Gabby Tailor

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Gabby, Apr 14, 2011.

  1. Gabby

    Gabby Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Gabrian "Gabby" Tailor

    Gender: Male

    Race: Hylian

    Place of Origin: Western Caves

    PWC: 2/2/3


    Ring of Silence: A magic ring that muffles out (but does not completely silence) any sound that the wearer makes. This ability is also transferred to any items that the wearer is carrying. This does not stop an object that comes in contact with the character from making noise. While a chain on the individual will not jingle (very loudly), an object struck with said chain will make noise normally.
    [Original], [Utility], [Alteration], [Magical]

    W2: 100 rupees

    Height: 5' 11"

    Weight: 120 lbs.

    Equipment: Gabby wears a simple tan cloth tunic, with a simple pair of sandal/shoes, and brown cloth pants held up by a coil of rope. For the purpose of his adventure, he also wields a barrel lid with a handle that serves as a make-shift shield, a farming sicle with a hair-splitting edge, and a small cooking pot on his head.

    Appearance: Besides the above mentioned, Gabby seems colorless, due to a life spent underground. His complexion is slightly darker than most of the western cave Hylians, due to spending a majority of his time under the skylights. His Dark Brown hair is unkempt, but is kept as clean as a cave-dweller can keep it. His blue-grey eyes have a habit of picking up minute traces of light, and reflecting them back, making his eyes seem to sparkle where ever there's light.

    Residence: Gabby lives with his family in the westen caves, closest to the overground entrance.

    Pet: Gabby's constant companion is a dwarfish raccoon named Cody. Cody's main purpose is to provide reconnasiance for Gabby. Cody can't speak, but he's good at cherades.

    Backstory: It was far back in his memory, but Gabby remembered that day, and the images that haunted his dreams for the rest of his life. Not even a boy, he remembered his father carrying him out of their house as it sparked and flared and crashed to the ground around him. Outside, many of the other people, few that he knew, were running out of their own houses, being chased by the men in dark armor, some falling to the ground, all of them screaming and crying. He saw his mother running along side him and his father, and soon the village faded away behind them. He stared at that place that once was his home, watching as the fires engulfed it. Soon darkness closed around him, blocking all the light, and he fell asleep.

    Gabby had been 2 years old then, and now he was 17. Back then, he didn't know what had happened, but he knew now. That day was the day that Kakariko Village fell. The Western Caves were his home now, where he lived with his mother, his father, and his 14 year old sister, Lucy Tailor. They were a farming family mostly, With Gabby and his father keeping the garden beneath the skylight, and Lucy and their mother sneaking to the surface to hunt.

    Gabby was happy with his present life, and he had only ever been to the surface once, and there he had met Cody the Raccoon. It was also that day that he had seen the creatures of Gannon that lived on the surface. He never wanted to go up there again, prefering to spend his life underground, farming for a living and reading for a passtime(not too litterate, but he can atleast read.).

    But soon, his life was turned upside down. It had been today that Lucy won a bet against Gabby, and he was forced to have a picnic with her on the surface. It was fairly peaceful, and they ate their meal with no interuptions, atleast for awhile. When Lucy spotted a gang of Moblins on the horizon, the two went into hidding. From his hidding spot in a barrel, Gabby watched in horror as the Moblins raided their picnic and dragged Lucy out of a nearby bush. She struggled, killing two with her dagger before one moblin took a club to her head, knocking her unconscious. They dragged her off to the north, and Gabby sat cowering in the barrel. He didn't know what to do. About an hour later, in a burst of motivation, he sprang from the barrel, grabbing the lid off of it, scooped up the cooking pot from next to the fire, placing it on his head, and grabbed his sickle from his side. With his makeshift armor and weapons, he was ready to set out after his sister. But before he set a foot infront of him, he saw a glistening on the ground infront of him. Lucy's hunting ring. Slipping it on his little finger, he set off across the southern plains, following the footsteps of the Moblin horde.
  2. Adaar

    Adaar New Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    Fun little character here, though the ring may be too inexpensive for its power (Guy will need to double check). Although Cody seems rather too intelligent with the cherades bit, he should be fine as long as he's not too good :P.

    So, if Guy allows the ring, then you're good in my book. (PM's Guy).
  3. Gabby

    Gabby Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    Maybe if I get rid of the Ember Seed Supply and make the ring 100 rupees it will be fine?

    Also, Cody does his best, but it doesn't do a thing if Gabby doesn't know what he's talking about, like the Squirrel from that Enchanted movie a year or two back.

    I'm willing to change anything that needs to be edited. =3
  4. Adaar

    Adaar New Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    100 rupees could work, though I guess I'd like further clarification on the ring's powers. What exactly does it muffle? EVERY sound from the character? Including things like twigs snapping under their feet, the twang of a bow, coughing, talking?

    And if that's how Cody is, then that's ok :)
  5. Gabby

    Gabby Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    It basically muffles bodily sounds and sounds made from the objects he's carrying(doesn't work if he's carrying a living thing.). Anything not on his bodily person will make noise. Bows will twang, swords will cling if they hit an object not on Gabby's person, and twigs will snap/rocks will clatter/grass will rustle. He has to be careful where he walks, but as long as he's careful, no one can hear him.

    It's just a tool for a sneaky person. =P
  6. Adaar

    Adaar New Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    If Gabby Tailor is holding a bow and shoots it, will it still make a sound?
  7. Gabby

    Gabby Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    The Bow won't make the bending sound, but the string will vibrate and the arrow will make the wistling sound once he lets go.
  8. Adaar

    Adaar New Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    Gabby Tailor is accepted, with a slight modification to the Ring of Silence

    Ring of Silence: A magic ring that muffles out (but does not completely silence) any sound that the wearer makes. This ability is also transferred to any items that the wearer is carrying. This does not stop an object that comes in contact with the character from making noise. While a chain on the individual will not jingle (very loudly), an object struck with said chain will make noise normally.
    [Original], [Utility], [Alteration], [Magical]

    W5: 70
    W4: 80
    W3: 90

    (Guy can edit this further if needed. Seems it could be a courage-related treasure too.)
  9. Gabby

    Gabby Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    I only have wisdom 2 and 100 rupees :V
  10. Adaar

    Adaar New Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    oops.... *edits*
  11. Gabby

    Gabby Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    edited Adaar's edit into my profile.
  12. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    It has been officially added to the library as follows:

  13. Gabby

    Gabby Member reg

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