The Pure Metals

Discussion in 'Treasure Creation' started by Doc Genz, Jan 14, 2023.

  1. Doc Genz

    Doc Genz frozen again Moderator

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    There is some necessary explanation for this post, which I will attempt to explain briefly. What is a pure metal? Pure metals are ores seen in Phantom Hourglass, that when combined with time sand(which in turn is powdered force gems collected from bosses) and the titular hourglass create the powerful Phantom Sword. It is heavily implied its forging process is similar to its cousin, the Master Sword. The Master Sword itself uses a similar evolution of three elements as it changes from the original Goddess Sword.

    I had planned to create useable versions of these metals in the crafting system on this site. While the implications of fully crafting a legendary sword are not really in the cards for a site like this, a harmless combination of just the metals doesn't have such heavy implications. It can be said that an unbreakable material like Goron Iron, combined with Master Ore could create a true cousin to a legendary sword. This is, with the intended prices of the Pure Metals, possibly one of the most arduously expensive weapons you could plan to craft on the site. I won't say not to try such a thing, but in turn I don't expect anyone to ever accomplish it.

    To conclude my intro I will explain the real utility of these materials. With two portions of these materials, a weaponsmith can awaken two magical effects. With one portion of all three materials, a final effect occurs. Lastly, two portions of each metal, a total of six ingots, create a powerful weapon that combines the evolved form of three metals' effects and the addition of the combination effect. This final weapon goes by no one name, but takes the form of its wielder's intentions.

    Price: a single ingot of a pure metal has the humble cost of 15 rupees. Attempting to use six ingots(two of each) results in a combine cost of 90 rupees, which begs that the crafter be level 9 in weaponsmith. The resulting weapon would grow even more difficult to combine with additional materials.

    Crimsonine (open)

    {Offensive Magical Item} Fields: {Empower, Light} Price = set cost {15}

    Crimsonine, a Pure Metal, has two effects. The first when a single ingot is used, and a secondary effect evolved by using two. This metal is deep red in color and has the unique effect of sensing its wielder's intentions. When used offensively, to strike or slash, a Crimsonine implement will harden with the impending blow. A Crimsonine weapon with an edge will retain its sharp edge even when colliding with an uncompromisingly hard enemy. It will in turn know when its wielder is not trying to strike its enemy, and will soften and become fallible like a common metal when taking stress from other means such as parrying or blocking. In this basic form, Crimsonine can be rationed into ammunition that will never shatter on impact with an enemy. Combining another bar or other Pure Metals will not affect ammunition in any additional way.

    When a second ingot, totaling two Crimsonine is used in a weapon it will awaken a secondary effect. Two layered ingots folded over produce a wave pattern, giving this metal the nickname "Flame-Colored Metal." A doubled Crimsonine weapon gains a magic property, becoming coated in ethereal ghostly red flames during combat. An enemy who is pierced or cut by this weapon will feel an intense burning sensation that is not caused by flames or heat but by its magic alone. This magical burning feeling persists for about five minutes even after the metal is removed from the area. This effect cannot be accomplished with blunted weapons or ammunition of any kind using this metal.

    A weapon forged of Crimsonine, Azurine, and Aquanine in tandem has the unique property of dealing Light-Field damage at all times. Furthermore, beings with Dark Affinity/Vampirism/Fell Transformation or any form of undeath will take damage from attacks by this weapon regardless of what armor or protection they are wearing or holding. A magical shield such as from the Shield Ring can still prevent the damage from transferring to its target, as only worn items are bypassed. Additionally, all beneficial effects of previous bars of Pure Metals are considered in this new weapon, its metal will only soften when removed from combat.

    Azurine (open)

    {Defensive Magical Item} Fields: {Protect, Light} Price = set cost {15}

    Azurine, a Pure Metal, has two effects. The first when a single ingot is used, and a secondary effect evolved by using two. This metal is cobalt blue in color and has the unique effect of sensing its wielder's intentions. When used to block oncoming attacks, an Azurine implement will harden with the incoming blow. It will in turn know when its wielder is not blocking and will become fallible like a common metal when taking stress from other means.

