Ashem Radot [hopefully finished]

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by demo, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. demo

    demo New Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    Rupees 100-100=0
    0+50 for rupee riches
    50 rupees

    Name: Ashem Radot

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Race: Hylian

    Place of Origin: Darunia

    PWC: 4/1/3

    Treasures: ring of silence

    Height: 5'11

    Weight: 135

    Equipment: Scimitar, dagger, lockpick

    Appearance: Ashem has very long black hair that covers his left eye. He has grey eyes. He wears a sleeveless black shirt. There are also black arm guards that go down to his wrists. Wears a grey belt where he sheaths his dagger. He wears black, fairly baggy pants and black boots. He wears a long black cloak with grey trim that has a crescent moon symbol on it.

    Semi-accurate picture [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Residence: A small, shabby house near the center of Darunia

    Pet: none

    Backstory: Ashem was born to a moderate home in Darunia. He was 10 when his mother became dreadfully ill when she had his sister Marinda. She died weeks later. Ashem's father became sorrowful, quit his job as a blacksmith, and took up drinking, not even caring for his children. He eventually left them a year later. Though they still owned the house, they had no way of getting food.
    Ashem began begging civilians of Darunia for money. These efforts kept them fed on the bare necessities, but not enough to live long term. Ashem was again walking in the market one day when he spotted a bag of rupees on the ground. In excitement he picked them up, only when he opened them did he find that they were instead rupoors. He lost the days efforts but gained something else. He had the thought that he could begin stealing to make a living. It was dangerous but it was all he could do. Looking through his house he found a scimitar and a dagger. He also found a small rod which he formed into a lock-pick.
    He now spends his time caring for his sister and stealing to make a living.
  2. Adaar

    Adaar New Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    Good enough to pass, though you may way to add more to the backstory in the future.