Lysander deValant

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Electronic Ink, May 2, 2017.

  1. Electronic Ink

    Electronic Ink local zora vet

    Name: Lysander deValant
    Race: Hylian (round-eared)
    Age: 9
    Gender: Male
    Place of Origin: Castle Town
    PWC: 2/4/3
    Business (Stage Magician lvl.1)
    Treasures and Rupees:
    Cross 15
    Heightened Hearing 20
    Moon Pearl 30
    Song of Healing 20
    :roop: 15


    A soft, dark blue tailcoat, similar to his sister’s trench coat. It has a white collar that’s almost always popped up, and white cuffs. Maybe it’s not as cool as his sister’s, but it’s fashionable all the same.
    Top Hat
    A dark blue top hat with a white band around it. Unlike his sister’s, Lysander’s hat does not contain an adventure pouch, so he can’t really keep things in it.
    Magician's Wand
    A rather heavy gold-plated baton about as thick as a thumb. Lysander tends to swing it around a lot, which can cause injuries if he’s not careful.
    Fuzzy Earmuffs
    A pair of thick, fluffy earmuffs that he often keeps around his neck, to be used when his heightened hearing curse triggers and he desperately needs to block out sound. The clasps are shaped like small moons.
    Tortoiseshell Lyre
    A pretty lyre made from a small tortoise’s shell, with seven strings stretched out. Often hangs from the back of his belt when not in use. He much prefers to play on Sister Jade’s full-sized harp, but given that he can’t lug that around with him everywhere, the lyre will do.

    Pet: A fluffy old Remlit named Fangs. Fangs has large, tufted ears and a dark, sooty-brown face, and a chipped tooth- why his name is Fangs when he only has one fang, nobody will ever know. He has two dark-brown paws, both on his left side, while his hind right foot has brown toes. Fangs also has a puffy, striped tail and wears a dark-blue collar with a small white bow pinned to it, courtesy of his owner. How else would he tell his Remlit from all the other Remlits in the city?



    Lysander is very obviously young, with a round face, large eyes and short stature. He clocks in at 4’7”, and weighs 26.5 kilos; slightly smaller on both counts than is average for his age, but not so much that it is noticeable. He has russet coloured hair that is mostly swept to one side, slightly kinked above the fringe due to his frequent use of earmuffs, kept at an average length. His eyes are a lighter, warm brown, and are rather wide-set and large. This tends to lend him an innocent-looking air.

    His clothes are fancy, although not particularly noticeable. He wears a dark-blue shirt with tails, very similar to Hestia’s coat, with a popped white collar, along with a top hat that is almost identical to hers, save the adventure pouch within. Said top hat may sometimes feature a Remlit that will not be happy to be disturbed inside it; removal is at one’s own risk. A pair of belts wrap around his hips; unlike Hestia’s belts, these serve the purpose of carrying everything from his lyre to his wand. Lysander also isn’t much a fan of wearing gloves, perhaps because he doesn’t like the feeling of numbness rather than proper touch. While Hestia has tried to demonstrate that she still has all her dexterity while wearing gloves, Lysander still doesn’t listen.

    Either around Lysander’s neck or on his head will always be the location of a pair of furry earmuffs, with a golden band and the pattern of a pink moon on each side, decorating the clasp. These earmuffs have oft been the subject of a white-knuckled grip in a frantic effort to keep out sound, and although they don’t do much they’re still a step up from nothing. Around his neck hangs a necklace bearing two objects- a round scarlet pearl and a small white cross, stuck together. The necklace is his most treasured possession, even though he has no idea the magical qualities of it.

    Personality: Lysander is a rather steadfast individual, with a loud voice and a bold conscience. He fights to see the good in everyone, even though he’s been proven very wrong in the past- he tends to conveniently forget about those times, and it’s pretty easy to take him for a fool given his overwhelming naivety. He’s also a surprisingly moral person, despite his young age, and has a keen sense of guilt that can make him quite unconscionable in his behaviour as he attempts to ‘right’ something that wasn’t actually wrong in the first place. This habit of his can be very irritating for those around him, as he rarely thinks out the consequences of his ‘helping’ before he goes through with it. He has been known to spontaneously vanish from under Hestia’s supervision only to be found pulling handkerchiefs from his nose for someone who he decided sounded sad.

