Draich Venator

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Vandal, Dec 11, 2015.

  1. Vandal

    Vandal New Member new

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Draich Venator
    Nicknames: The Ghost of Rauru
    Race: Hylian
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male
    Place of Origin: Rauru

    PWC: 5\1\1

    Treasures and Rupees:
    Hero's Legacy
    Spin Attack
    Quicker Draw: 30 Rupees
    Mortal Draw: 55 Rupees

    Rupees: 15

    Blade Length: 98 cm
    Handle Length: 29 cm
    Once belonging to Draich's father, the blade passed to him when his father fell in combat at the ill fated defense of Raura. Anathema is a double bladed bastard sword that sports a long deep fuller that runs the length of the blade. The blade has no cross-guard, the blades ricasso extending out past the grip to protect Draich's hands in its place. The grip itself is a fine ebony wrapped in red dyed leather. The blade is capped off with a heavy pommel to balance the blade. The pommel is fashioned after a large spike which is just a capable of piercing his enemies flesh as the blades tip.

    Crossbow: A standard Hylian crossbow that Draich had picked up years ago. Though not as quick firing as a bow the penetrating power and flatter trajectory of its bolts more than make up for the longer reload time in Draich's eyes.

    Rucksack: In Draich's quest to purify his homeland of Gannon's abominations he often operates by himself, alone and without supply. That what he can't scavenge from the harsh Tantari Desert has to be carried with him when he returns to Ruto for supplies. Food, water, shelter, whet stones, bolts, if it isn't essential to his survival or his war he does not carry it.

    Pet: None

    Appearance: Draich is a lean and worn individual having spent the majority of his years surviving in the desert. He stands taller than most, measuring in at almost two meters. Multiple scars adorn his body, chief of which include a ragged wound that extends from his right ear to his left collar bone, a deep gouge in his right cheek and a diagonal scar down his left eye. His ice blue eye is piercing, calculating and cold, the left eye having given way to cataracts. Draich's light brown hair is kept unusually shorter than most Hylians. Only a thin layer is left on his scalp for protection from the harsh sun. Though some might have regarded him as handsome at some point, that time had passed in his eyes. Most who look upon him quickly avert their gaze, put off by his outlandish appearance, collection of wounds and cold demeanor.

    Draich is never seen without his armor, a lightweight set of Raurian plate. Foregoing the entire set he mearly wears the breastplate, left pauldron, cuisse, greaves and bracers. Colored white with a golden trim, it still bears the heraldry of Rauru across the breastplate. Underneath the armor he wears a simple white shirt and pants. While traveling he will also wear a white cloak to better weather the inclimate conditions of the desert.

    Personality: Draich is extraordinarily withdrawn and reclusive man. Preferring to keep social interactions to nothing more than purchasing goods he needs from traders and merchants, Draich keeps conversations short, simple and direct. He is exceptionally cold and detached from others as he views attachment as weakness to be exploited.

    Love, fellowship, beauty, all these words are simple notions that he has cut from his life. Practicality and survivability are all that he values. He is single minded in his quest to liberate his homeland from Gannon's clutches and cares not for troubles abroad. Draich fights with a vengeful determination and zeal that frighten some.

    Even though he is detached from his fellow Hylians, he has a soft spot for the well being of children. He detests the involvement of innocence in war and will fly into a frenzy to protect those who get caught in the horror even if it means bodily harm or death.

    Background: Draich Venator was born 11 B.G. to Milia and Jayren Venator, his mother and father respectively, in the once proud city of Rauru. His father was Captain of The City Guard. While there was entitlement to be had with his father's position he was raised to be a worker. Nothing in this world was free. If it was worth having it was worth the sweat and blood to attain it.

    Draich idolized his father and the position he held. When he wasn't forced into his studies, he would play soldier with other children. He crushed bandit raids, slew dragons, liberated besieged cities, imaginary honors bestowed upon himself. The common, quiet life would not be his fate. No. He was destined for greatness. He would be a soldier as his father was and win further honor and glory to his name.

    At the age of ten Draich held a real sword for the first time under the tutelage of his father. Though Jayren and Milia wanted more for him than a soldiers life Draich would have nothing else.

    Mastering blade and bow proved more challenging than he could have ever possibly imagined. Lessons where often learned the hard way in bruises, sweat and blood. Playing soldier was one thing, but this, this was something entirely different. More than once he thought of dropping his sword, giving up the life he had imagined, but he would not yield. With each attack parried, every chop countered he slowly got the hang of it.

    His mastery would prove lacking however. On his eleventh birthday hell had come to his home.

    Ganon's forces had struck hard and fast. Though all that fled the onslaught survived, they would not have had it not been for the valiant defense mounted by The Guard. Their heroism saved countless lives at the cost of their own. Despite the evacuations, Draich stowed away, hidden from his mother. He was determined to help throw back this attacker from his city.

    Draich had been to war a thousand times in his mind. It had never been like this. Smoke from fires choked the air and mingled with the scent of blood. The clash of steel was deafening but even more so where the screams of the dying. Men that he knew personally where cut down before his very eyes. Family friends cursed and kicked and bled under Ganon's steel. He had always been brave in his mind. The reality of war was to much for his mind to bear.

    Draich was reduced to a quivering heap in the city streets. He could do nothing but cry and sob and deaths judgment was delivered around him. Fear paralysed him. It felt like death would take him too. He barely even registered the heavy footsteps of the skeletal creature that came for him, a creature he had dared not dream of even in his darkest terrors. He could do little more than whimper as steel glinted off the fire light and cut into his flesh.

