Internet Avatars

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Chaos James, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

    Trophy Points:
    3DS Friend Code:
    Name: CJ
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human

    Genhitto - A special blade that allows the weilder to always gain the first hit in battle.
    Oath - A sword gifted with the ability to reguvinate the weilder during rest.
    Gaiablade - A powerful blade blessed with Earth and Gravity magic, it can not be touched by any but a chosen few without terrible injury and having the blade weigh more then mountains.

    Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound- Watches the caster's back and alerts the caster of incoming attacks.
    Hyperion Barrage- Fires a wide array of light-based energy from the caster's hand.
    Weapon Conjuration- The caster can conjure any of their weapons by will alone.
    Bio-Electricity- Using the movement of the body, the user can generate electricity which can then be used as seen fit.
    Dirge of Death- A powerful radius blast infused with the user's will.
    Final Judgement- When the user has defeated his opponent, he tosses his sword into the air, which spins upwards, then comes down point first between himself and his foe. The blade will then fall, if the handle falls towards the foe, then the gods have deemed that person good and does not need to be killed. If the hilt falls to the user, then it shows that person has been judged to death, which the user follows by engulfing his sword in golden flame before plunging it into the foe, sending their entire being into the Plane of Imprisonment.
    Nexus Access- The User has entered the Nexus and has the ability to use it to travel time.
    Paladin- The User is a Paladin.
    Will Manipulation- The User is capable of using the Will and the Word.

    *NOTE: Awesomeness subject to change without warning*
  2. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Guy
    Gender: Guy
    Race: Guy

    Fists and sigmas.

    All of them.

  3. Ultra5

    Ultra5 Top hat Goomy reg

    Trophy Points:
    3DS Friend Code:
    Name: Ultra5
    Gender: Male
    Race: Protoss

    -Weapons/Offensive Abilities-
    -Psi blades mounted one per arm
    -Psi blast--a blast of Psionic energy is launched at a single foe dealing moderate psi damage
    -Psi Storm--a storm of raw psychic energy that is sent out by psychic "ripples" that are disruptive to other lifeforms. Does high psi damage to anyone inside attack radius including caster.

    -Defensive/Manipulative Abilities-
    -Passive mind reading and telepathy--known to all Protoss
    -Cloak--Using Psionic power the user renders themselves invisible to all. This affect lasts as long as the user can focus on keeping themselves cloaked.
    -Mind control--through an immense expenditure of energy the user is able to project a portion of their psychic essence into their target's being, gaining control over its actions and access to its memories.
    -Hallucination--user creates psionic illusory duplicates of other beings/vehicles, courtesy of psionic power. The duplicates look the same as the original, but don't act the same or have any physical substance.
    -Personal shield--using Psionic power regulated through the armor of a Protoss, any Protoss can create a shiled that absorbs incoming damage with no affect on the Protoss' body.

    -Protoss Carrier named Victory that serves as a flagship.
    -Executor--a title noting his rank in the Protoss military