To Reclaim the Past

Discussion in 'Completed RPs' started by UnnamedDude, Jul 4, 2013.

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  1. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

    Noah's eyes drifted to the redhead's fight. She seemed to be having trouble with one of the bulkier thugs. He raised his sword as he charged, and swung down with all his momentum. He managed to catch the man in the neck, giving him a nasty bruise in the process, but in retaliation he swung back and smashed Noah's pauldron into his left shoulder. He winced. There probably wasn't any significant damage, but it hurt terribly and he didn't think he was going to be using it for any two-handed strikes anytime soon.

    "That's it, count some sheep," he muttered as he swung again, this time smacking the exhausted man right in the head. He dropped this time, leaving the two to deal with the now very alert and very angry leader.

    "You're gonna regret that. Ya just made me real mad."

    "If you ask me you already were to pick a fight with us," Noah shot back.

    "Smart mouth you got there. Let's see how it is after I've torn it off your face."

    He went forward and his axe moved with a horrifying speed. Noah rolled forwards to dodge, and didn't manage to get up in time to catch the next strike he saw coming...

    As he did so, the other axe-toting bandit approached Wolfe.
    Enemy Count (open)
    Lv 12 Raloph the Boss: Pressing the attack on Noah.
    Lv 3 Fighter: Attacking Wolfe and Ariel.
  2. [v]

    [v] Member new

    "Wow, how accountable." Somehow, the potential of this impromptu made up group amazed him. As Wolfe turned to see which enemy he could be his target, he found that there was not many left to choose. When he turned to the swordsman earlier to finish thing up, he also noticed that the man was taken out by some spell.

    "What a method to cast magic, really, and I'm fine." The one eyed lancer spoke to the dancing caster as he prepared for the last two foes. He wondered why they didn't retreat already. They must be really bad with maths, or else they were just idiots. Anyhow, it was easy to focus with the foes that were lessened in number, he saw clearly that the last underling was charging at him. "Let's end this fight that I won't get any pay."

    Wolfe made a note that his opponent was an axeman, and he was told before that most polearm did not work well with these brutal weapon. Probably, it was because axe blade reached to the shaft easily or it could be used as a guard in order to get closer to a lance user, and harm them. In this aspect, he saw familiarity in lance and bow, that their fatal moment would be the time their opponent can endure their counterattack and break through. Therefore, keeping proper range was the heart of these weapons.

    Thrusting the spear into the axeman's leg, and somehow halted him, the lancer quickly retrieve the lance and stepped back. It didn't damage the target as much as he hoped, the bandit attacked again. This time Wolfe focused at the opponent's head in order to end it, however, the axeman rapidly made a spin to dodge his attack. To make the matter worse, the spin was to the right, the direction that he couldn't see.


    Enemy (open)
    Lv 12 Raloph the Boss: Pressing the attack on Noah.
    Lv 3 Fighter: Attacking Wolfe from blind spot, pls help him, Ariel.
  3. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    "Hmm, nice one, I didn't think you had it in you." Emilia said as she watched the dark-haired man finish off her opponent. Then she turned to the now irate boss of the group.

    "Show him, short stuff." She said. She had expected the short one to finish the leader off quickly, but he turned out to be a lot tougher than they had both expected. Emilia was only just in time to block a blow that would have likely cleaved the man's head in two. She retaliated quickly with a jab to the hands, sending out yet another flash when he dagger sank into the leader's hand. He let out a roar of pain and stumbled around, while Emilia dragged her short companion back by the collar, pulling him back up on his feet.

    "Keep your wits about you now! I don't want your pretty little brain splattered all over me!" She shouted, before she jumped back at the man and stabbing him in the back with her katti.

    "Now's your chance, shorty! Get him!"
  4. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    The axe fighter was a lot faster than Ariel had anticipated, what with the sand having been supposed to slow him down. The lancer was fighting him beautifully, but Ariel realized she'd messed up a line in her drawing and had to start over. And that was proving to be detrimental.

    She'd locked her mind onto her target again and started over with her cast, this time more focused so as not to mess up again, when the barbarian ducked towards the lancer's blind side. At least, Ariel assumed the eyepatch hadn't been for show. There was no way she could finish her cast in time to stop the axeman, who was already swinging his axe up towards his now helpless adversary, so she did something she would never have considered had she been using her old magic.

