Cy'stavio Trevol - Avian Anti-Hero

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Tsubori, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Cy'stavio Trevol
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Race: Rito
    Place of Origin: Dragon roost island
    PWC: 2/2/5

    Valiance +50
    Winged flight - free
    Gale Aura - 40
    Wind enchantment - 60 (C5 perma enchant)

    `Pegasus brace
    Original:Tsubori, Technique - Utility
    [Empowerment], [Wrist]

    C5: 40 rupees
    C4: 80 rupees
    C3: 125 rupees
    C2: 180 rupees

    Prerequisite to acquire: 2 courage, capable of flight

    A small hoop with wings, large enough to securely fit around the bicep or leg, this unassuming brace is of great value to any who fly. While mid flight, if the user's willpower is focused on the brace, a single powerful flap of their wings increases their speed threefold, blasting them through the air. This lasts for approximately five seconds, or until the user wants the effect to end. Obviously, repeated use of this ability will tire the flier greatly. 

    If courage 5: while doing the charge, one may spin, creating a wind cone around them. This cone can be used to deflect projectiles to some degree.

    Total 150


    Height: 6 feet 5 inches
    Weight: 120lbs

    Procellae and Iactanti : a pair of wind enchanted knives, green in colour with an etching of Valoo along the sides of each. They're approximately a foot in length each with razor sharp edges on both sides. Both are green in colour with a black handle. A few jagged spikes jut out, making for a messy kill. 
    Appearance: Cy'stavio is a man of impressions, and he makes plenty with his appearance alone. With a dark blue fauxhawk with black highlights, leaning back from years of being wind-blasted, and a piercing above his left eyebrow, he earns a reputation on first sight as a punk.

    His face is somewhat slender, with often a smug look or a smirk. His clothing choice doesn't do anything to dissuade this either. He wears a black longcoat, parted until about a foot down his chest and connected at the top with a small chain. The shirt goes down to his knees, but with the sleeves cut off, showing his arms, powerful from years of flight. Apart from the longcoat, he wears black thin cut pants and shoes. Cy'stavio is odd in that his wings are actually black, like a raven. 

    Personality: A punk-ass guy at the very least, Cy'stavio hides nothing, and is completely honest in his opinions of other people. Unfortunately, this is usually mistrust or disapproval. He hates most people, and is often a bit of a loner, preferring to work alone than in a group.

    As well as his general dislike of other people, he's a tad narcissistic and arrogant, firmly believing himself greater than others. It's very difficult to gain respect from him, especially if not proven in combat. Due to him being a competent knife fighter with his two wind enchanted blades, he prides himself on combat, and often uses this to set himself as superior, even against those with uses that aren't direct combat.

    However, this does not mean Cy'stavio is a bad person. He does enjoy helping people, though he often refuses to show it. A total jerk with a heart of gold.

    Residence: Cy'stavio has an inn room in Hyrule Castle town, and he uses it as his base of operations for his mercenary work.
    Backstory: Cy'stavio was born to a big surprise profession of parents. Post workers. What a shock. He was raised fairly normally, though his parents taught him how to defend himself with a dagger in case he was attacked. Everything about his upbringing was all for teaching him to go up to Valoo for his scale, then becoming a postman, like his father. And his father's father. And before that even. Cy'stavio would receive the family heirloom, a Pegasus Brace, used to make their deliveries the fastest around.

    Yet... What they didn't count on was a rebellious son. He didn't want the mind numbing boredom of delivering packages and mail all damn day. Instead he wanted to fight. He enjoyed the feeling of having a knife in hand, much moreso than a slip of paper. He voiced his opinion, but his parents wouldn't have any of it. It was tradition, and he wouldn't protest. Unfortunately, he did. He persisted that he would NOT become a postman, and that nothing they could do would make him. This spat continued to when Cy'stavio went for his scale, and when everything went off without a hitch, the boy got his wings. Perfect. Now he could get off this rock. His parents continued pushing for his being a postman until he finally accepted. 

    They were ecstatic, and signed him up for his first delivery immediately. Little did they know, the devious boy had pocketed the Pegasus brace, and had only accepted the postman job to provide an easy excuse to get away from the island. Within the day, he'd gotten a package, though he didn't really know what was in it. Teary-eyed, they watched Cy'stavio off, glad to see he was getting into the family business. 

    But once he got away from Dragon roost island, he forgot all about his job. He put on the brace, and cut open the package. Two knives laid inside, glowing from the wind enchantments around them. He took them as his own, never intending to go to whatever back end town had ordered them. Instead, he turned course for Hyrule Castle town, sure that if there was fighting to be done, it'd be there.

    Cy'stavio was only fifteen at this point, but found work quickly, finding that there was always a wolfos outside the town, or stalchildren to destroy. He made alright money, which he used to pay for a room at an inn. He surprisingly got along alright with the innkeeper, which was certainly a good thing. Gradually Cy'stavio grew in power, and took on more and more jobs, loving what he was doing with his life, far greater than deliveries.
  2. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    Trophy Points:
    Accepted! Have fun :)
  3. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

    Trophy Points:
    Updated for regular promotion.