    Now, as for fun... Spontaneity is the purpose of my life. If someone has guessed what I would do, there's no purpose in it. Parties, especially those that are unknown past the night of, are probably the thing I love the most. No matter what's happened, good or bad, to guess is futile. I take just as much pleasure in thinking the night was horrible as I do in thinking it went off without an issue. 

    I may speak in circles, but those with a keen ear, mind, and heart will pull out the meanings in my words, realizing to themselves that while I may not be superior.... Neither are you."
    Appearance: Johnny is a scumbag to those who see him, dark circles heavy under his eyes, thin features, giving him the look of someone who'll slit you without a second thought. Very short, thin, brown hair raises from his head, with matching, unorganized stubble, even more adding to his lousy appearance. Though Johnny is a pretty skinny guy, he does still have a good body in terms of muscle. With a six pack and rather toned muscles, mainly due to the hard edge life he lives. Adorning his torso are many tattoos, some of which Johnny isn't even aware he has. One tat in particular is one he made himself. It reads in glorious decorative lettering across his chest, "Victoria", which is his mother's name. He etched this into his skin himself using his calligraphy pen. He often wears this exact pen over his ear.

    When he isn't barefoot, he wears very basic, worn shoes, decayed from all the places Johnny's been that he doesn't remember.

    For clothes, if anything for a shirt, he wears a white sleeveless shirt. He often goes without a shirt, though he has been known to occasionally put on a dress shirt over it, especially when around his younger-sister figure, Kirota. More on her later.

    Around his waist, there sit a pair of loose fitting denim jeans, baggy in all aspects. Over his eyes often lie his glasses, looking like purple lens aviators with golden frames. Unbeknownst to most, these are actually lenses of truth.

    Residence: A dank abandoned house is where Johnny resides. Almost every part of it is unlivable, but one room has a couch, many mirrors scattered about, chairs all over, and a worn dining table with an absurd amount of drug residue all over it. The second anyone walks into the place, they know exactly what it's used for, and often leave just as quickly.

    The one thing worth anything in the house is a painting with a beautiful frame, yet he has it facing backwards, nailed to the wall so the picture itself may not be seen. He hasn't even seen it.
    Backstory: Johnny grew up without a father, as the unknown man walked out on his mother prior to the child's birth. His mom, Victoria, then had to raise Johnny on her own. It went pretty well, though the boy was always up to some mischief or another. Things became difficult when Victoria married a man named Jeklan Serylah. He too, had a child, a girl approximately Johnny's age named Kirota. She was very nice, and she liked to paint, though she still did enjoy spending time with Johnny. 

    The mischievousness of the boy wouldn't be satiated though... His harmless pranks became major annoyances, and from there it escalated until he was commuting full blown crimes for fun. This gradually pushed Victoria into a drug addiction, the pain of seeing her son brought home by guards daily becoming too much.

    Kirota had always tried to talk Johnny down from his crimes, but never turned out successful. All that would ever happen was that she would voice her concern, and Johnny would simply tell her "If I don't, who'll keep things exciting?" before giving his step sister a kiss on the forehead and going off on his way. 

    Jeklan had never liked Johnny, and he never hid it either. He constantly declared the boy "Destructive poison" and never did anything for him, despite his mom's efforts to get the two to like eachother. Little did Johnny know at the time that Jeklan was actually a powerful gang leader.

    After almost a year and a half, Johnny's wild antics brought on more than trouble. They'd brought Victoria a hot bath, a cold, sharp razor, and unfortunate desperations. Johnny's mother had died, leaving Jeklan with full ownership of the young boy. He revealed his identity, forcing Johnny to realize the mistakes he'd made in pissing him off.  

    Before her death, Victoria had made her husband promise her that if anything should happen, he'd take care of Johnny. He would keep his word to his now-ex wife. Less than a week after Victoria's funeral, Jeklan made Johnny get up and pack his things. The boy of ten years had been put into a three-quarter school term at a prestigious academy.

    The place was certainly nice, and the journey was about five hours away, so Jeklan sent his right hand man Chase with Johnny, and the two actually hit it off pretty well. Chase wasn't judgmental and actually appreciated the skills required to pull off some of the things he did. By the time they got to the academy, Johnny was calling the man 'Uncle Chase'. 

    Shockingly, Johnny found most of the material they were learning very interesting and this was where Johnny learned that once he'd learned something, he never forgot. He was without a shadow of a doubt still up to his old tricks, but now he was careful bit to get caught, lest he be kicked out of the school and sent back to his boring step father. 

    Once the term was up, at the top of his class, Johnny was picked up by uncle Chase to be brought home. He was certainly happy to see Kirota again, and while the two hung out, Johnny started hanging around someone he'd gone to school with that lived in his area. The boy's name was Peter, and he was a straight edge kid who found much joy in seeing Johnny do things and listening to his wisdom 

    But like all summer breaks, he eventually returned to the academy. Things went similarly for the next five years, with every year him picking up more bad habits. Smoking, drinking, other drugs, he added to his flaws, but every year finished at the top of his classes. When he was sixteen, he was done. He graduated with honors, and he and Pete had easily become best friends. 