    When a second ingot, totaling two Azurine is used in a weapon it will awaken a secondary effect. The surface of the metal parts of this weapon will bear a sheen, revealing a magical slickness. When the weapon senses its user attempt to parry an enemy's weapon, it will radiate with magic. This magical effect will repel weapons that collide with it in this state, making it easier for a skilled user to redirect attacks or disarm an attacker.

    A weapon forged of Crimsonine, Azurine, and Aquanine in tandem has the unique property of dealing Light-Field damage at all times. Furthermore, beings with Dark Affinity/Vampirism/Fell Transformation or any form of undeath will take damage from attacks by this weapon regardless of what armor or protection they are wearing or holding. A magical shield such as from the Shield Ring can still prevent the damage from transferring to its target, as only worn items are bypassed. Additionally, all beneficial effects of previous bars of Pure Metals are considered in this new weapon, its metal will only soften when removed from combat.

    Aquanine (open)

    {Offensive Magical Item} Fields: {Empower, Light} Price = set cost {15}

    Aquanine, a Pure Metal, has two effects. The first when a single ingot is used, and a secondary effect evolved by using two. Aquanine is a green-to-aquamarine colored metal that came from a mountain that once erupted off the face of the earth. It has the non-magical property of being lighter than many metals in contrast to how tough it is. This metal was adored and hoarded in undersea societies for its magical property. When even a single ingot is used in a weapon or shield, it will gain the property of moving almost effortlessly through liquids. This property extends to slow liquids like magma or syrups/oozes although it will become considerably more difficult. A single Aquanine bar can be split into ammunition that will effortlessly pierce liquids, typically when fired from open air as many ranged weapons do not function underwater. Combining another bar or other Pure Metals will not affect ammunition in any additional way.

    When a second ingot, totaling two Aquanine is used in a weapon or armor it will awaken a secondary effect.** This metal, when folded together produces a light-bending glitter effect. Its appearance and ability gave it the nickname "Devil's Trident" or "Devil's Scales" in legends. Wearing this weapon or armor will magically improve its bearer's Power Beam or Peril Beam technique. Beams hurled from the weapon will, based on the natural width of such weapon become increased in width by about six feet or three feet on each side( a meter in both directions totaling two meters.) This devastating giant beam went down in history for its legendary wake of destruction.

    A weapon forged of Crimsonine, Azurine, and Aquanine in tandem has the unique property of dealing Light-Field damage at all times. Furthermore, beings with Dark Affinity/Vampirism/Fell Transformation or any form of undeath will take damage from attacks by this weapon regardless of what armor or protection they are wearing or holding. A magical shield such as from the Shield Ring can still prevent the damage from transferring to its target, as only worn items are bypassed. Additionally, all beneficial effects of previous bars of Pure Metals are considered in this new weapon, its metal will only soften when removed from combat.

    ** I'd suggest alternately adding a Wide Beam augment to Power/ Peril Beam for those who just want the technique separately

    With my concept finished, I'd like as much input as possible, as well as suggestions to replace any effects that don't work for any reason. I also want suggestions of the lore of some of these metals, as they're meant to be "legendary substances" on their own regardless of how they are used. As rare as they are supposed to be, the final combine cost would be far too much if even a single ingot was increased in cost. With that in mind, I want to know if having such lore is good or bad. They are meant to be used all together for something a Hero would wield, so I'd like each one to have stories attached to them.
  2. Devil-Steel

    Devil-Steel Your friendly neighborhood devil reg

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    I think my only thing is the power/peril beam augment ability doesn't really seem to fit in with the rest of the abilities that focus on the weapon itself. It just seems a little out of place to me.
  3. Doc Genz

    Doc Genz frozen again Moderator

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    I was going off the special abilities that the three spirits in PH have, and Ciela's special ability is just a wider sword beam. No matter how much I think about it I can't think of a better ability anyway. I like the idea that someone collecting these metals could become a 'warrior' like in the musou games and hit a wide amount of enemies at once. I'll take any other ideas for the final concept though my ears are open.
  4. Devil-Steel

    Devil-Steel Your friendly neighborhood devil reg

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    Gotcha. In that case it makes sense. I think that would be fun too honestly.