Boogie Boogie Boo!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Miss Kaguya, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Miss Kaguya

    Miss Kaguya Member new


    Let's go into the world of horror.

    Let's admit it, we all know we have fears that would make us crawl back into bed and hide under the blankets of protection. I admit that I'm afraid of cockroaches, nasty little (or big) creatures. Cockroaches never use to bug me that much but since the big boys started to show up I completely lost it, there was even this one time that one fell on me when I tried to kill it with the shoes of justice, which I failed, screamed, and went into a murderous rampage until that thing was gone for good.

    Another thing that scares me are dolls, I hate those things to death, if a doll is present in a room I have the tendency of putting them inside of shelves or cover their faces so that I don't see their piercing cold eyes. I remember that one time in one of my mom's friend's house, I didn't want to enter room because there was a stuff animal and I swear it would tilt it's head when I stared at it.

    What's so ridiculous that I'm also afraid of total silence and noises in the dark. I swear I'm the saddest thing ever in this world. Dx

    Well.... what scares you the most?
  2. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

    I'm afraid of most bugs. Especially spiders, but also other bugs.

    Also, heights. I'm fine if it's closed, like riding an airplane or something, but something open like, say, a hot air balloon, would freak me out.

    Finally, the possibility of someone in my house. Noises at night tend to make me very jumpy for that reason. I find the alternative of some crazy person breaking in or even just looking through the window a lot scarier than some ghost or other fictional monster.
  3. Ultra5

    Ultra5 Top hat Goomy reg

    Fire and heights.
  4. Fcgfyv

    Fcgfyv Knight of Mind reg

    I'm scared of dying, because I've thought about what it would be like too much. It sounds terrifying and extremely boring at the same time.
  5. Miss Kaguya

    Miss Kaguya Member new

    Amen to death. They are times that I don't want to know what happens when dying. Where do we go? What will happen? Do we really stop thinking?
    Personally I don't really want to experience death or even the feeling. Scary stuff I tell you what.
  6. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    Spiders and needles'll send me running for the hills. :cry:
  7. Fcgfyv

    Fcgfyv Knight of Mind reg

    Personally, thinking of what death might be like scares me more than the thought of dying. :B
  8. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

    Same here Fcgfyv. It's something that I can't think about too much because it just scares me when I do. It's like, the dying is fine. It's what's next, which I really can't say. I'm not a very religious person, so I don't expect there to definitely be some afterlife or anything, but I don't know.

    I've already decided before that happens I want to fulfill my dream of contributing to humanity in some way. For me, specifically, I think that way is through scholarly means (I hope to become an anthropologist in the future, and if not then certainly somewhere in the social sciences. So specifically that would mean making some sort of positive contribution to the field.)

    It would make me feel so much better about it to know I did something useful with my life. That's how I sort of brought peace to myself on that topic. It's still creepy to think about too much, but it's not as bad as it used to be now.
  9. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    I'm a serious arachnophobic. I'm not one of those people who can't even look at a picture of a spider, but if I spot even the tiniest spider in real life I will not rest until I've squished* it. I don't like bugs in general, although very few elicit the response arachnids do. I'm pretty sure I told Tsu where to stick it when he showed me a picture of a... I believe it was a crab with legs that were easily three to five feet long, and an Australian member of FEP found it very funny to treat me and a fellow arachophobic to pictures of spiders the size of your hand that, according to him, screech, jump, and spit.

    Aside from that, I'm not good with heights and I hate having to think about death and what comes after it. I'd like to believe in reincarnation, but there's no hard proof it exists. The thought that your consciousness just stops functioning is... off-putting.

    *Disclaimer: Squishing does not involve me phoning Squish to come over, grabbing her by her feet and using her to bludgeon the spider to death. I have shoes and flyswatters for that.
  10. Rising Dragon

    Rising Dragon Goat Herder reg

    Spiders. That hasn't changed and never will; when I was a child at a very impressionable age I had a nightmare where I woke up just in time to see a very large spider falling towards my face, and my instinct in the dream was to roll out of my top bunk--which was full of spiders--off the bed to fall to the floor, which was covered with spiders until every inch was covered. At which point I ran screaming from the room, out of the dream, and ran screaming from my room in RL. Well, not screaming, but I sure as hell felt like it when I woke up.

    It made certain games... frustrating. Fallout 3 was okay, until I saw the soulless gazes of the radscorpions in that game. Then I go to Skyrim and the giant spiders have fucking faces and yeah.

    Also as a child, I had issue with needles. I'm mostly over that. Unless they're putting them into the roof of my mouth or my toe. Not so over that. Heights are another issue, but I'm mostly over small distances, like getting up onto the roof of a house. If I have to stay that high on the ladder, I have issues still, and I dread the idea of going higher than a couple stories outside of a house.
  11. Fcgfyv

    Fcgfyv Knight of Mind reg

    Fun fact: More people are scared of spiders than death.
  12. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

    XD Can you blame them?! Spiders are, well, spiders! How can you not fear them?! :tpr:
  13. Fcgfyv

    Fcgfyv Knight of Mind reg

    If you're Link. :yomp:
  14. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    The REAL reason Link has all the fangirls. He can protect them from spiders.
  15. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

    That's the whole reason he's so popular with everyone! Did you really think it was limited to girls? Look at all the guys who said spiders/arachnophobia too!

    I think we've just solved a mystery here guys!
  16. Miss Kaguya

    Miss Kaguya Member new

    You know I sort of miss my old username *cough* Happfacespidergirl *cough* I would've scared all of your guy's pants off. xD

    On topic: You know I was afraid of needles for a long time until I went sick for a whole year, about each time something went wrong with me they always pulled out blood and then injected fluids on me. Since then needles don't scare me much anymore.
  17. Ultra5

    Ultra5 Top hat Goomy reg

    I'm one of the few people here who likes spiders it would seem. They are fascinating little critters. Or big critters depending on which ones you are talking about.

    It's not really so much a fear per say, but I seem to have a mild gynophobia. Mild as in I don't run away in fear when ever I am around them, but to the point I am very uncomfortable and want to really limit time around them. Gynophobia is the fear of women for those who do not know.
  18. Fcgfyv

    Fcgfyv Knight of Mind reg

    Once they get to a decent size, I think that they're tarantulas. But they are fascinating, and they don't scare me. They are my bros. :P

    I can relate; it's kinda like Lon'qu in FE: Awakening. I'm the most awkward guy ever around women. :XD:
  19. Ultra5

    Ultra5 Top hat Goomy reg

    It is a lot like that. Although being the more quiet introverted person I just try to leave I don't outwardly say anything to them. Which makes relationships fun. Very fun. -_-
  20. Fcgfyv

    Fcgfyv Knight of Mind reg

    It's alright... I know that feel bro.