It Takes A Thief [Closed]

Discussion in 'Quest Bureau' started by Magnere, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

    Trophy Points:
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    Name: It Takes A Thief

    Description: Cudra has heard rumors of a thief that has a tendency to give out hints and tips to newer thieves. So, following these random hints and rumors, she runs into the thief, who is in fact, Opal. Opal decides to take Cudra on a test run, to test her abilities as a thief. The Leonard family has recently got a large shipment of jewels, so Opal decides they need to lighten their load.

    Magnere as Opal Simmons
    Lux as Cudra Wolf

    Opal: Mind Sight (-20r) + Sight Mind augment (-20r) + Lingering Sight augment (-10r)
    Cudra: Shadow Invisibility (-35r) + 15 Rupees