Currently Untitled, but read?

Discussion in 'Creative Works' started by AnimeLuxray25, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. AnimeLuxray25

    AnimeLuxray25 Member new

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    (Author's Note: Oh, how I love to read and write<3 This is Zelda fanfiction (mostly OC) fanfiction and it may or may not be good since I've only been writing for about five years. I don't really want to spoil what it's about, so, uh, just read and we'll see soon? This is kinda like a prologue, so it's quite short. But I hope you all will enjoy it nonetheless, heheh... I'm so awkward...)

    (P.S.: I'm new to this website. Please tell me if I'm breaking any rules by posting this! I hate to make mistakes when I first join sites....bad first impression.)

    A Pair of Wolves​

    • Two wolves skimmed through the green woodland with breathtaking speed, artfully leaping over fallen branches, rocks, and similar obstacles that could potentially halt their journey. As demonstrated by the salmon pink sky, they had little time before the world plunged into darkness.
      They could not imagine spending another night without their pack.

      They wanted to run forever and ever in pursuit of them, but they simply could not; their limbs were still greatly fatigued from running all day yesterday, and if they didn’t stop running now, they would surely collapse later.

      Where were they? Were they alright? The young wolves knew that the vicious wildfire several miles back had caused numerous casualties, but they would not think for even a millisecond that their pack had been some of them.

      By no means did the two wolves look alike; the larger wolf donned a milky white pelt and dark orange eyes, and the smaller wolf running alongside her had a pelt so brown and earthy it might as well be soil. His eyes were bright yellow, like the sun.

      Panting, the pair reluctantly stopped at a stream. They lowered their heads to lap and as their lashing tongues hit the surface of the water, they were careful to only let one thought occupy their minds: “We’re coming, everyone.”