    Uncle Chase picked Johnny up, escorting him home where Jeklan used the fact that the boy was sixteen and kicked him out of the house. Any time before that and it'd be illegal. 

    In truth, Johnny didn't mind. He still kept contact with Kirota and Chase, both still liking the guy. His habits developed worse, and his night life began taking ultimate precedence. He and Pete hung out almost every day, most times spending less than two hours apart and more often than not over 24 hours hanging out. 

    Johnny's life descended into what it is now, though he often managed to straighten out for if he was ever going to meet Kirota. For his 20th birthday, the usual people have him presents. Chase gave him a custom lighter that looked like a seed shooter, and a pair of glasses that were made of lenses of truth. Johnny was thankful, but this present paled in comparison to Kirota's. 

    It was a painting, though it was wrapped up. She told him not to open it until he was home, the.n hang it on the wall backwards a d never look at it. He did just that, and he was the happiest he'd been in a while. Kirota knew him so well... It was the best present he'd ever been given. 

    In his down time, Johnny practiced calligraphy, something he'd picked up back in the academy. This was a tribute to his own sophistication despite appearances. With his shadow in tow, Johnny and Pete rule the nightlife in Hyrule castle town.
  2. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Tsu, Handheld Illusion has a prerequisite of 3 Courage. Reconfigure your treasures, and respond to this when you're ready.
  3. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

    Trophy Points:
  4. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Tsu, you mixed your weight with rupee count XD Your accumulated rupees spent totals at 136r, leaving you with 14 rupees left over. 64r for your first thread, counting in Rupee Riches.

    Lots of Picky Stuff (open)
    "There's very little that's been said good of me, except by those who know. To them I'm a genius."
    - Just put in a "me" after "know."

    "With a six pack and rather toned muscles, mainly due to the hard edge life he lives."
    - This is a fragment.

    "[...]escalated until he was commuting full blown crimes for fun."
    - Committing, Tsu. Commuting is like going from home to work in the morning.

    "Kirota had always tried to talk Johnny down from his crimes, but never turned out successful."
    - Grammatical error, in that last clause. Maybe something like "but she was never successful."

    "Shockingly, Johnny found most of the material they were learning very interesting and this was where Johnny learned that once he'd learned something, he never forgot. He was without a shadow of a doubt still up to his old tricks, but now he was careful bit to get caught, lest he be kicked out of the school and sent back to his boring step father. "
    - Comma between "interesting" and "and," noun after "forgot," and revise "but now he was careful bit to get caught."

    "The boy's name was Peter, and he was a straight edge kid who found much joy in seeing Johnny do things and listening to his wisdom"
    - Period after "wisdom."

    "Little did Johnny know at the time that Jeklan was actually a powerful gang leader."
    - This feels forced into its paragraph, like it was just thrown in. Maybe put in buildup, or even give the subject its own paragraph.

    "Any time before that and it'd be illegal."
    - "It would have been," or any variation thereof.

    "He still kept contact with Kirota and Chase, both still liking the guy."
    - When did Kirota meet Chase? And, why would that be relevant to his keeping contact with him? :U

    "[...]though he often managed to straighten out for if he was ever going to meet Kirota."
    - This is confusing.

    "[...]the usual people have him presents."
    - XD

    "It was a painting, though it was wrapped up."
    - It's a present, why wouldn't it be wrapped up?

    "She told him not to open it until he was home, the.n hang it on the wall backwards a d never look at it."
    - Please fix this sentence.

    "Kirota knew him so well... It was the best present he'd ever been given."
    - Why? We're not told.

    "With his shadow in tow, Johnny and Pete rule the nightlife in Hyrule castle town."
    - His shadow? What? If you mean Pete, then you wouldn't say Pete right afterwards.

    "In his down time, Johnny practiced calligraphy, something he'd picked up back in the academy.
    - If you're using the present for the 'after the backstory' stuff, shouldn't that be "Johnny practices?"

    "This was a tribute to his own sophistication despite appearances."
    - Again, tense. Also, "despite appearances" needs a few more words added on.

    I'm only holding out because of the rupee count, Tsu. Just fix that, state how many rupees you have left for your first RP, and reply. I'll approve it, if there aren't any more mistakes. What you do with the spoiler tag above is up to you, really. It's not going to prevent me from passing this thread.
  5. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

    Trophy Points:
    Edited, though I didn't do the spoilered edits. I'll probably do those later, but for now I'm in a pretty lousy mood and really not up for it for now.
  6. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    That's all right. Like I said, you don't really need to follow any of that stuff. They're all just suggestions, really. And, I'm sorry that you're not feeling well. :cry:

    Well, everything checks out. Have fun!