A day in the life of Cain [Autumn]

Discussion in 'Northern Hyrule' started by jdd2035, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. jdd2035

    jdd2035 New Member new

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    Sun Rise:

    It would surprise a lot of people that for a hole in the side of a hill Cain..."abode" is actually quite nicely furnished. Much like a cabin rather than a house or a manor but for Cain it was not bad. It had a main room which was a combination of a kitchen, dining room and living room all rolled into one which had a cook stove against one wall vented with a stone chimney. On either side of the the "main room" was a bed room not too big but big enough to make some one comfortably sleep but not much else. All in all the entire thing looks like it had been built from things collected near by or scavenged from abandoned places.

    In one of the bedrooms slept Cain on a make shift bed that had for a mattress a canvas piece of cloth sewed up and stuffed with dried grass and leaves... maybe some wild cucco feathers. Cain slept hard and always had but he had this innate ability to always wake up a bit before the sun came up. This morning was no different at all and waking up in the pitch black the first thing to do was to rub his eyes. Oh fur he must have transformed in his sleep again. Some people talk in their sleep, others sleep walk; while still others giggle in their sleep. Cain transformed from man to wolf back to man again it wasn't too bad of a thing and considering that he is capable of creating fire yeah waking up as a wolf was definitely the lesser of the two pains in the necks that could happen when he slept.

    Well the real first thing to do was to become hylian again so after some concentration his body metamorphosed. First his front paws turned into hands followed by his hylian arms, torso, waist, legs feet and finally a hylian head. Now he could rub his eyes and let them adjust to the pitch darkness. After his eyes adjusted he fumbled around until he found a shutter and opened the window. The morning was still twilight with just enough of yellow, orange and red on the horizon indicating dawn was just a few minutes away and from the looks of it that morning was going to be a beautiful one with the mist and the twilight making the world feel...enchanting.
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  2. jdd2035

    jdd2035 New Member new

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    Kippers and eggs. Fish for breakfast might seem exotic or down right yucky depending on the person but on occasion it was a nice change of pace. Now the fish while any could work Cain found that he liked trout the best for this particular meal. Luckily brook trout were in abundance and a few that he had caught the evening before were in a bucket. After flaying two of the fish he began sauteing them in butter. As the fish sauteed Cain added some spice powder and began scrambling eggs with the fish. Once every thing was cooked up Cain sprinkled a touch of salt over the meal and ate it right from the pan. It saved on dishes that needed to be cleaned.

    As Cain ate the thought that had been brewing in the back of his mind came to the forefront he needed to prepare for winter. Fish needed to be caught and smoked not to mention boar, hopefully a deer. He would also like to get some vegetables garlic, onions and potatoes and other dry storage items. Maybe even a wheel of cheese if he was quite lucky. He used a piece of charcoal from his fire place to write down things he needed to begin to gather.
    • Fish
    • boar
    • deer
    • wild
    • veggies
    • dry goods
    Got it.


    Not much of that now is there? Shaving wasn't an issue he could clean shave him self he had a knife and spear both sharp enough to do so but with in half an hour his five o'clock shadow would have returned. His scruffiness had never went beyond a five o'clock so no point in shaving. Teeth on the other hand teeth were important how many stories were there where the cause of a groups problems turned out to be some creature with a tooth ache. So to clean his teeth he began warming water on his cook stove and added salt. Once every thing was steaming he rinsed several times. There was only one thing left, one dreaded thing left and that was the bath.

    Cain dreaded bathing not because he didn't like taking a bath but because it was...


    Especially in the fall some of his body parts began to shrink out of existence while the others became hard enough to cut glass with. It didn't matter rather it was in wolf form or human nothing would stop the cold from doing its thing. Oh now Cain had it in him to make his water hot but that would take a lot of umph and tire him out and he still had a long day ahead of him.
  3. jdd2035

    jdd2035 New Member new

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    Morning Chores:

    Yeah every one has to do them unless you're a total lush and think "working can wait" but for Cain he had chores. Trout loved to bite in the morning and Cain wanted to catch a lot of them and cure them for the on coming winter. So fishing pole in hand it was off to the brook for a lot of trout fishing. Well there was one more stop he had to make before stopping at the brook and that was the worm bed. It was a place that Cain had dug out and lined with slate and then filled with dry leaves, horse manure, and worms. The eventual dirt had produced a wonderful grove of grass and wild flowers.

    Digging down a few inches Cain produced a hand full of wiggling, jiggling earth worms; night crawlers to be exact. And now it was off to the brook! Fishing was either incredibly relaxing or incredibly frustrating depending on how the fish are biting. If they were being caught in a quick fashion Cain found it relaxing but if the fish weren't biting AT-ALL than it was slam your pole into the water and toss it into the field frustrating. Tying a worm on his last hook he made his cast and began to wait...After about ten minutes of waiting Cain pulled his line in and the hook snagged something under the water. As Cain pulled on his line he felt it go slack and when he found the end of the line he discovered to his dismay that he had lost a hook.

    As it turned out losing that hook was a stroke of good luck. After making a gorg a toothpick looking thing that had a notch in the middle that was designed for a fish to swallow hole Cain began to catch one fish after the next and by the time they had finally slowed down Cain had an entire bucket of fish in which to smoke cure over the evening. He would need more but a bucket full of fish is still a nice start.
  4. jdd2035

    jdd2035 New Member new

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    Morning Chores:
    Wood Cutting:

    The fish were caught and the morning started its path towards noon. Now he would need wood for a fire in the winter. It wasn't so much to keep himself warm in the winter in fact he liked it kind of cold he even felt exhilarated when he woke up and he could see his breath in the mornings. But what he really didn't like was cold food, yeah cold ham was okay and cold smoked fish could keep him alive but when ever he could he'd cook his food so he was going to need fire wood.