    Draich had felt the pain. His vision blurred. But still he drew breath. He didn't feel the soldiers arms around him, carrying him from the battle and out of the city.

    He did see his father covering their retreat. He witnessed him fighting with every ounce to allow their escape. He did see five of the monstrosities over take his father, who had pulled him from deaths embrace, and part his head from his shoulders.

    Rauru was lost to the enemy. His people fled into the desert heading east in hopes that they might find sanctuary at the colossal Gerudo Fortress. While the Hylians where received with distain, the thick walls and mighty battlements had offered the Hylians some breathing room.

    Draich slipped into a catatonic state. For how long he stayed that way if unknown to him. The horrors of the war had taken its toll on his fragile mind and though he was cared for, few believed the Captain's son would return to them.

    In the darkness of his own psyche he felt the cold of the cave. His fingers stretched out and felt the rough contours of the burlap bedding. He heard the soft singing of his caregiver, but it was not familiar to him. He lurched back to reality as he saw the blade fall in his mind.

    The wound across his face had left him blinded in his left eye. He wept aloud as the gravity of everything crashed down on him. His grief was only compounded when he learned that his mother had fallen in the battle as well, in search for him. Inhuman cries reverberated off the cave walls and seemed to shake the foundation of the Gerudo Fortress. And then all fell silent.

    Three years passed with out an utterance from Draich's lips. He had shut down emotionally. A specter of his former self wandered the halls of the Fortress unsure of where it was going, what it was doing. The boy had died back at Rauru and all that remained was this carrion visage.

    As the years passed passed he found work in the Fortress stores as a menial. The work kept his hands occupied and though the work was hard it did little to tax his mind. In time he began to speak again, slowly and clumsily like a babe struggles to communicate. By the time he was eighteen he was functioning completely again. But the scars of Rauru never healed.

    It was by chance he happened across a band of scavengers heading for Rauru to see what could be salvaged. Though he offered them little in the means of protection, he was an extra set of hands that was willing to work hard. Draich honestly had no idea why he wanted to return to his home city. But the next day he departed at dawn with the group and left the Eastern Caves.

    He stood amongst the ruins of his people for the first time in seven years. The winds whispered to him, cries of those that had passed called out to him. His mother, his father. Friends, family, all beckoned him come. He broke off from the scavengers and wandered the deserted streets alone, only the dead accompanied him in this place. His feet shuffled aimlessly kicking up debris and dust as he went. He stopped dead at the sound of steel on stone. It sounded familiar. Somehow.

    He looked down at the impossibly tiny blade. He had remembered it being so much bigger in his childhood. He bent forward, fingers wrapping around familiar leather. It was lighter than he remember. The blade that his father had used to save his life rested firmly in his grasp. It was almost as if holding that blade again restored him by a measure. Completed him.

    The hair on the back of his neck stood on end as the familiar cries of the battle assailed his ears. The city had not been deserted as previously believed and Ganon's forces fell upon the scavengers with wrath. Draich hurried back, not sure what he would do, what he could do when he arrived. He had to do something.

    Half of the scavengers had fallen by the time he arrived. Draich stood at the edge of the chaos, gripping his father's blade when he felt it. It burned inside him, engulfing his soul, tearing the very fabric of himself away. It had been there the entire time. Waiting. Fear did not greet him, a burning calm entered his mind in its place. He was done being afraid. Wrath and ruin swelled inside him and without thinking he pitched himself headlong into the thickest part of the fighting.

    Steel sang it's deadly song, his muscles moving with out grace or the refinement of a trained soldier. No, this was a brawl, an ugly fight for survival. He cursed and he screamed and he hacked and he stabbed at anything that wasn't human.

    There was no victory to be won here. Slowly the survivors fought their way out of the city back to the desolate sands from whence they came. Many more perished during the retreat, but at the battles end, Draich stood amongst the survivors.

    Liberation. In slaying his enemies he felt a vindication he never knew existed. He was destined for great things. He was the embodiment of wrath. He was revenge personified.

    He returned to the Gerudo Fortress and trained himself, driven by purpose, by rage. He honed his deadly craft, seeking the Gerudo out for tutelage when he needed it. He would reclaim his city. At twenty three he began his raids on Rauru, killing swaths of creatures before melding back into the desert sands. The enemies arms he collected funded his campaign, steel was always in demand.

    One day his city would be liberated and if he had to kill every last monster one by one, kill Ganon with his own bare hands, so be it.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2015
  2. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    Almost everything looks great--but there's a few minor problems before I can approve Draich Venator.

    I'm guessing this was a typo, but his birth year couldn't have been 68 B.G.given his backstory and age. It would be about 11 B.G., right?

    While you are allowed to create a character with the minimum number of PWC points, practically no one actually does this. As a Newcomer, you could add another three points to any of Draich's attributes... such as 5/1/1, or 2/2/3, or so forth. If you want to keep the minimum, however, don't let me stop you from doing so.

    "Ganon" is the common spelling, but if you want to use the depreciated spelling of "Gannon," that is fine too.

    Anyway, if you change his birth date, I'll be happy to approve the character.
  3. Vandal

    Vandal New Member new

    Trophy Points:
    Yeah, that's what I get for trying to math at three in the morning.

    All corrections addressed.
  4. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    Speaking of math, now that his Power is 5, Mortal Draw only costs 55 rupees--so he should have 45 spare ones now. You can spend those any time you want, though.