    She paused her cast, despite the enormous headache that involved, and threw her tome at him. She nailed him in the face, causing his axe to go off course and miss, and sending him tumbling back. "What tha-"

    "FLUX!" When he tossed the tome to the ground, he found himself surrounded by the same mist that had killed his sword-wielding companion. Ariel lowered her outstretched arm and put her legs together again, running over to her companion to pick up her tome and check on him.

    Enemies (open)
    Lv 12 Raloph the Boss: FINISH HIM!
  5. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

    OOC (open)
    In case there is any confusion this is a joint post ftw.

    "Thanks," Noah muttered, brushing himself off. "I think we should attack him together. He's too tough for a fair fight."

    He started sketching runes mid-air. This could be somewhat rough, but he didn't have the luxury of using anything less than his full power. "I'll create an opening with this, if you can guard me while I'm casting..."

    "Gotcha. I'll keep this guy busy." Emilia grinned, flipping her dagger over in her hand and facing their enemy.

    "Oi! Over here!" She shouted, banging her weapons together to create yet another bright flash. If she could just keep him busy like this until the short man was done with his magic tricks...

    The larger man snarled and covered his eyes, but he did not stop his advance. He blindly lashed out, but his strokes were telegraphed and struck nothing but air.

    And as such the smaller man finished his preparations just as his foe opened his eyes. He saw another bolt split into three and strike him in the throat, stomach and right leg. He screamed with pain as the magic surged uncontrollably.

    As the bandit leader writhed, Noah pulled his dagger, pointing it at his enemy. He looked over to his partner in crime and mouthed, "now," before dashing in.

    "You don't have to say it twice, short stuff." Emilia's blade crackled with raw electricity as she raised it, dashing alongside her companion.

    They were going to end this, and end it quick.

    Noah felt as though he were moving in slow motion. For a moment, two blades moved as one. First, his dagger traced a long gash along the brigand's chest, and he spun with the momentum to see his companion work, just in time with his jump backwards.

    Emilia let out a wild laugh as she felt her katti sink deep into the brigand's flesh. That should teach them not to mess with the wrong people.

    As her opponent sank onto the ground, she pulled out her weapon and turned to face her companion.

    "Not bad, shorty."

    Noah examined the man he had struck down before their leader. This one was not technically dead, merely unconscious, but his breathing was growing slower and his flesh colder. It seemed there was indeed poison in the lady's blades. That could be dangerous. He was glad they hadn't fought each other.

    "Nor you. Miss...?"

    He also took the liberty of introducing himself more properly. "I am Noah. Thank you all for your help."

    He turned back to the ruined town and grimaced. Then he scanned the horizon before speaking again. "...but if you'd grant me the favor of your help again, this would be a perfect time to enter... and strike."
  6. [v]

    [v] Member new

    Just as soon as Wolfe prepared to get hit, the axeman seemed to be suddenly interrupted. He didn't know until he turned his face to the direction and saw that it was a tome, and it reminded him of the caster behind him. So she didn't fire a spell, but her tome? Whatever, the lancer stepped away from the enemy in order to recover his battle stance again, just to find that the same one was surrounded by a form of magic.

    As he was still somewhat close to the foe, the black mist damaged him a little. Though all it did was slamming him to the ground, nothing more. At least, it was way better than getting struck by an axe.

    "Aside from your dancing, that's one unique way to cast magic I've ever seen." said the lancer as he stood up with a support of the girl. "Look like I owe you one, thanks."

    Actually, in his mind, Wolfe was not so happy about being rescued, he noted that he had to try harder or it won't do to survive alone. Before that, he needed to return a favor to this girl somehow, or he will be in her debt forever. He didn't become a mercenary to rely on someone.
  7. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    After she'd helped the lancer stand up, Ariel bent forward to pick up her tome. "It's an acquired skill," she said, "Also something most casters simply don't THINK to do." She didn't tell him that he could have been a bloody mess right now if she hadn't thrown the tome, blushing as she remembered that her messing up could have gotten him killed. "Argh, figures." The brute had thrown the tome down without caring whether it was open or shut, and it had fallen open. As she walked over to where the other two were, she started straightening out dog-ears... well, entire dog-pages, really.

