
Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by snesmaster, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. snesmaster

    snesmaster New Member new

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    I'm new to the site, and have been a long time fan of the classic Zelda games. Back in the day I made hand drawn maps when playing through the game as a kid and now I make screen shot maps of many NES and SNES games including the first two Zelda games for the NES.

    In the future I will be mapping out Zelda A Link to the Past as well for the SNES.
  2. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    Oh hai der! Maps are awesome, especially for the older Zelda games. My name's Quill, and I'm one of the mods here. If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask them here or to shoot me a PM.

    See you around the forums!
  3. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

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    Hey! Welcome to HC! I'm the one who emailed you about the maps and I'm super excited to begin using them :) Its awesome to see a new face around here and we are glad to have you here. We are trying to go into a growth phase so if you have any friends that would enjoy the site feel free to hand them a link too! Also, if you feel like jumping into the Role Play and have any questions feel free to send me a PM!
  4. Ultra5

    Ultra5 Top hat Goomy reg

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    Howdy an' welcome ta HC. I'm Ultra5 or U5 I go by either. Well Quill and Botoko have already said it, but if you see I'm on I'll help with anything I can.

    May your time here be enjoyable and long lived.