Captain Solomon "Stally" Skeleton

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by UnnamedDude, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

    Trophy Points:
    3DS Friend Code:
    Name: Captain Solomon “Stally” Skeleton, formerly Sheena Elliane.

    Race: Stalfos, formerly Hylian

    Age: Unknown, but apparently a little over thirty years since death and resurrection.

    Gender: In life, female; however, since then, the good captain has adopted a more masculine persona after coming back as a Stalfos. Very astute observers may recognize from the hips that Solomon is biologically female, but most don’t comment.

    Class: The Pirate Who Won’t Steal Anything.

    Place of Origin: Ikana Valley

    PWC: 4/4/2

    Treasures & Rupees:

    Skeletal Defense
    Miasma (-25)
    Night vision (-40)
    Power Beam (-35)
    0 Rupees

    Possesses four gladii, one for each hand. These short swords are roughly the size of a person’s forearm, and are somewhat sharp. For easier reach, they are kept in sheathes on Solomon’s thighs. In addition, he wears a buccaneer’s hat and cape.

    Though the two extra arms mounted upon his shoulders are fairly imposing, the rest of Solomon’s body is not terribly intimidating, as it was raised from a maiden’s skeleton. As a result, it is not as tall as some other skeletons, sporting an ivory color and somewhat slender bones. That aside, Solomon has gotten away with it by hiding with a cape, and wears a once-plumed hat to appear more respectable. Other than this, he wears no clothing.

    Solomon has come back strong, and he likes to let people know about it. He is loud and boisterous, is rarely worried, and speaks in an odd foreign dialect. Still, his heart is in the right place, and he tends to look out for the less fortunate… at least, as far as fortune ever goes in Ikana. This may be because he himself knows what it is like to be ostracized and to have seemingly no past to go back to, a plight many in Ikana share.

    In most situations, he is more than likely to present a friendly face and helping hand to his other monstrous neighbors and tries to act as something of a knight to them. Somewhat ironically, he is never seen engaging in anything resembling pirate-like behavior, other than running his casually foul mouth.

    Once, long ago, there was an infamous pirate whose name was synonymous with terror on the Eastern Seas. Mere mention of his presence would send hapless people scattering to the hills.

    …However, that is a story for another time. This tale is about one young maiden, a Sheena Elliane, born in Koholint Island. As a resident of Mabe Village, she was a peaceful sort, in tune with emotions around her and soft-spoken. Often she was told that she must have possessed a blessing for it. Yes, a truly idyllic lifestyle she had…

    And she was not at all satisfied.

    The island was quaint and happy, to be sure, but also… lacking. Empty. To Sheena it felt as though there were some spark that were missing. There was little excitement in her life, so to her, it was a golden cage. She found herself drifting out towards the coastlines, gazing into the wide blue sea, hoping against hope for something out of the ordinary to happen.

    In retrospect she really should have thought of something more specific.

    Perhaps if she had she would not have run afoul of pirates. Specifically the pirate crew mentioned earlier in our story. Perhaps if she were more suspicious, less pure, and less eager to escape her island, she would not have attempted to initiate conversation with them, and subsequently be hauled off for the entertainment of the crew.

    And her luck would have to have been downright ILL for this crew to have earlier drawn the ire (and by extension the very powerful curses) of a powerful wizard who did not appreciate being stolen from. Instead, our plucky heroine had the fortune of having a great and terrible storm (that was most certainly not the work of any aforementioned wizard) interrupt the pirate crew’s unwanted advances on day three of the boat ride. And oh, happy day! By the grace of the golden goddesses the wicked crew was smote by wind, rain, lightning.

    But lo! Our heroine was lost in the fracas and perished! And so our tale reaches a wretched and unhappy end…

    Or… does it? Somehow, the forces that be deigned to give our intrepid heroine a second chance at life, for her first was cut short so suddenly and senselessly. There were just a few little caveats…

    Namely, they could neither bring back her entire body nor her memories. So when the new life awoke to find itself naught but bone, lying amid the remnants of a broken ship, beside a captain’s hat and garb… what was it to think but that he was a pirate captain? He even had four strong arms. What could such a noble countenance be BUT a captain?

    Of course, the shipless captain had no clue where to go or what to do. Undoubtedly it must’ve been something pirate-y, but now he was stranded upon the eastern shore. And so the bony being made an aimless journey across the desert. He couldn’t tell when, but at some point he found a small settlement, Rauru.

    He soon found that the land of the living was not terribly fond of skeletal things dressed as pirates. Who knew? Rather than a greeting or, heavens forbid, any help understanding his situation, he received hostile archers.

    So he had to escape from Rauru, embarking for the south, following the river down and, after a good deal of searching, managed to reach a vast mountain range. Thankfully, the guards he had run across were happy to let him go, being more intent on protecting their home than chasing down a lone Stalfos. Still… he had little place to go, so he began his trek through the mountain range.

    He supposed that he should have been tired, but he had grown used to not needing the amenities that the living did. He slowly, laboriously, clawed his way through the footpaths.

    After a time, he emerged on what he assumed to be the other side of it, a canyon full of death. Here, too, he was not welcome; he was too close to the Stone Towers and was subsequently apprehended. Of course, by this time he was tired and unwilling to fight.

    He was brought before the Stalfos authorities, but thankfully, he had cooperated with them, and they were willing to hear his story. Upon hearing it, the captain of the guard decided to report to King Igos of Ikana, which Solomon only now learned was the name of this barren land.

    He waited apprehensively, but was fortunately allowed to stay; out of gratitude for the first time being accepted, he asked if he would be allowed to repay this kindness. After some deliberation, he was trained in the ways of battle by the captain and used his power to travel Ikana as an unofficial peacekeeper. He had attempted to enlist formally, but he had eventually proven too unwilling to work with authority properly to be a soldier. Still, they permitted him to have weapons so long as he swore allegiance to the King; a thing he did freely and willingly. For who else had shown him any amount of understanding, but these people?

    He couldn’t tell how many years passed, but he one day found a family struggling to get into Ikana. He could tell from the look in the older woman’s eyes that she hadn’t much time left, and she spent her final breaths begging for him to help--not her, but her child.

    Solomon felt sympathy for the child; he too had once been thrown about by the world, and only here had he found any solace at all, after having his past ripped away from him. So for some reason, he made it a point to raise and look after her as well as he could in this dead world. The exercise has, among other things, helped educate him on how best to survive in Ikana.

    Notes: He is Stella Argall's self-appointed guardian, and is very protective of her.
  2. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    Fascinating.~ Accepted.
