Alchemist Profession Clarification

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Razgriz, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

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    I need some clarification on the Alchemy profession and the potions it can be used to make. The main problem I have is that it is unclear how the seeds come into effect with these potions and potion supplies.

    Are the seeds needed and consumed only when the potion supply is bought? Say if the alchemist managed to grow and cultivate enough to create a supply of potions. This makes sense for balance and has the potion supply act similar to a bomb bag with an additional one time cost in seeds, but makes little sense in logic, as one or two logical couldn't make the perhaps dozens of potions an alchemist would make and use in their career, or would assume that the seeds can be somewhat easily cultivated. Or is the seed supply included in the cost of the potion supply, so they wouldn't be needed at any point to make for an alchemist character who bought the specific potion supply.

    Or are the seeds needed each time the alchemist wants to make a potion, in which case the alchemist has to buy the ingredients for every single potion he makes, the "supply" merely acting as say a recipe to make the potion from the seeds. While this would make logical sense in that the alchemist would always need new ingredients for each potion, it also makes the career severely under powered and costly, meaning it would be not worth it for most players as the cost alone would probably take the character's entire earnings. This especially doesn't make sense if the single potion cost doesn't need the seeds, as say the potion of flight would cost more to make than buy, making the treasure detrimental to the character as opposed to beneficial or even just useless.

    Are the seeds needed when buying only a single potion, (are they included in the cost listed or are they an extra cost for each potion). If they are needed than the "potion" cost would only be the cost for mixing them, whereas alchemists would usually keep a stock of potions to buy simply or wouldn't be needed anyway if found or looted.

    Also, under the alchemy profession it says that a lvl. 7 alchemist learns how to make a Toado, I'm assuming that they need to pay the 100 rupees listed with the treasure to be able to do this, and it is not given freely like many other potion recipes.

    Also as an unrelated question, can an alchemist make mundane medicines and poisons (relative to their level of course) for free? Is this ability included in the alchemist profession as a side benefit?

    Sorry if this post seems to ramble a bit, but I would like this clarified as I am making a character I intend to be an alchemist and would like this clarified before I submit it.
  2. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    See the next reply.

    This is, indeed, the case: Alchemists must buy the recipe for the potion, as well as the seeds necessary for making the potion. However, once having had bought the recipe, the Alchemist must only buy the seeds necessary for the potion's creation in order to make it. This is opposed to someone without the Alchemist profession, who must pay the price listed under "otherwise", in all of the potion listings, as well as the price for the seeds. This must be done for every potion they buy. Yes, it is expensive. However, some of the potions are quite powerful, and if player characters were gained easy access to them, there could be a serious balancing issue. The expenses are supposed to reflect this. Still, it is cheaper for an Alchemist to brew these potions, over time, compared to someone who has to buy them individually. That said, I'm probably going to go through the prices and change them, as I do think they could use some fixing. A potion of Wizzrobe should no way in hell be 3 rupees + (the cost of 4 Gale/Armor Seeds), per dose, for a non-alchemist.

    See the above answer.

    That is correct.

    Yes, it is assumed that these sorts of "mundane" skills are included within the profession. Essentially, as long as something you make isn't listed as a treasure, or isn't as powerful as a treasure, it is fine, as long as it is ell explained, etc.

    Before you make your character, just so you know, I'm probably going to go through the all the Alchemist stuff and dust it off. None of this stuff has really come up, since there's two people using the Alchemist profession currently, including myself. In any case, sorry to make you wait. But, expect it to be revised, completely, sometime tomorrow.
  3. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    The Alchemist class has been revised, and the latest post in the Library reflects this. For your convenience: