Impa Reconstruction Escort! [Closed]

Discussion in 'Quest Bureau' started by Eevachu, Apr 18, 2011.

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  1. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    Name: Impa Reconstruction Escort!

    Description: After Rika and Wollo assisted Boris in collecting herbs, the two wonder where to go next. The two meet a person who would like to get to Impa and help in construction. However, the trip can be a little dangerous, and he isn't very skilled in battle. He asks Rika to come with him, and in exchange will give him a magic spell book. What will happen on this quest? Who knows.

    Players/Characters: Eevachu; Rika

    Reward: Aqua Grenade

    `Aqua Grenade
    Original:Eevachu, Spell - Offense
    [Explosive], [Force], [Projectile], [RC], [Water]

    W5: 50
    W4: 66
    W3: 100
    W2: 133

    Prerequisite to acquire & use: Wisdom 2

    The user creates a small orb of clear water in their palm, about the size of a baseball. It can then be fired, similar to the "Fire" spell, or thrown, like a ball. Upon contact with something of a moderate force strong enough to puncture the bubble, the ball of water will explode, sending the water flying out within five feet with the water similar to as if shrapnel was being unleashed. Water will fly farther then 5 feet, but strangely after 5 feet it simply feels like a light drizzle. The pressure of the bomb is also powerful, and akin to that of a normal bomb within the five foot radius. Of course, the user's hand will not pop the bubble unless intentional, but it may pop while in the user's hand, and the user is effected by all hits. It can only be used once a minute, as further uses can backfire and cause duds, or cause it to explode upon creation. Only one may be out at a time.

    If the user has a Wisdom of at least 4: The user may now telepathically make it explode instead.
  2. Celsius

    Celsius Celest reg

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    Looks ok to me. But i want Guy's opinion on the skill before accepting. lD *even if i think it sounds ok to me*
  3. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    The spell looks fine to me. If anything, I would merely lower it's rupee costs to 50/66/100/133 and add the RC field.
  4. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    I took Guy's suggestion. I didn't think of RC before but I can see how it fits now.
  5. Celsius

    Celsius Celest reg

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    Ok with that all settled. Here the official acceptance. Have fun Rika. c;
  6. kirkepc

    kirkepc New Member new

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    Aqua grenade is a good reward
  7. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    Alright it's done. It's a little short I guess, maybe? But I just wanted to finish it. I decided to go with a happy ending overall, rather then the sad poor ending.
  8. SenpaiPancake

    SenpaiPancake Shhh! I'm charging my laser... reg

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    Hmmm. I guess this can pass, but you're right, it is quite on the short side. Accepted. [/stamp]
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