Chris Tewks (WIP)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Christewks, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. Christewks

    Christewks New Member new

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Chris Tewks

    Race: Rito

    Age: 20

    Gender: Male

    Place of Origin: Dragon Roost

    PWC: 1/3/4

    Treasures and Rupees: 100 starting rupees - treasures: boomerang (25), summon keese (30), needle storm (25) current rupees: 20

    Equipment: Boomerang

    Pet: CJ the carrier pigeon. Chris often uses his little friend to help him deliver messages. CJ, which stands for Chris Junior, is just a normal gray pigeon that took a liking towards the young Rito. Ever since, Chris has taken care of him.

    Appearance: Chris is short, even by hylian standards. He has a scar across right eye, making his iris white. His left eye on the other hand, is light blue like a cloudless sky. His eyes can be intimidating to some, making him seem angry. His feathers are dark brown close to his midsection, turning light brown at his limbs, finally being white at the tips. Chris usually wears a red messenger bag slung around his shoulder.

    Personality: Chris is friendly, trusting, and can get along with just about anyone. He's charismatic and can strike up a conversation with complete strangers. He has an easygoing attitude, flowing like the breeze. He is a generally happy person, especially when in the air. He loves his job, but he still wished that he could amount to something more.

    Background: Like many Rito, Chris grew up on Dragon Roost island. He earned his wings around ten, and spent as much time as he could in the air since. Shortly after gaining his wings, he crashed into the side of the mountain. Most of his injuries healed but a scar remains across his right eye. Eventually he grew tired being cooped on the tiny island, knowing there was more to the world. Around 15, he left to explore the rest of Hyrule. Once he arrived he used his talents and love of flying to become a postman. While delivering mail in Castle Town, he noticed that a pigeon was following him. He immediately fell in love with the tiny bird, and began training it. Ever since, CJ has flew with Chris wherever he went.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2018