Convince the Local Government! [Closed]

Discussion in 'Quest Bureau' started by WillowtheWhisp, Jul 21, 2011.

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  1. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    Name:Convince the Local Government!

    Description: The local government must be persuaded to allow the Deku Brigade to establish a base within the city limits. Whether this is through debate, strong-arming, barter, or performing some task for the government, Dante and Victus have been charged with the task of obtaining said permission.

    Players/Characters: Dante Silvaros (WillowtheWhisp), Victus Natura (Chaos James)

    Victus - Transform (40 Rupees) + 10 Rupees Leftover
    Dante - Farore's Wrath + 10 Rupees (Profession): 50 Quest Rupees + 20 Owned Rupees = 70 Rupees (Farore's Wrath)

    Unique Major Treasure:

    `Farore's Wrath
    Original: WillowtheWhisp, Magic-Tier - Offensive
    [Wind], [Bow], [Projectile], [Transformation]

    W4 and C5: 53 rupees
    W3 and C4: 70 rupees
    W2 and C3: 105 rupees
    W1 and C2: n/a
    C1: n/a

    Prerequisites: 3 Courage, 2 Wisdom, Whirlwind, Wood-based Crafting Profession (of Level 1 for Specific, eg. Crossbow Crafter, or Level 2 for non-specific) and at least two of the following: [Wind] Specialty, Wind's Requiem, Wind Enchantment, Straight Shooting, Farore's Wind, Deku Leaf, Wind (Spell), Gust Jar

    By modifying the Whirlwind, the user is able to create a powerful crossbow, capable of long-range accuracy and power. This crossbow utilizes the wind generated by the Whirlwind, and the pure force of a small bow, in order to launch bolts of up to 300 miles per hour. Through compressing the leaves of the Whirlwind, and creating a long barrel that further focuses these winds, the crafter can create the upper half of the cross bow. Then, through modifying a bow, or using materials to create the crossbeam for a crossbow, the crafter may attach this to the now modified Whirlwind. The final portion to the crossbow is a long stock on the haft portion of the whirlwind. The final product is a large crossbow that shoots high speed bolts, using the focused winds of the Whirlwind to add additional speed and rotational force for piercing. This crossbow can fire regular bolts, as well as modified bolts (e.g., a bolt with a seed on its tip). Farore's Wrath takes approximately five to ten seconds to load. If the user combines a normal bow with the Whirlwind to create this, the bow can be removed at any time and used as normal. Farore's Wrath with still function, though at a severely reduced speed, firing bolts at a speed of 180 miles per hour. However, in this mode, Farore's Wrath may fire thin blasts of wind, at the speed it would fire a normal bolt, that travel up to twenty feet. Although these are incapable of piercing flesh, these blasts of wind are concentrated to wind an opponent, divert a projectile, or even break ribs.

    Farore's Wrath may be converted back to the Whirlwind, and vice-versa, at any time, though it takes several moments to do so.

    Notes: This is the Hyrule equivalent of the modern day sniper rifle. Researching this, I feel that 400 mph is not unreasonable (I had originally planned for closer to 100 mph, although 100 mph is small, as the average medieval bow was in that range). Looking into it, the average 9mm bullet can travel up to speeds of 600+ mph, while modern day bows can reach 150 mph to 200 mph these days.

    Edit: I've done more research and have found that the modern air rifle shoots around 400 mph. compensating for the difference in technology, but also for the magic present, I have changed the normal firing speed to 300 mph.
  2. SenpaiPancake

    SenpaiPancake Shhh! I'm charging my laser... reg

    Trophy Points:
    This looks fine to me, and the price seems justified to me. If any staff disagree with that, feel free to change my decision. Accepted. [/stamp]
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