Combining profession items?

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Razgriz, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

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    Would it be possible to use multiple professions (one person with multiple professions or multiple people) to create unique items/treasures that take from both professions? Like a bow that could fold back to create a longsword (Bowyer and Weaponsmith) or a form of poisoned bear trap (Alchemist and Blacksmith?). Or would these just be taken as regular treasure?
  2. Ribitta

    Ribitta What would you ask of me? reg

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    I like this idea a lot, and I think it would be acceptable to do, so long as it made sense. For example, the idea of a bow turning into a longsword or the other way around would probably be implausible whereas the idea of a poisoned bear trap would be totally viable. I would think this would also extend to other profession related things that might fall into the crack of not really being a treasure but still being powerful enough to warrant a cost (i.e. not common tier).

    The only real issue is logistics. The easy answer right now, which I'll give, is "We'll go at a case by case system" but hopefully in the future we can establish more of a metric. It would be my hope, though, that you wouldn't need to register them as an official LoT-treasure should they be specific enough, but you could simply get the idea cleared and maybe pay a fee depending on the item we're talking about.

    Basically I think this idea is cool but would require, like a lot of things, just asking us specifically in advance