Adaar Minpro

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Adaar, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. Adaar

    Adaar New Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    Name: Adaar Minpro

    Age: 40

    Gender: Male

    Race: Hylain - Refugee of the Western Caves

    Class: Hunter/Scout - Stealth and Long-Range Specialist

    Place of Origin: Saria Village -> Western Caves


    60 Rupees (C5): Wind Enchantment
    20 Rupees (C5): Song of Storms
    7 Rupees (C5): Wind's Requiem
    13 Rupees for slightly better-than-normal weaponry
    0 remaining
    -Current Rupee balance accounted for in signature-

    Deku Nut Supply (open)
    Deku Nuts are believed to be the dried buds of Deku Babas, but can also seem to be produced orally by Deku Scrubs. One is about the size of a child Hylian's fist, and brown in color. Throwing one against a hard surface will cause it to explode, and produce a blinding flash which should stun almost anyone who sees it. This item is single-use, and will be consumed upon detonation; however, the Deku Nut Supply treasure supplies an effectively infinite amount.

    Hawkeye (open)
    The Hawkeye appears as a mask covering the top half of the user's face stylized in the form of a Hawk's face. When worn and viewed through, it functions almost identically to modern binoculars.

    Sense (open)
    Hylians who haven't been completely spoiled with riches are particularly in tune with the world around them, and have developed a sixth sense of sorts. They can detect the presence and vague location of other living creatures purely by instinct, particularly those who are dangerous or intent on doing them harm. The range of this sense is roughly five meters, and penetrates all forms of barriers, even those which deflect magic. [Ever notice how the music changes when an enemy draws near Link in the 3D games?]

    Spin Attack (open)
    After taking a moment to focus their strength into their weapon, the user spins around once or twice in quick succession with their weapon outstretched, which sends out a potent wave of force in all directions around the user. The length and force of the wave depends on the weapon and the user's reach (e.g., a spear will have a longer wave, and a mace will have a blunt wave while a sword will have a slicing wave).

    Song of Storms (open)
    After this magical song finishes, the weather in the area will abruptly change to that of either a light shower or--more likely--a thunderstorm, varying with the location and the current weather. The process generally takes at least a couple minutes.

    Wind Enchantment (open)
    By channeling their magical power into a weapon held in their hand, the user is capable of temporarily giving it a gale property. It will glow green, and blow back its target on the next impact.

    Wind Requiem (open)
    After his magical song finishes, the wind will abruptly pick up or change to a direction of the user's choosing. Exactly which direction of the cardinal eight the wind blows it depends on the exact notes played.

    Wish List (open)
    Fire Enchantment... if Veteran
    Ice Enchantment... if Veteran
    Cross - 23
    Deku Leaf - 25
    Epona's Song - 15
    --Impact Coating - 15
    Mask of Truth - 20
    -Gossip Stone? - 10
    Pegasus Boots? - 35
    Bomb Bag - 80
    -Powder Charge - 30
    -Blast Coating - 30
    Roc's Cape? 35
    Roc's Feather? - 60
    Wall-walking? - 30
    Water-Walking - 20
    Ballad of Gales? - Major - 75
    Mythic Mount? - Major
    Ring of Silence - 50
    Straight Shooting... if Veteran

    Height: 6’ 0”

    Weight: ~180 lbs.

    Ahas: A recurved composite bow - The core is wooden, with horn on the belly (facing towards the archer) and sinew on the back. A horn string bridge is used to further enhance the strength of the bow. The entire bow is wrapped in a dark red fabric, a gift from his mother (She caste a simple spell on it to keep it waterproof). This bow is his most prized possession, and is very well maintained. In prime environmental conditions, he can hit a target at 150 yards. When not in use, Ahas lies unstrung in a black leather case on his back.
    -- Adaar also has a simple wooden bow along with Ahas. This he will use unless greater accuracy is required. They are easily replicable if broken or lost, but still sturdy enough to last a long time if taken care of.
    Itak:Think gladius - This short sword was given to Adaar when he joined the Hylian Guard back in Saria. It is 34” long, with a 28” long, 2” wide blade (double-edge; pointed tip). A solid grip is provided by a knobbed hilt added on, with ridges for the fingers. The hilt (made of dense bone) is scarred with small nicks and scratches obtained from its many years of use. The blade also has a few scratches and dents, but is otherwise kept in pristine condition. It is kept in an equally-scarred leather scabbard hanging off his belt on his left.
    Small Hunting Knife: This knife, strapped to Adaar’s left calf and therefore inside his boot, has a 6” blade and a simple leather-bound handle. The entire knife is just one piece of steel; a gift from his father. A small hand guard keeps the knife from slipping while stabbing things, though it is mostly used for skinning and cutting up animals.
    Armor: Light leather armor vest, covering most of his torso (front and back) and light leather “shorts” down almost to his knees, which are hidden under his pants. He’s got a pair of gauntlets too. (See Appearance)

    Small Wooden Flute- Found one day during his younger years, Adaar taught himself to play this 10” instrument as a way to relax after a hard day’s work, or as something to pass the time while hunting. He knows a few simple tunes, but would rather just improvise and play what he felt. On one of his hunts, a kokiri lad taught him two very powerful tunes to Adaar: the Song of Storms and Wind’s Requiem, and explained their effects. (Adaar later found that he could whistle the two tunes for a weaker effect.) His flute rests on a thin metal chain around his neck, usually tucked under his tunic.