    She overheard the other two introducing themselves as Noah and Emilia, and nodded to herself. Noah seemed to want to press on into the ruins, much to Ariel's concern. She was no tactician, though, and if he felt it was a good idea to go in and root them out, maybe it was. "Well," she said, "I still have a little juice left, but Noah, is it really necessary? Honestly, anyone in their right mind doesn't travel alone anyway, and other than passerby I don't think they can really hurt anyone from here."
  8. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    "Emilia." She replied with a smile. "It was no problem really. I'm glad I finally got to see some action, plus they were trying to steal the treasure I had claimed."

    Emilia looked in the direction Noah was looking, her eyes narrowing. Why were bandits suddenly shooting out of the ground like mushrooms? She hadn't encountered any, yet since she met her new companions it seemed the desert was suddenly filled with them. Perhaps it was a good thing she had ran into them here and now.

    "Strike again? No problem. Point and I'll kill, as long as I get what I came for."

    She wiped her dagger clean with one of the flaps of her skirt, ready for the next battle.
  9. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

    "Honestly? I'm more worried about us," Noah muttered in response to Ariel's (understandable) skepticism. "Look at us. We're standing in a pile of their dead comrades. It doesn't seem likely that they'd let us go after that, and I don't see any landmarks around for us to take shelter in. We may have no other choice than to run them out..." He left out the fact that he was entirely aggravated by their transgression. This was not their place. It had been destroyed many years prior, was that not enough? He burned with anger, but his tone remained deceptively tranquil, as he was already hard at work scanning his memory for useful information.

    "Of course, with this bunch disposed of, we may have an opening. These men look like they were just on watch. When they fail to return, their fellows will have to investigate. And while they've divided their strength in this manner, it should be much easier to oust those who remain inside..." From there, his sentence turned into unintelligible mutterings. It would be a simple matter to ambush whoever was left as they returned, and he knew this place had more than one entrance. It was only a matter of finding which one was the best to attack from...

    "...There's an entrance around back that we could try," he said quietly, still running through scenarios. "We need to be as far away from here as we can to buy ourselves time... and if possible we should take up a position in a ruined building, so we'll only have to worry about a few entrances..."
  10. [v]

    [v] Member new

    "Well, since I have no interest in a penniless battle, guess I'll go with your plan, Mr.Tactician."

    While the ex-sniper noticed that it might be his bad luck to meet these people, he also figured that it was already too late to escape by himself. In this desert, he couldn't walk so fast to get away from 'desert' bandits, it could be his most foolish decision above all. The girls seemed to be quite skilled, they appeared to have enough potential in his eye, teamwork aside. He already saw a performance of the dancer mage, and the redhead appeared so eager to kill any foe. His personal feeling regarding trusting someone aside, they could make a good team.

    "If we have no time as he said, shouldn't we get moving already?" The blind man shrugged, looking at the two girls. He also shot them with a gentle smile, saying. "The name is Wolfe, good to be acquainted with you, ladies."
  11. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    The last remaining anonymous member of their makeshift alliance introduced himself as Wolfe. Ariel nodded to him, suppressing the urge to curtsy- this was not the moment to put on a play. She listened to Noah arguing for his decision to rout the bandits, and put one hand to her face in thought. Welllllll... she could easily outrun the bandits, probably. She was used to difficult terrain and she travelled lightly. Still, she didn't assume that was the same for the others.

    Noah had started musing to himself about tactics and plans, and Ariel waited patiently until he'd come to a conclusion while continuing to straighten out the pages of her tome. "Just speak the word," she said, "I'll be right there. Just keep in mind the tome is for hurt only."
  12. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    "More to come?" Emilia grinned. "I'll hurt them all the same. Badly. And you're proposing an ambush? Heh, I'm starting to like you more and more." She said to Noah.

    She gave Wolfe a smile back, as she did to Ariel.

    "Good to know you have a name, Patch. And you, girl."

    Then she turned back to the tactician, putting a finger to her chin in thought.

    "Still, why are there bandits so far out in the desert? Was your village that rich? Or perhaps some rumours of a hidden treasure? ...No, scratch the last one, I would've heard of it. Hmph, perhaps they just felt like being a nuisance. Let's go make that ambush and kill them."
  13. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

    Noah stopped for a moment. Truthfully he had not considered the why of their presence, so much as the fact that the bandits were there. But, thinking about it... this wasn't a popular travel destination. They must have known that if they were in any large number...

