Aurelia's Tutorial Thread

Discussion in 'Creative Works' started by Aurelia, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. Aurelia

    Aurelia unreliable and clumsy new

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    Hi Guys! So, I've been helping people with drawing, painting, and colour tips. So, I figure why not share and help you guys with creativity? So, in this thread, I will post guidelines and help with drawings paintings. Here are some things to point out:

    In this thread you may:
    1. Ask questions about any type of medium and how it will work with a picture
    2. Post your own artwork and get feedback from me and other members here
    3. Ask me to draw something for you to get a general idea about something you are doing
    4. Nudity is okay but nothing too extreme, I know the body is beautiful, but exposing it will result me to ask a moderator to remove it

    You may NOT do these things in this thread:
    1. Discourage other people's drawings, this is something to help each other out
    2. Please don't spam this thread with anything that is not related to the topic, it will get cluttered and I dont want to skip over ones post
    3. If you post a drawing here, it has to be friendly like. As I said, nudity is okay, but nothing to extreme. And to be far, I don't want any gore drawings in here. I want it to be friendly. If it happens to be explicit in content, PM me to see if it is okay and I'll take it to a moderator for opinion.

    Now, I will update the OP here from time to time with contents and chapters so you don't have to search all of my posts for something new. I will also post in OP other members drawings and I would hope you will help everyone to do better

    I will post something here soon, but for now, I will start with head tutorials. Stay in contact here, for I will try and update every week. ^___^

    Happy posting~