    Tall, thin, but full of lean muscle, Adaar still can hold his own even at his age. He has short brown/black hair that’s graying at the temples. It was once a military crew cut, but has been ‘allowed’ to grow longer than normal. After all, who’s going to yell at a forty year-old guard about his hair? His lean face has a bit of black and grey stubble and some wrinkles by his blue-grey eyes. Lucky for him his facial hair doesn’t grow very fast, or he’d feel the need to shave more often.

    He wears a dark green-almost black tunic (short sleeves), with a leather-armor vest over it. His brown leather gloves extend just past his wrists. They have steel plates on the knuckles, upper hand, and top of wrist (under/in the leather). Thick leather gauntlets continue from his wrists up to his elbow; they protect his arms from his bowstring and Kiana’s talons. A reddish-brown dodongo-hide belt holds up his dark brown, loose-fitting pants of many pockets. Two sturdy leather boots adorn his feet, reaching up to his mid-calf. His hunting knife’s hilt just peeks over the top of left boot. He likes to go barefoot through the forest on occasion, leaving his hunting knife securely strapped to his outer-calf. In general, his clothing is kept as clean as possible for public occasions, but he cant say the same while hunting where he’s covered in mud/dirt/grass/leaves for camouflage.

    A medium-sized pack (think CamelBak) is secured in the middle of his back with leather straps wrapping around and crossing his chest. This strap design keeps his pack from moving and shuffling around as he sneaks around. This pack holds a faded-black cloak and some survival supplies. Ahas’s case is attached to the side for quick access if needed.

    A 7' x 7' hole in the Western Caves. His little hole, normally covered by a simple gray sheet, is located close to one of the many guarded entrances to the Western Caves, allowing him to respond quickly to any intruders, yet deep enough to still be safe to sleep in without getting killed. Carved into the back wall is his bed, padded with various animal skins for bedding. Another gray sheet hangs over his bed hole for extra privacy while sleeping.

    (Looking into the cave)
    Spread along the right wall lie small wooden hooks and pegs for hanging various items (bow, arrow quiver, cloak, etc.) and a small carved-out shelf high up for trinkets and other small objects. A tall wicker basket in the far corner holds a short sword, dozens of arrows, and an simple wooden bow. After all, it’s always nice to have extra weapons in case of an attack.

    Pet: - Kiana the Osprey.
    She is twenty-four inches long with a six foot wingspan. The upper parts of her wings are a deep, glossy brown, while her breast is white streaked with a little brown, and the underparts are pure white. Her head is white with a dark brown-gold mask across the eyes, reaching to the sides of the neck. Her irises are gold, her bill is black, and her feet are white with black talons. She has a short tail and long, narrow wings with four long, finger-like feathers, and a shorter fifth.

    Adaar first spotted the young Kiana while resting at a small lake in the Kokiri forest. He watched as Kiana circled over the lake then gracefully dived down, snagging a large fish she had spotted near the surface of the lake. Adaar stayed by that lake for days watching the large bird.

    After a time, he decided to try and befriend the bird. He caught a fish, then began tossing it up into the air again and again. Eventually it caught the young osprey's attention, and she swooped over to investigate. He let the fish hit the grown when she was close and waited to see if she'd take the fish. To his delight, she did. After repeating this a few more days, along with other tricks, Kiana and Adaar became friends. He continued to train Kiana until she learned to better survive while eating animals other than fish. She also learned to respond to basic commands, mostly whistles.

    Three years later (present day), Kiana is loyally following Adaar around, and even doing a bit of scouting. Though she cannot talk, Adaar has learned to read her “thoughts” through her body language and attitude. If she isn’t on his shoulder or arm, she’s out hunting or just flying around. He has seen the occasional Kokiri talk to animals and has wondered now and again if he is able learn to as well.

    Backstory: -More of a history than story... for now.-
    Born and raised to a young boy in Kakariko Village, Adaar is the only child of a blacksmith (his father) and a teacher of magic (his mother). Both his parents tried to teach him their respective trade, but it was the hunters and archers in the village that caught Adaar’s attention as a young child. After school he could usually be found watching people practice at the shooting range or chatting with the hunters as they returned from Kokiri Forest.

    His farther was first to show support for Adaar becoming a hunter. On his seventh birthday he received a small, simple bow (from a few hunters) and a set of practice arrows (made my his father). Against his mother’s will, Adaar was trained by some hunters to shoot. At first it was only targets on the practice range. By the time he was ten, Adaar was out in Kokiri Forest hunting with the others. He learned how to hide, to move silently through the forest, and to live off the land. That same year his father was asked to help start a new forge in the smaller town Saria, so the family decided to move out with him. Adaar didn’t mind. It just meant that the Kokiri Forest was even closer!

