A Disgaea RP?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by UnnamedDude, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Welp, I had this idea for a little while now, but I'm just now acting on it. Basically, since there have been a couple of other Sandbox RPs showing up lately I decided I wanted to jump on the bandwagon and make one of my own, namely a Disgaea sandbox.

    If anyone's interested, I think I have something of an idea for a setting and it would be run sort of like HC's system, with sort of a hands-off referee type of moderation (probably by Senpai and me).

    Anyway, if I do go through with it I'd like to see if we can get some sort of interest going before going much farther, so anyone can feel free to chime in, with questions, concerns, comments, intents to join, or whatever.
  2. Chi

    Chi Pre-everything insanity girl reg

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    Hmm, seems interesting, but I know nothing about the games other than 2, and barely that one
  3. Ultra5

    Ultra5 Top hat Goomy reg

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    Although I know nothing of this game series UD has given me a description that has attracted my interest. I shall join if it starts.
  4. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Since people not knowing much about the games has come up a few times before I guess I'll go ahead and post a short synopsis of the games themselves, and in hindsight I probably should've done this from the very start.

    The Disgaea series is a series of SRPGs notorious for having an absurdly high level cap and hilariously over-the-top attacks. Its general theme is that a ragtag group of demons band together to fight enemies and TAKE OVER THE [Nether]WORLD! Despite this, they (usually) aren't all that evil, and are more petty and/or anti-heroic at worst. They also often end up fighting much worse so as to keep them sympathetic.

    At any rate, despite the plots becoming very grim very quickly, its seriousness tends to be held in check by a quirky cast, and character development tends to be a central focus as well. Hopefully the upcoming rp will be able to capture the flavor of "funny but serious" that Disgaea has.

    Experience with the games is nice, that way you know what you're getting into, but not really necessary, since we would be working with an original setting.