Evelynn "Linny" Sherviss

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Chi, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. Chi

    Chi Pre-everything insanity girl reg

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Evelynn "Linny" Sherviss

    Race: Hylian

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Place of Origin:

    PWC: P1, W4, C3

    Treasures & Rupees:


    Magic Proficiency


    Magic Power x 1 - 35 rupees
    Magic Rod - 35 rupees
    Botanist 2 - Businesss Perk +20 rupees
    Aqua Grenade - 50 rupees

    Rupees: 0

    Equipment: Linny wears little to no armor, her protective gear only greaves and boots of hardened leather. The hem of her pants is slightly above the knee and the greaves and looks like a improper job done by a teenage girl with no skill with a needle, because that's exactly what it is. There are a few holes on both legs of the pants, created by a bored girl with a penchant to scratch and poke holes with her nails into the fabic. Her shirt is plain, made of cotton, and contains no signs of wealth or ornate designs, with sleeves covering both of her arms.
    She wears ordinary leather gloves meant for gardening and handling thorny plants, save the left hand glove having a peculiar blue gem set into the back of the hand with a teardrop-like sigil etched into the stone. Her belt has several pouches filled with various seeds, with a simple brown satchel containing her books hung over her shoulder. She wears the magic rod across her lower back, tied to her belt with cords of sinew.
    She carries 3 simple daggers, generally used to cut plant stems or meat.

    Pet: no

    Appearance: Linny is about 5foot, 6 inches tall, with an average built, though with the smallest hint of extra weight, and has no visible muscle mass from living a coddled life. Her dark red hair is very wavy, and kept long, going down to the middle of her back. Her ears are pierced, with a couple of iron earrings on both. She has brown eyes, and her face has been clear of blemishes for months, though there is one or two scars from an impatient child picking at pimples and just not being good at it. Her skin is tanned with recent exposure to the sun, and her arms are covered with small scratches and a few scars. Her teeth are slightly and have a barely yellow tint.

    Personality: Linny is, in as few w0rds as possible, a coward and a fool. She spends most of her time running from danger whenever it stares her in the face, though in many cases she probably was ignorant of the danger until that point. Prone to tripping over herself, she stutters and shakes a lot when try to deal with something delicately that isn't a plant. Her primary vocal response is a nervous laugh that will probably do more to annoy the predator in front of her than scare it off, much to her own chagrin. She's not good with people, and becomes either a deer in headlights when addressed or, when she actually manages to work out a response, says something bluntly or without any sense of appropriateness or politeness.

    She ends up gawking at any one who appears noble or particularly heroic or brave, whether it be because she believe herself a lower being from such an ostentatious show or believe them foolish for reckless endangerment that she'd never find herself doing. For her nobility and bravery are unreachable ends that she sees and couldn't ever see herself in.

    A fundamentally selfish girl, who would rather eat a whole roasted pig than share with someone she just met, even if she'd feel sick afterwards and wouldn't keep the seconds. She's prone to abandoning her allies when she believes her life or body threatened, even if she'd be supported by a strong friend. Linny is also arrogant and easily readable, as well as easily manipulated by someone's insults or snide remarks.

    She's extremely keen on plants and all things natural, and suffers from panic attacks when she stays in crowded places like Castle town or even a few of the larger villages.

    Background: Her father died when she was young, and grew up dealing with a mother and a stepfather, and a younger half-brother. She spent her entire life on the farm, though she spent most of her time avoid hard physical labour and running off and out of sight to work on a small garden of her own. It eventually got to the point that she felt stressed out around her stepfather and brother, so she ran away from home.

    "It's not really relevant, is it," she would say, whenever some asked about her past. Usually the conversations just stopped there, but this one? He kept insisting, asking more and more. Where did she get such valuable looking things like the rod strapped to the back of her waist and the gem fastened to her glove. "Why should I tell you, it's not really relevant to someone whose face looks like it got sat on by a bull," she said with a monotonous voice and a blank look on her face. In the blink of the eye, she found herself being pinned against the cold grey stone behind her by this man.

    She gave out a small chuckle as her eyes flitted to try and look for someone, anyone who could help her, her heart beginning to race. The ugly faced punk moved a hand to put over her mouth to gag her and restrict her head. She gave out a panicked muffled scream before she attempted to flail against the man's grasp before delivering a kick to his nether-regions, and biting his hand as he jerked away.

    Linny dropped to ground before jumping up, unhooking the magical rod, sliding it down her arm until she held it like a bat, grabbing it with her left, and going for a swing. The rod swung ended up clubbing the punk in the face before linny turn and ran with no hesitation.

    The origin of the blue stone honestly Linny herself didn't even remember, and the story of the magic rod still confounded her. One day she met an old man who she was absolutely sure had a few screws loose, insisted she was his daughter (senile old man, she's young enough to be his grand daughter, she'd had said out loud if she wasn't too confused to react ) and asked her to help him out. She ended up getting pressured into it, scared out of her mind as she went into Castle Town with him, helping him out with various tasks all the while shaking quickly enough to shake the earth. The old man ended up insisting she take a strange rod with a glass- no smooth crystal sphere on the end, and wouldn't let her leave without it. She in all of her fear of the town, gladly accepted, gave a hushed thanks and bolted out the door for freedom. Sadly, not more than 5 minutes later she ran into a ugly face punk who tried to assault her and take her stuff, proving that her fear of civilization is completely founded and that towns are horrible places.

    She left Castle Town and stays out alone in the wilderness as much as possible, which isn't very long most of the time, because she ends up coming across people who end up acting worried for her or she acts out, gets lost inside some ruins or some other inane adventure opening.
  2. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    3DS Friend Code:
    Hah. "It's dangerous to go alone. Take this!"

    Anyways, seems fine.