Do we level up?

Discussion in 'Role Play Discussion' started by Kienamaru, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Kienamaru

    Kienamaru New Member new

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    I saw nothing regarding HOW we level up. only that we as players get ranks. Does this mean that in order for me to increase the PWC of my character that i need to RP tons? and once that PWC increases, do the Treasures that I previously spent give back rupees based on their cost deduction?
  2. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

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    The way we as players level up is just by being active RPers as well as good ones, but our characters do not gain PWC stat points after creation (except if the player gets promoted, then they can increase P,W or C by one point), they improve through getting treasures; or I guess you could specify something like they learn to use their weapon better or something like that IRP.

    And unfortunately you don't get the rupees back if you buy a treasure, then get promoted and upgrade the stat. One thing to note though, PWC is entirely metagame, a P1 hylian is not necessarily any stronger than a P5 one.

    PS: if you click the community tab at the top, there's a chat box for the site, might get answers quicker that way, plan RPs, just talk or whatever.
  3. Ribitta

    Ribitta What would you ask of me? reg

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    The answer, basically, is no, you don't level up. Like Raz stated, the PWC system is meta, meaning that your character need not be strong to have high Power scores and not just smart characters could have high Wisdom scores. It's just there to establish pricing of treasures, essentially. While you can increase a character's PWC with things like promotions, it's not really intended to function as a 'leveling' feature or anything.
  4. Kienamaru

    Kienamaru New Member new

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    that helps, I was wondering because I see no possible way to make a character who starts out with like... 6 different spells if you have a pwc of 1's and a 2.
  5. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

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    I think you're talking about the racial base-line PWC, as a rookie you get 3 Points to put into your character's PWC at creation, on top of the 1/1/2, 1/2/1 or 2/1/1, then you spend your starting 100 rupees (some races start with more) based on your improved PWC.
  6. Kienamaru

    Kienamaru New Member new

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    Oh! That means I did my character wrong, thanks. I didn't understand the extra 3 points... So let me get this straight, we can get our PWC up to at least 4 but not 5 at the start right?
  7. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

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    We can, actually. When, for example, I first made Triton he started as a 1/5/1; taking the 1/2/1 base stats of the Lake Zora and stacking my 3 points into his Wisdom. However, that means that any Power-or Courage-based treasures will be extremely expensive. It's a matter of preference and of what you have in mind for the character.
  8. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    Taken from the Character Creation Information thread:

    More information on the three ranks may be found here
  9. Kienamaru

    Kienamaru New Member new

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    Hmm... so if I'm understanding this right, regulars get +4 PWC to add on... and you have to at least be a veteran to have a PWC reach rank 5.
  10. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

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    Not really, you take the base-line that each race has, then add 3 points throughout if you're a rookie, 4 if you're a regular or 5 if you're a veteran.

    So if I was a rookie wanting to make a Goron, I'd start with the 2/1/1 base-line for Gorons, then add three points however I wanted; so I could make it a 5/1/1, or 4/2/1 or 3/2/2, or 2/1/4 or whatever. So say I choose 3/2/2 then get promoted; I get an extra point to make it a 4/2/2 or 3/3/2 or 3/2/3.

    The only real differences between ranks are the number of PWC points you can assign to each of your characters (everyone can get to a five stat, but noone can go above 5), the races available to you, and the number of major treasures each of your characters can have.
  11. Kienamaru

    Kienamaru New Member new

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    Okay, thanks I understand now. I was confusing a regular for the starting rank. Think that's all i needed to know.
  12. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    Alright. If you have any other questions, please feel free to post in your Intro thread and we'll help you out.