Character Gradings

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Bitoko, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    Trophy Points:
    Hey all, I know there are a few characters that need to be graded and a few other things that need to happen. I apologize that I have not been here lately, but things are about to pick up! I will be back on later tonight to grade these characters and whatnot, if there is anything else that you all would like me to focus on tonight, please send me a PM! Right now I'm leaving to go vote and get some food, so yeah, talk to you all tonight!

    School is finally over for a couple of months so yeah, I'll be here!
  2. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    Trophy Points:
    Sorry guys, I ended up getting home REALLY late, around 1 am, and I am exhausted. I will be doing the character grading and whatnot tomorrow morning, as well as possible looking into promoting a temporary Mod to replace Quill until he returns.

    Again, I apologize. Cya tomorrow!