    "No, ours was a common village... which means that if anything's here, it's already theirs and no one would complain if we took it," he murmured in response. If there were bandits in force, then it meant this place was being used as some sort of hiding spot. It would certainly explain the earlier party's anxiety to be rid of them, at any rate.

    "But we'll be sure after this is all over. For now, let's get going. We don't want to be out in the open when their friends come knocking."

    Thus the tactician circled around, keeping to the corners of the village's walls and advancing cautiously around any corners. Keeping their enemy's strength divided hinged entirely upon their ability to work quickly and quietly. If they couldn't keep a low profile, the full force of the bandits would fall on them, and he didn't like their chances of winning in a fair fight.

    They thankfully reached the rear entrance without incident, at which point Noah signaled them to stop. He listened hard, and heard a shuffling inside. He looked in, and fortunately there was a group moving out as expected. After they had left, a small handful of them remained, loudly discussing recent victories, the scoundrels. Still, Noah was quietly glad that they were so boorish and loud; it kept them from noticing his party.

    While the bandits continued their ridiculous conversation, he inspected the area. Two sat to the side near a doorway, at a table harboring a pile of coins, apparently shooting dice or playing some other sort of betting game. Another two were apparently breaking for lunch under a precious bit of shade, cast by a shaky-looking awning. It was in surprisingly good shape, but its moorings looked shoddy indeed.

    Finally, one stood against a wall, inspecting his weapon. This one would be ready, so he might be problematic...

    "We're in luck," Noah said softly, "There are only a few out here right now. Let's keep away from the buildings for now, though," he continued, "I don't know if there are any more in there..."

    And so after waiting for everyone to get ready, he began chanting his incantation. This one spell, he hadn't shown. But...

    He stepped out into the gate, and the table exploded upwards, having been forcefully propelled by a pillar of hardened sand. Gold pieces flew and exacted myriad colorful language from the table's occupants, and one die serendipitously cracked the more unfortunate of the two in the forehead.

    The two sitting under the awning looked up in surprise but thus far seemed too taken aback to react yet. No such luck with the one with a sword, who had already begun advancing...

    Enemy Count (open)
    Level 3 Fighter: Cursing up a storm from being beaned with his own die.
    Level 2 Myrmidon: Startled by the flying table.
    Level 4 Barbarian: Trying not to drop his lunch.
    Level 6 Barbarian: Failing to not drop his lunch.
    Level 8 Mercenary: Advancing ominously. Boo.
  14. [v]

    [v] Member new

    Wolfe hoped a bit that he would get out of this place without encountering any more enemy, but such hope was shattered pretty quick. He wish they could sneak out of the place somehow but he realized that will not happen when the short man was quicker to make his decision, to fight.

    The surprise attack seemed to be effective with every bandit, but one of their swordsman who spent so less time being startled. That one was heading to where the blind lancer and his temporary friends were hiding without hesitating.

    So this guy can actually trace magic, huh? Preparing his spear, the lancer thought as he stepped forward. Let's hope his fighting ability isn't as great as his sense.

    "Leave this guy to me and get the rest of them." The lancer said to his group before rushing ahead to the enemy, his weapon halted the attacker of the bandit swordsman. He then followed through his first attack by jabbing the same man a few time, though his unintended strikes was all blocked and evaded as expected.

    The ex-sniper lancer readied his attack stance and locked his remaining eye at the target. He would thrust this polearm at the man if he make a move to any of his companions. The message seemed to be sent through to the swordsman as he now focused at Wolfe.

    Enemy (open)
    Level 3 Fighter: Cursing up a storm from being beaned with his own die.
    Level 2 Myrmidon: Startled by the flying table.
    Level 4 Barbarian: Trying not to drop his lunch.
    Level 6 Barbarian: Failing to not drop his lunch.
    Level 8 Mercenary: Screened out by Wolfe for the time being
  15. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Once they had taken up position near a small group of the bandits, Ariel hadn't waited for Noah to draw first blood. Instead, she's whipped out her tome and prepared a cast. She hadn't missed the shoddy awning above two burly figures, and while they were too much to handle head-on, there was nothing in the tome saying she HAD to cast at human targets...

    "Flux!" Seconds after Noah split the earth and the table, Ariel cast her spell at the awning, dropping it on the heads of the men, who had both started reaching for axes. "Are you sure?" she called out to Wolfe, but when no answer came she decided she'd just look his way every so often and help out if she had to. Except that won't do, she reminded herself, because this spell is so darn SLOW to cast!

