Elemental Affinities

Discussion in 'Role Play Discussion' started by Blonde Panther, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

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    When going over my characters again recently, I realized that some of them can be considered as linked with or based off of a certain ‘element’ of the Zelda series. I was wondering if I was the only one, and if not, what elements you think can best be associated with your characters for what reasons. Mind that this is not counting the ‘racial associations,’ such as Zoras with Water and Subrosians with Fire.

    Autumn: Forest.
    Autumn’s entire concept screams Forest. Based off of the Warhammer Fantasy army known as the Wood Elves, she lives in the Lost Woods with Fairies she refers to as Forest Spirits. Autumn specializes in archery, something that’s often needed in the Forest-themed Temples of the games, and has/will get a few skills based around Wind, which often overlaps with Forest in the games.

    Eri: Fire.
    Normally I don’t assign elemental affinities based upon the spells used by a character or his/her Specialty, but in Eri’s case it’s different. She died in the fire that burnt her village to the ground and it has been decisive for her undeath, to the point where her skin tone reflects her cause of death and she is a compulsive arsonist.

    Luna: Ice.
    The reason for Luna’s elemental affinity contains spoilers for the GBA game Fire Emblem (FE7 for fans of the series), so I’ll put it into a spoiler tag for those who don’t want it spoiled.
    Associated Element Ice (open)
    While associating an Ice Mage with the Ice Element seems like a ‘duh’ moment similar to associating a Zora with Water, there’s an underlying reason for it. Luna is based off of FE7’s character Ninian, who is an ice dragon/half-dragon. This is the entire reason I wrote her as an ice mage and modelled her appearance partially after Ninian. Simply put Luna’s Associated Element isn’t Ice because she almost exclusively uses Ice spells; she almost exclusively uses Ice spells because her Associated Element is Ice.

    Qamar: Shadow.
    Qamar being a Shadow Priestess makes this a ‘duh’ moment, but there’s more to it. Qamar is a brooding, negative presence with a history of violence and death, fitting of the Shadow theme found in the games.

    (Lyra: Light)
    I’m debating assigning Lyra the Light element, but that really has more to do with her life as a healer and upcoming potential Light Priestess-ism than anything else, which is what I want to avoid.

    So yeah. Am I the only one who puts this kind of pointless fluff on their characters?
  2. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Nah. It's not listed for my characters, but it's there.

    Dante's element has always been Wind. This is largely due to his worshiping of Farore, and her association with the element of wind. I chose wind because his character is relaxed very much of the time, and is constantly wandering, both in body and mind.

    Olias is associated with Water. It actually plays a large part in his backstory; placid and refreshing when calm, tumultuous and powerful when storming, he has always felt a strange attraction to it. Once again, this is partially due to his worshiping Nayru, as well as his personality.

    Boris is of the Life element. When I was creating him, I wanted to create a character who was neither chaotic nor lawful, but ultimately still a force for good. As a doctor and alchemist, his element is reflected in his magic and his work, but also his beliefs, as he mourns even the deaths of his enemies.

    Dogath is Metal. Many of his treasures are based off of stability and strength, and most include metal. Moreover, his personality is very much like metal; unyielding and strong, and always to the point. He worships Din, and I've always felt that although Metal may be more of an earthy element, that it is an even greater symbol of war. It is this aspect of Metal, and Din, that he worships.

    Noctis is a perversion of Boris' ideals; he embodies Undeath. His treasures revolve around magic, and healing even. He has been searching for a way to truly return to life, and has/will become a fairly adept healer. But he does not use it out of benevolence for others, but greed for himself.

    Uther represents Darkness. His personality is shadowy and deceptive, revealing none of his true self to others. He is ultimately an evil man, though cunning, and that is why he is associated with that element.

    Lastly, Azher represents Mind or Willpower. While not exactly traditionally an element, Azher's belief systems, personality, and even his fighting style all embody this.

    So yeah, not just you :P