A taste of real fire

Discussion in 'Treasure Creation' started by Razgriz, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

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    Name: A Taste of Real Fire

    PWC: ?

    Description: Touching and concentrating on up to a barrel of food or drink, the user makes food spicier (though not so much to make it inedible), or drink more alcoholic (about as alcoholic as strong beer). The user may choose to to lessen the effects of this spell below it's strongest possible effects (as listed above) but the food or drink will always be spicier or more alcohol than before the spell. The user is always considered used to the effects of this spell if they were the ones to cast it. Also, it sanitizes the food and drink of bacteria and toxins, making it safe for consumption. The appearance, smell, etc. of the food or drink remains otherwise unchanged.

    Limitations: None, though it doesn't the effects of strong spice or alcohol in those that aren't used to it.
  2. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    I'm not really sure "can make spicy spicier and alcohol more alcoholic" is treasure-material
  3. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

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    I guess I should reword it, basically it makes any food spicy (or spicier if already spicy), and any drink alcoholic (or more alcoholic) and makes it safe to eat/drink.
  4. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Still not really sure that's treasure material. RD, what do you think?
  5. Rising Dragon

    Rising Dragon Goat Herder reg

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    It's not. Treasures, for the most part, are supposed to be serious boons to the user. Little miscellaneous "fluff" spells like this aren't what you'd call a serious boon.
  6. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

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    Ummm, guys? not all treasures are particularly useful, at least at all times. We've got a material that glows as it's only ability, skill at fixing machines (which are quite rare), an ability which (this may be an oversight) currently only raises metagame attributes for a short time so you can't take advantage of reduced prices, and a ring that lets the user feel an emotion (that one's your's Quill). Hell we've got one that lets you have a nice house, as opposed to the regular kind everyone else can get "free".

    This treasure could be potentially life-saving at times, so it is a real boon to the user.
  7. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    I think the reasoning behind the rejection of this treasure, in its current state, could be better explained. While you may be correct about some treasures that already exist not seeming particularly useful, when compared to this, they have a much wider range of potential. To use the examples you provided, a glowing material can be used as a beacon, to light up an area, to communicate over long distances. A skill for fixing machines can apply to traps, or other mechanical creations one might find in a dungeon. As for the item that raises metagame attributes, that was created before PWC stats were made entirely metagame. Ring of emotion could be useful to a spy, or someone who has reasons to conceal what their normal emotions would be. It even has potential battle applications, for calming one of their fears.

    Taste of Fire, however, can... make food spicy, or a drink more alcoholic. I am hard pressed to find any uses, outside of the pure roleplaying joy of using this spell (I am actually rather fond of these kinds of treasures), that apply. This treasure was rejected on that basis; it is far too niche to be useful to anyone who doesn't already have a very specific plan for this treasure in mind. While the effects of this treasure could be expanded on, in my opinion, it would be a far better idea to create a spell that includes the effects of this treasure, but has more useful applications. For example, you could create a treasure that can change the flavor, texture, and color of food and drink (while also sterilizing it), and that would have many more uses (not just making everything taste like BACON), than simply making something spicy or more alcoholic. Not saying something like that would pass for sure, but it would definitely be a start.

    If you have any more questions as to why this treasure was rejected, PM me, and I will be more than happy to talk about it with you. That said, the Unaccepted Treasures area is locked, and you won't be able to respond to me via this thread.