    She certainly missed the swiftness of her old magic, but used the time she had bought herself to neutralize the cast time. The axemen weren't as coordinated as their sword-wielding companion, so they were still busy getting out from under the awning. She cast a second time, making sure to catch both men in the mist, but clucked her tongue as, while they staggered, it didn't seem to do much.

    A fire spell, she thought, my kingdom for a fire spell! She simply didn't dare putting more power into her casts than she did, knowing well the rumors that were circulating about Dark magic. If she'd had a fire spell, she could cast faster and shove all her strength into it... then, she could probably have taken out half these goons on her own.

    Of course, it was not to be. By the time the axemen stopped staggering under the awning, Ariel had another cast ready. At least the secondary effect of the spell, the one that made them disoriented, kept them busy for long enough that she had time to prepare her following casts. Maybe the nausea it caused would become worse with repetitive casts, too...

    Enemies (open)
    Level 3 Fighter: Cursing up a storm from being beaned with his own die.
    Level 2 Myrmidon: Startled by the flying table.
    Level 4 Barbarian: Staggering and trying to get out under the awning, barraged by Ariel.
    Level 6 Barbarian: Staggering and trying to get out under the awning, barraged by Ariel.
    Level 8 Mercenary: Screened out by Wolfe for the time being
  16. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    Her companions seemed eager to cause chaos amongst their enemies, Emilia thought with a little smile. Wolfe had already taken apart one of them, and Ariel had temporarily incapacitated two under the fallen awning. She looked over to the last two bandits, focusing on the one who had been hit by his own die.

    She darted towards the man, who was too busy cursing to pay much attention to his surroundings, skipped over the awning and floored the bandit with a swift kick to the chest. Unfortunately, the man was fast, fast enough to realise what was happening and reached out to grab Emilia's ankle.

    "I don't think so, mister!" She sneered, kicking the man in the head and jumping up onto a crate, out of reach.

    Emilia's hand slid to her belt, pulling out a single throwing knife. She flicked the knife almost casually into the man's back, watching with nothing more than an amused smile as the effect of the knife began to work.

    The man had gotten up with a strange, unfocused look in his eyes. His comrade, who had been startled by the flying table had regained his composure and had drawn his weapon. The other man looked up, as if he was only just aware of his comrade, and fixed his unsteady gaze on him.

    "What're you lookin'at?! She's over there! Get 'er!" His comrade shouted, but the bandit simply stared at him.

    Then he drew his weapons and flung himself at his companion.

    Enemies (open)
    Level 3 Fighter: Berserk, currently attacking his comrade.
    Level 2 Myrmidon: Trying not to get killed by his comrade.
    Level 4 Barbarian: Staggering and trying to get out under the awning, barraged by Ariel.
    Level 6 Barbarian: Staggering and trying to get out under the awning, barraged by Ariel.
    Level 8 Mercenary: Screened out by Wolfe for the time being
  17. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

    Noah thought of how thankful he was that they had the element of surprise on their side, as the scene quickly plunged into chaos. Two bandits struggled underneath the fallen awning, and another two struggled with one another, one of them a victim of some sort of enchantment or poison on the throwing knife.

    He couldn't rest, though. There were still enemies about, and more incoming judging by the shuffling coming from one of the decrepit houses. He kept chanting the spell he was already using and blocked the door with a wall of fortified sand. He didn't expect it to hold up for long, though; he was still busy trying to contain the situation at present, and couldn't afford to allot much power to maintain his blockade.

    He returned to the problem at hand. They had taken the upper hand early, but their enemy's numbers ensured that they needed that edge to win. Ariel's dark magic kept the two very disoriented, but already, he could see that her casts were waning in effectiveness, having been spread against the two opponents. Wolfe's opponent was... not good. Noah could tell by a glance at the way he carried himself that his skill with a blade paralleled or exceeded his own. He felt a modicum of relief, though, that Emilia and her tricky knives were on his side. With that single slice she'd effectively incapacitated two brigands alone, with one frantically dodging swipes of the other, before finally taking a nasty blow to the sword arm. He cried out in pain and beat a hasty retreat from his bewitched ally, who followed him still, and grew ever closer to the main battlefield.