    There were plenty of dry dead trees through his land that had died from some sort of bug getting into them or something. At any rate the trees roots had began to rot away and all it took was to find the right trees and a strong shoulder to push them over. After the tree was fallen Cain tied a rope around them and dragged them down the hill toward his hole in the hill. At his hole in the hill there was an axe a heavy broad axe. A broad axe which was at this moment being guarded by a deku baba... The thing hissed and snapped at Cain but it couldn't really reach him "Wait there" Cain said and smirked. Stepping into his hole in the hill he grabbed his spear and stepped back out. He liked a weapon with reach for just these instances.

    He gripped the end of his spear about a foot from the back end and thrust it at the deku baba it snapped at his spear and the two struggled for a few moments until Cain pulled his spear form its mouth and chuckled. He was having a bit of fun with this thing but decided to end it and hit the deku bab on the side of the head and followed things up with a quick thrust into head and out the other side.

    After dealing with the deku baba Cain went to chopping and spitting wood until lunch time.
  5. jdd2035

    jdd2035 New Member new

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    Lunch was made pretty easy. A man of his life style might not have much or at-least not look like he had much but what he did have was the availability of food. He had cured venison which was really really tasty, and a few different kinds of sausage and a few loaves of bread and wild green apples. Well that was not a bad meal really in his past a Gerudo friend of his introduced him to a meal that had very similar ingredients.

    Sitting down to lunch he had decided on the following cured venison roast sliced thin, apples cut into slivers, and a quarter loaf of sour dough bread cut into thick slices. He really wanted to get butter and cheese for some reason those went really well with apples. Even though the venison roast was already salt cured Cain decided to pan fry it in it's own fat. As the fat melted with the pieces of meat it made the venison really juicy and made a gravy that could easily be soped up with the bread. Once the meat was hot and sizzling it was time to eat...again right out of the pan. He tore off pieces of bread and wrapped pieces of meat and apple inside and soaked up the fat and gravy before plopping the entire mix into his mouth.

    Cain followed the same process until he was full. After that he looked at his kitchen. There was one major drawback about living as a bachelor and that was his kitchen was a mess! His first thought was just to torch to place and leave it for the crows. But saner heads prevailed and he decided that it needed scrubbed. Grabbing the largest pot he had he filled it with creek water and added lye soap. Placing it on the stove and bringing it to a boil he scrubbed his dishes followed by the table and floor and at the end of it discovered that he had also scrubbed off a finger nail. Oh well it'll grow back. After lunch he would go back to work.
  6. jdd2035

    jdd2035 New Member new

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    Cain had filled up, which might have been a mistake now he was sleepy and would have liked to take a nap but the entire idea of "working can wait" was horrid idea and he was appalled at every one who took to that idea and then relied on others to survive. So it was back to work for him looking at his make shift list he saw at least two things that still needed to be done. The fish needed to be filleted and set to soak in brine for a day or two and he could start scouting and maybe even hunting down a boar.

    It took a bit to fillet all the fish Cain had caught but when it was done he had a tub of fish soaking in brine water. It would be a day or two before he put the fillets into the smoker so now it was off to go boar hunting. Boar were notorious creatures. When kept in a pen and fed well they made a lot of meat; pork chops, bacon, pork roasts, cracklins, pickled pigs feet, and sausage just to name a few items; but on the other hand if they went wild they tore up large swats of land, spread disease and were in general a nuisance. So the first place he thought of looking was to talk to his neighbors and check to see if there had been any wallows made along the brooks and springs.

    With spear in hand Cain started out once again he began to walk along the brook moving up stream. There wasn't much sign at all and frankly he hadn't heard of any boar in the area but he decided to look any way maybe he could find other game. As he had expected the search for boar began slowly but it was a nice crisp afternoon so Cain didn't mind. By the time Cain had returned he had speared a pair of grouse and a hare but didn't see no sign of a boar. But that didn't really surprise him his nearest neighbor were between where he lived and lon lon ranch and boars tended to come by escaping pens.
  7. jdd2035

    jdd2035 New Member new

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    Foraging Pine Nuts:

    Cains life to a lot of the people of Hyrule was well boring. He didn't do a lot of things for entertainment but that was to say that he didn't entertain himself as the day went. He sang songs really off key, told himself stories, made really bad poetry,and even gave a shot at performance arts like juggling these things didn't distract him for long they were just there to break up what little monotony he felt through out the day. Not that he didn't have excitement in his life, he stalked deer, got chased by octoroks, he had been surprised by deku baba's and the like but still that was never a daily thing. Life would be a living hell if he had to adventure all day every day.

    But there was stuff to do, they may have been mundane and even tedious but he actually enjoyed taking care of his place and the surrounding areas. He was no gardener he preferred to forage there was wild potatoes, garlic and onions, berries rose hips and black berries mostly, there were also pine nuts raw or roasted they're very tasty.

    Picking berries and wild vegetables was pretty self explanatory find the ripe ones and pull them off the stems or out of the ground. Now pine nuts you could pull pine cones off and get the few nuts out of them but by the third pine cone your fingers would be stuck together from the sap, and it's a total pain in the neck; you could also duck under the trees branches and pick individual seeds up but that was incredibly time consuming...and there were mice that way; or there was the way Cain did it. Bringing a blanket to a near by pine tree he placed it neatly under the boughs of the tree he next took his grappling hook and wrapped it around the trees top and than using the rope he shook the tree vigorously. The pine nuts began to fall out of the cones like rain onto the blanket and with in a few shakes the blanket was filled to almost over loading with delicious pine nuts.