((Hey there))

Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by Terrel, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. Terrel

    Terrel Oracle of Secrets reg

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    ((Hey there, you guys can call me Terrel, if you'd like.

    So I'm the newcomer around these parts, though you guys may not hear too much from me; I like to keep things IC when possible, so I don't do a ton of communicating outside of just roleplay. I love to RP and will do that with anyone until their eyes bleed, though.

    Thanks for having me here, I look forward to being able to RP with every single one of you :>


    If someone could review my character sheet and let me know if it works I would be super happy~ Thanks!!))
  2. SenpaiPancake

    SenpaiPancake Shhh! I'm charging my laser... reg

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    Nice to meet you Terrel! Im Senpai, though I also go by Jarin. Its always nice to see new paces and I hope you have an excellent time RPing! If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the others, or pop into the chatbox for a moment!

    On the point of your character, I dont think any of the mods have been on yet, but at least one gets on a day.
  3. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    I think it's crazy someone hasn't graded it yet, though I'd love to hear where you picked up the left-side alignment habit (if it is such). I just don't see people aligning their profiles on the left, so it has peaked my interest.

    Also, welcome to the site, if you have any questions, like Jarin said, the Cbox is a great place to go, and you can PM most anyone on the site, like myself, or the staff if you have questions. Look forward to seeing you RPing, and I hope we see more of these 'OOC' posts ;D It's always nice to meet the face behind the character after all.