    In a brief instant he ran diagnostics on the situation and constructed a hasty triage; he wanted to help Wolfe, but aiding him meant leaving the two struggling to Ariel alone, which he doubted she could do long enough to grasp victory, and which moreover was too risky for one mage. He'd have to help her beat back those two before he could turn his attention to the spearman. At the very least, he only fought one enemy, and was equipped with an advantageous arm and some armor; he should survive a few moments of combat... at least Noah desperately hoped so. Emilia, meanwhile, didn't factor into his calculations; from what he'd seen she could handle herself.

    With that he joined Ariel's barrage, with an even-toned "Don't forget about me," throwing thunder upon their foes to join her fluxes. One, who seemed a bit more competent, had managed to climb out from under the obstacle, and the other poked his head out of it only to receive a face full of electricity. He got another, and another until he tried no longer to approach them. Meanwhile, his associate ducked a few spells and weathered a few more split off from the main lightning-strike. Noah grimaced. He needed to finish this quickly...

    "Shall we do it together?" Asked the tactician, still performing incantations to sling spells.

    Enemies (open)
    Level 3 Fighter: Berserk, attacking his comrade and getting closer to the rest of us.

    Level 2 Myrmidon: Injured but not dead, much less of a threat without his good arm. Attempting to get away from the berserked one.

    4 Barbarian: Incapacitated by Noah's lightning, and in too much pain to actually fight back. If you feel nasty you can kill him, e.g. throwing him to the Berserk Fighter. Otherwise he will be treated as "dead," and will be shoved into a locked basement/killed/somehow disposed of following the battle... possibly after being interrogated on the rest of the bandits.

    6 Barbarian: Disoriented and pinned down by Ariel and Noah. Managed to get out of the awning, but that's as far as he got.

    Level 8 Mercenary: Screened out by Wolfe for the time being, searching for an opening.

    Reinforcements: There will be some, and they are going to bust out in the next round. Since they're currently trying to break down Noah's wall, you can feel free to have your character notice how raucous they are.

    Also, in case someone manages to ninja-post before V does, I talked to him and he said he wanted to post before getting assistance so as to teach Wolfe he can't rely entirely on the weapon triangle to win for him, so, yeah. If no one helps him after that, though, I will go ahead and try to make Noah step in.
  18. [v]

    [v] Member new

    It appeared that Wolfe succeeded in preventing a quick counter attack of this swordsman, however, he felt at the same time that fighting this man was not as easy as it supposed to be. He was taught that swordsmen were weak against polearms, but after a few quick duels with this man, the lance fighter noticed that he failed to land a strike on this target. Either by blocking or dodging, this person was good at defending from his spear skill, not to mention that he already realized that his right eye was blind for real.

    Wolfe told himself to calm down, as he reminded himself that the advantage was still on his side. He just had to handle it carefully. He also declined to the idea of calling for help, as trusting somebody else would result in pain. He didn't want that again ever.

    The man charged in again, this time from Wolfe's blind side as expected. The lancer turned to his right a bit as though he was waiting for this chance that the foe tried to take advantage over this blindness. It was like he forced the man to come this way. He made a frontal jabbed to stop the desert swordsman while anticipating that it would miss, and it did. He quickly pulled back his weapon and prepared to block the scimitar. He repelled it once, and twice, before knocked back the man with the blunt end of his spear.

    In order to finish the target, Wolfe dashed ahead and made a pierce attack with his full strength. The spear head went into the target's shirt, but Wolfe noticed that it lacked of a landing feel. It was as though he had just struck nothing but air. It appeared that he had been trapped.

    The bandit swordsman smirked as he stepped closer. This time, he faked that he will attack from left side, but suddenly encircled to the right. For Wolfe, it was like the man just turned invisible. Feeling the air cleaving from his right with his sniper instinct, he made a miracle dodge by lowering his knee, to sit down quickly. However, that was before he became unarmed after the lance was kicked off. Still not seeing his target, Wolfe tried to move away but he barely dodged the slash at his leg.

    When he turned his face to the bandit, it was already too late to evade the coming strike. He widened his single eye while thinking how ironic that his return to war could be so useless.

    "Would be wiser to continue living as a flower man, huh." The man whispered his last word, chuckling quietly.

    Enemy (open)
    Level 3 Fighter: Berserk, attacking his comrade and getting closer to the rest of us.

    Level 2 Myrmidon: Injured but not dead, much less of a threat without his good arm. Attempting to get away from the berserked one.

