Chimera - the Wasteland Soul

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Tsubori, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

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    Name: Chimera (Dawn Reynald)
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Race: Gerudo
    Place of Origin: A very small village in southern hyrule decimated by Ganon in his initial sweep. 
    PWC: 5/1/3

    Gerudo dragon (Free)
    Wall jump (Free)
    Warrior's training (+50)
    ZomboidZack rec (+10)

    Spin attack (-15)
    Shield breaker (-30)
    Quick draw (-30)
    Power beam (-15)
    Plummeting blade (-17)
    Jump strike (-30)
    Helm splitter (-15)

    8 rupees left

    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 118 lbs
    Equipment: Chimera practices sword and board strategies in a combat scenario, so her main equipment obviously covers those two aspects. She uses a three foot scimitar that's well kept and easily having enough weight behind it to pack a solid punch. On her right arm, (Yes, she's left handed) she has a circular bronze buckler with about a foot and a half diameter. She also carries a simple hand mirror that she treasures very dearly.

    Personality: A social outcast with an insanely limited vocabulary, An entire life of being alone in a hostile environment have left her with a mind similar to that of a six year old or so. This is not to say she's immature, it more outlines a lack of any human contact that didn't try to kill her. She speaks in sentences rarely exceeding five or six words long but with this failing in mental capacity, her mind has made up for it in sharpened primal instinct and survival skills. 

    Out of sheer necessity, Chimera has become proficient at locating and seizing whatever she needs, be it food, water, or replacing broken equipment or clothing. When it comes to fighting strategies, Chimera will never be in a straight up fight for more than a minute. If it drags on for that long, she'll retreat using whatever means necessary. 

    As a person, she is easily intimidated due to her lack of social experience and is very slow to trust. However, as with her possessions, anyone who she befriends will be protected valiantly. That said, her trust can easily be shifted into downright naivety and she would be none the wiser. 

    Appearance: Chimera could be looked at as rather strange from many people's point of view, in part due to her physical appearance. She is rather dark skinned, like most Gerudo, but she has an odd color of hair, worn in a braid about down to her waist. It's a natural Cyan, though dust and dirt have dulled it slightly, what with not having many opportunities while roaming the wastes to bathe and wash her hair. Her eyes are a nice pretty green.

    Chimera has a very powerful looking body and while she's slim and meek, she's very muscular, with pretty much zero percent body fat. On her head, the Gerudo wears a plain beige bandana on top, covering her hair in all but the bangs, and over her mouth and nose, she wears a torn piece of nice fabric, with a nice design on it. It was likely attained from a section of drapery. She uses it to keep any sand, dust, or any other such thing from getting in her mouth.

    On her body, she wears a somewhat tight beige shirt, having not found a new replacement for it that's intact. This coupled with her sizable chest has left an enemy or two distracted during a fight. For pants, also in beige, she wears loose fitting, light material, fanning out closer to the bottom but at the very bottom secured to her leg with an elastic ribbon on each leg. 

    Apart from this all she has is the aforementioned equipment, tightened sandles for wasteland walking, and fingerless gloves. 

    Residence: Wherever she decides to lay down.
    Backstory: Chimera was born Dawn Reynald in a small Hylian town her mom brought her to just after she was born. This was a town she remembers nothing about, with a mother who only left one lasting memory on the girl. Being four during Ganon's attack sweeping southern Hyrule, Chimera was confused and panicked, hiding in her room, expecting help to escort her to safety or something. When nobody came, Dawn came to the realization that to save herself, her mother had abandoned her. 

    She laid alone under her bed, awaiting death, when the building was set fire to by the moblins and  they then moved on to the next town. After about three minutes of everything around her burning, the house in its entirety collapsed, making the girl smash her head against the floor as she was pinned by rubble. 

    After being dazed for an hour or so, blood all over the side of her head, the floor beneath Dawn broke, allowing her escape. Once she made it out to the destroyed town, she broke down and realized she was all alone before seeing her mother's sword and buckler among the rubble.

    Once the fires died out, Dawn began searching for anything decent in the homes around her, finding things that would help her survive. She also spent quite a bit of time training, teaching herself how to use the weapons she'd found. 

    Eventually she'd used up pretty much everything in the village, and needed to move on. While she left, ready to go onwards for wandering, she found a small hand mirror. She absolutely loved being able to see herself, and took it with her, along with all the food and drink she had.

    The seven year old girl set out, ensuring to keep her abilities sharp. She almost never encountered people, and most in groups just meant more trouble. Be it from some strange miracle or just natural talent, she became extremely efficient with her sword and shield very quickly, having probably killed a total of ten moblins by the time she was fifteen, and six other crazed people. Every time, she looted the bodies and often found that they dropped the best stuff. 

    Throughout time, her callused hands learned to endure the harsh lifestyle, the strange girl having now become a southern looter of Hyrule. She gained her name from a strange man she met during her travels wearing all black and carrying a rock. He saved her from a fight against two moblins and through conversation for the first time in many years, he got out of her that she wanted to find a pure place where she could have what she used to.

    The man laughed a bit, declaring her goal a chimera. She took liking to this name, and whenever introducing herself, she actually has something to declare as her name. Now Chimera's in the same situation as always. Living day to day and wandering the wastelands.
  2. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Hum... I'm fine with the creation of a very tiny village which was quickly destroyed, and I'm fine with the backstory. But, I'm going to have to ask Toko about whether Gerudo could have settled in various parts of Southern Hyrule. The Backstory says that the Eastern Caves were the Gerudo's home, and it's up to Toko whether or not Gerudo could have lived in other parts of the map. Otherwise, this is fine. It took me a few seconds to realize what "ZomboidZack rec" meant, but I got there eventually. So, I'll PM Toko, and he'll either tell me or just answer directly here.
  3. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

    Trophy Points:
    It's not quite so much settling in other areas, she's just a wandering looter. I already have a passed wanderer in southern (Barth) it's just different goals.
  4. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    No, no, it's not her that's the issue. It's alright if she's a wanderer, I'm not saying that you have to RP in the EC alone XD

    No, it's just that the village she was born in is, apparently, a Gerudo one, meaning that the Gerudo were settling outside of the EC. I'm just not sure if Toko's fine with the idea of the Gerudo colonising Southern Hyrule, that's all.
  5. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

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    Would it help at all if I stated that it was a hylian village that her mother left to desert to?
  6. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    You mean, if it was a tiny Hylian settlement that her mother had taken her baby to, because she for whatever reason deserted the Gerudo home?

    Sure! I mean, the backstory says that there were Hylian villages that were razed to the ground, why not this itsy-bitsy little one?
  7. Tsubori

    Tsubori Hunter of Beacon vet

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    Kk edited the first paragraph. That should be okay then, right?
  8. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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