Any Musicians/Jazz Fans?

Discussion in 'Creative Works' started by meanea, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. meanea

    meanea New Member reg

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    I'm very much into Jazz, and have been since around Freshman year of highschool (second year of college now). It's always nice to hear about people enjoying the same things you do, especially when that thing has become such a niche interest.

    Here's some personal recommendations:

    I'm also a guitarist in a little jazz group c: I'd love to hear about your guys's experiences/tastes.
  2. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

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    I'm not a musician and I wasn't into music much at all until very recently. I've been exploring different genres recently trying to figure out my tastes (I tend to like a little of everything, so I was kind of trying to narrow down what I really like a bit more).

    I've found that the three genres I generally seem to like most are Rock/Metal, Videogame music if it counts, and yes Jazz. I don't exactly know enough to have any sort discussion on it, as I've only started listening to Jazz very recently but generally I rather like what the genre has to offer.
  3. meanea

    meanea New Member reg

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    Well, if you're open to suggestions, I have a few different types of jazz I can throw your way from my personal favorites.

    Samla Mammas Manna. Very fast and rocking jazz.

    Burnt Weeny Sandwich by Frank Zappa. Zappa is definitely my favorite musician ever. Every single album he did branched out into new territories. This album focuses very heavily on instrumental talent. The first song is VERY different from the rest of the album, and is a loveletter to 50's R&B.

    And here's some great Jazz fusion from Return to Forever.

    Finally, here's my favorite piece of music ever written. King Kong by Frank Zappa.