    4 Barbarian: Incapacitated by Noah's lightning, and in too much pain to actually fight back. If you feel nasty you can kill him, e.g. throwing him to the Berserk Fighter. Otherwise he will be treated as "dead," and will be shoved into a locked basement/killed/somehow disposed of following the battle... possibly after being interrogated on the rest of the bandits.

    6 Barbarian: Disoriented and pinned down by Ariel and Noah. Managed to get out of the awning, but that's as far as he got.

    Level 8 Mercenary: *is killing Wolfe, somebody help?*
  19. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Grateful for Noah's help in dispatching the trapped bandits with magic that actually left scars, Ariel took the liberty of quickly shooting a glance towards Wolfe. "Yeah, I think that's a good i-" Her breath hitched in her throat as she saw their lancer on one knee, his lance being kicked out of his hand and falling, as in slowmotion, to the floor.

    She'd only known all of these people for a short while, but she didn't want any of them to go see Lord Grima so soon, so she stepped around, not caring for the bandits she now left for Noah to handle as she drew the quickest, and yet crispest, rune she had drawn yet. "O forces of the abyss that is the human mind," she chanted, "Become my strength! Dine in the abyss, punk!" she added as magic pulsed through her and like before, she turned a fast pirouette before lashing her arm forwards through the rune. "Flux!"

    The rune briefly flashed, something it had never done before, and Ariel winced as it burnt into her skin for a second or so, before the mist appeared over her target. It was thicker than she was used to, and felt more menacing somehow.

    Just as the man's sword was about to connect with Wolfe, the cloud imploded on him. She hadn't expected the tough, burly man to scream quite as loudly as he did, not just startled but clearly in pain, and when the mist dissipated she saw him wobbling, grabbing his head in an attempt to maintain his balance. "Someone," she called, "Finish him!"

    She would have done it herself, but that last cast had taken enough out of her that she wouldn't even have the strength to push someone off the ledge if they had stood right next to her, let alone that she could cast another Flux.

    Enemy List (open)
    Level 3 Fighter: Berserk, attacking his comrade and getting closer to the rest of us.

    Level 2 Myrmidon: Injured but not dead, much less of a threat without his good arm. Attempting to get away from the berserked one.

    4 Barbarian: Incapacitated by Noah's lightning, and in too much pain to actually fight back. If you feel nasty you can kill him, e.g. throwing him to the Berserk Fighter. Otherwise he will be treated as "dead," and will be shoved into a locked basement/killed/somehow disposed of following the battle... possibly after being interrogated on the rest of the bandits.

    6 Barbarian: Disoriented and pinned down by Noah. Managed to get out of the awning, but that's as far as he got.

    Level 8 Mercenary: Needs to be finished by someone while he's disoriented.
  20. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    "You don't have to ask twice!" Emilia said, launching herself from her perch and dashing towards the disoriented mercenary.

    Personally, she thought it more fun to hit him with one of her throwing knives, but seeing as he was about to lob the lancer's head off, before getting struck with the girl's spell, it might be a little too risky. What a shame.

    Once she was within reach, she grabbed the man by the chin, lifting his face to meet her eyes. He only looked at her with large, frightened eyes, too weak to put up a fight.


    Emilia's face twisted into a mocking smile, and she produced her dagger from her belt, jabbing it between the man's ribs, and gave the blade a good twist before taking it out again.

    "And goodbye."

    She let the man slip from her hands and watched him slump to the ground, blood pouring from the wound between his ribs. The man was as good as dead now, killing him was too good for him, Emilia thought.

    But there were plenty of other targets still very much alive...

    Enemies (open)
    Level 3 Fighter: Berserk, attacking his comrade and getting closer to the rest of us.

    Level 2 Myrmidon: Injured but not dead, much less of a threat without his good arm. Attempting to get away from the berserked one.

    4 Barbarian: Incapacitated by Noah's lightning, and in too much pain to actually fight back. If you feel nasty you can kill him, e.g. throwing him to the Berserk Fighter. Otherwise he will be treated as "dead," and will be shoved into a locked basement/killed/somehow disposed of following the battle... possibly after being interrogated on the rest of the bandits.

    6 Barbarian: Disoriented and pinned down by Noah. Managed to get out of the awning, but that's as far as he got.

    Level 8 Mercenary: Bleeding out on the floor, won't last long.
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