Hello Everyone

Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by Idarian, May 23, 2012.

  1. Idarian

    Idarian Imperator of Known Space reg

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    What's up, guys? I'm looking to get back on board soon if I can. I'll be lucky if I get back right away, but I'll give it my best shot. Still, I'd like not to just take off for months like I did earlier. I just got way too bogged down with other RPs out there, including I believe three wars in the Nations role playing I'm a part of...

    Bottom line, I'd like to get back into Hyrule soon, and I'll be hanging around now until I get a character sheet back up.
  2. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    Wait, you left? XD Glad to see you back I guess. I disappeared a while ago due to my Laptop dying a slow and painful death (it got better though) so I was without the ability to come on forever.
  3. Ultra5

    Ultra5 Top hat Goomy reg

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    Hm. Welcome back...is what I will say once you do show up. :hmn:

    Just kidding. :sarcasm: Welcome back Idarian. Also nations RP? That sounds interesting.
  4. Idarian

    Idarian Imperator of Known Space reg

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    Yeah, it's a pretty long-running RP at this point. We basically act as head of state for a fictional country on a fictional continent basically serving as a real-life Atlantis. I've made the mistake of getting myself into two separate armed conflicts at the same time... So needless to say I have a lot on my plate in that RP area.