Halo: Reach HC Clan?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MeZmYk, May 9, 2011.

  1. MeZmYk

    MeZmYk The Master Commander new

    Trophy Points:
    Just a thought, because we all know of the popular FPS games, Halo is better than CoD, so I figured, hey, let's make a clan here on HC, just a few people, who go into SWAT or Arena, and win games, get credits, and do weekly/daily challenges together.
    I am also available to aid in Achievement Hunting on Reach on DLC/Campaign/Firefight, and have Gametypes to accomplish most of them fairly easily.

    As well, I have a few friends that are good forge users, and make impressive maps, so we could always use those maps for four-sixteen player custom games, expanding beyond the classic clan style.

    Considering my thoughts on this are fairly... biased, I figured through the idea out there, and work on logo design while I'm bored and waiting for my character to get reviewed before RPing.

    Also, I really like Halo.

    HC Username - Gamertag:
    MeZmYk - MeZmYk
    Bitoko - Masterpiece4
  2. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    Trophy Points:
    I will join as long as everyone else's NAT is open, unless thats not how it works XD. But anyway, I'm down for it. (CoD is better than Halo though... just saying).