    By twenty Adaar was a skilled marksman, using his talents to hunt both forest and desert beasts and volunteering part time as a Hylian Guard of Saria. Beside the occasional moblin band or wandering undead, life in Saria was great for Adaar and his family.

    At 25, darkness swept the land, destroying anything that stood in it’s way. Thanks to a few heroic messengers from Kakariko, many from Saria was able to flee to the western caves before their town (and those individuals left behind) were destroyed. Adaar was part of the last group to leave; He was one of the few remaining soldiers who defended the stragglers until Ganon’s forces stopped their pursuit. Adaar and the few remaining Hylian Guard were “lucky” enough to witnessed the complete destruction of Saria.

    ~Journal Entry~​
    The city is burning.

    Awake or in my dreams I see the flames reaching up to the sky, filling the air with evil black smoke and the scent of death. They came upon us in the early morning hours, as the last groups were preparing to flee. If we had known how fast they’d come, we would not have prepared to take so much with us.

    They came from the west, as if pouring out from the darkness of night itself. Hundreds... thousands even, stretched across the western fields. Their swords and shields gleaming in the faint morning light and the light of a hundred torches. Many of the civilians stopped and stared in disbelief, only to be tossed into panic as the enemy charged. An unholy cry roared toward us, followed closely with huge moblins on massive warthogs. Caught up in their bloodlust, many of those mounted moblins fell to our arrows before the rest realized they were ahead of the pack and turned back to join the main force.

    The first wave to reach our walls fell to their deaths in our hidden traps... large pits of spikes hidden under a flimsy roof. But the loss of the front line didn’t slow them down. They just kept coming and coming, using the bodies of the fallen to cross the spikes and attack our walls.

    We did our best to keep those beasts from hell distracted while the last hylians ran out the back and to the Kokiri Forest. We triggered all the traps that we could as we ran back through the town: cauldrons of boiling oil, massive rolling fireballs, collapsing buildings... anything to slow them down. My group was lucky enough to run through the barns... those monsters chasing us stopped their pursuit to devour the flesh of our herd animals. Better them than us. Others weren’t so lucky... their horrific screams still haunt our already-restless sleep.

    Too many horses ran riderless that day, chased by a hellish wind from the west.

    I don’t know how long it all took. By the time I dared look at the sky it was filled with black smoke, completely blocking out the sun, highlighted only with those never-ending flames that consumed our city.

    I don’t dare think what kept them from pursuing us... don’t dare think who....

    The city is burning.

    The next years in the Western Caves were a struggle to say the least. Food was scarce and the lack of daylight drove many into depression. Worse was the lack of news concerning the outside world. Slowly the refugees learned to survive in the caves, eventually navigating through most the massive underground network by heart. Between scouting around the caves and tracking enemy patrols, the few remaining hunters learned to sneak to and from the Kokiri Forest to hunt for food. His father helped others melt down recovered enemy equipment and create new tools and weapons. His mother learned to farm and began teach magic again. Though quite annoyed with magi and their superiority complex, Adaar endured one of his mother’s courses long enough to learn the Wind Enchantment.

    He has spent the last ten years roaming the Kokiri Forest looking for food, making friends with the Kokiri, and executing sneak attacks on unsuspecting enemy forces. He returns to the Western Caves only when he has gathered enough food or stolen equipment to risk the long trip. He is quite content with the time he spends away from his underground city, even to the point of feeling quite awkward large groups of people. The hunter outpost in Kokiri Forest is all the company he needs for the rare days away from solitude.

    ~*-*~Possibly more journal entries to come~*-*~​

    1st Quest: I Spy with My Little Eye... Killed some moblins. Obtained Hawkeye and Deku Nut Supply. Became friends(?) with Sienna Denzrita.

    If you're reading this, then you've (hopefully) read the entire character sheet. If this is true, please feel free to PM me any suggestions for my character... no matter how small.
    I'm sure I will edit this more as time goes on.
  2. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    Re: Adaar Minpro [Grade me]

    Hellyes, Adaar finally has a character, even if it isn't the glorious Amun Sobek. :tpr:

    Don't forget our contract. Anyway, this all checks out. Accepted.

    Since you asked for some suggestions, however, I have two:
    - You forgot a period and a close-parenthesis at the end of the flute's description.
    - While the backstory is well-written structurally, it doesn't seem all that... interesting.
  3. Adaar

    Adaar New Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    *edits flute description*
    True. It is very general right now. I hope to add more story to it but I cannot think of anything interesting at the moment (which is sad).
  4. Adaar

    Adaar New Member reg

    Trophy Points:
  5. Adaar

    Adaar New Member reg

    Trophy Points:
    Made some minor changes to existing material. Added a Journal Entry from the attack on Saria. Still thinking of adding more before I contemplate RPing again.