    Despite this, though, Lysander has remained a bold and determined individual. Should he see an opportunity, he’ll tackle it to the ground to take it, at the ready always. He’s often quite cheery and optimistic- on the outside, at the very least- and always has words of encouragement to offer. On the flip side, extreme positivity can easily turn into a fiery little temper; beware your kneecaps if you’ve upset him. Like many young children, Lysander’s best solution to a lot of the world’s most annoying people is a desire to give them a smack, usually foreshadowed by grumbling and whining at length about the party in danger of the smack beforehand. Most of the time, this fiery reaction is quickly nipped in the bud by his sister- “Lysander!”- which prevents any actual smacking from occurring, but that hasn't yet stopped him from trying it out. Were his sister not present, however, it's entirely likely one of two things would occur. One: Lysander would smack the person anyway. Or two: he'd go to grumble, realise nobody was berating him for the grumbling, and suddenly wonder What Would Hestia Say, and proceed to only smack the person in his head. The second option is obviously preferable, but who knows when it comes to children.

    And that is one of Lysander’s most defining traits. He’s a very auditory person, especially with his heightened hearing taken into account. As such, he’s gotten pretty good already at hearing people’s voice rather than their words. “I’m fine,” is tantamount to “I’m really upset right now but I don’t want to look like a sissy by saying so,” while Hestia’s frequent “Oh my gods Lysander stop,” is easily translated to “that’s positively hilarious but I’m not allowed to say so because I’m a Serious Grown-Up™,”. This sensitivity to people’s voices can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, he can always tell when Hestia’s actually sorry for messingupatricksteppingonFangsgettingarrestedagainlyingaboutsomething, or when someone is trying not to laugh at him, or when someone isn’t saying what they mean, or when they’re nervous, or- stuff like that. On the other, though, he’s extremely likely to misinterpret stuff. Someone trying not to sneeze sounds remarkably like someone about to laugh. Someone with a foot cramp sounds incredibly like someone in despair who won’t let themselves cry. Someone with a stutter sounds, to Lysander at least, like someone who is worried that they’re about to get in trouble.

    Herein lies the problem. Lysander has a tendency to misconstrue things at incredible proportions. The same happens when he’s trying to interpret people’s voices; heightened hearing be damned, he’s still going to make mistakes. A lot of them. And heaven help someone Lysander thinks is upset or angry when they’re really freaking not, Lysander, go away. He will badger them for hours trying to get them to tell him what’s wrong. As such, the kid can be pretty annoying sometimes. His dogged persistence isn't always a bad thing- sometimes there really is something wrong and it takes effort and perseverance to convince his target of the day to open up to him. On the other hand, he tends to take it hard if the irritated party manages to either prove him wrong or convince him that they really are fine; he sees this as a failure on his part to judge the situation properly. And judging the situation is an essential skill for anyone so people-invested as Lysander. Whatever the case, it’s hard to look at his concerned face and not understand that sometimes the most annoying of actions come from the best intentions.

    Background: Lysander’s parents had gone their own ways years before he was conceived, leaving his older sister Hestia in the care of his mother, but three years after the separation the two attempted to make amends. This resulted in Lysander- which really shot everything to hell. Lysander’s father wasn’t willing to go through all the pain of parenting with his once-wife again- once had been hard enough- and left Lysander and Hestia’s mother to give birth alone. Being older than most birthing women, the elder deValant’s odds were not favourable, and it wasn’t unexpected when she died during childbirth. The newborn Lysander- named after one of his sister’s favourite story heroes- was reared by several wet nurses as they tried to also juggle his fiercely protective older sister, who refused to be separated from the infant.

    Eventually, the two were settled into an orphanage run by a temple of Farore, alongside several of Castle Town’s apparently numerous abandoned and orphaned children. Their primary caretaker was a woman they called Sister Jade, and although their upbringing may have been strained and communal, it was something Lysander called home. As he grew, his sister seemed to be branching out more and more- more than once, Lysander witnessed her returning home with scrapes and bruises after she had raked in the wrong man’s rupees in a poker game. At least, he hoped it was a poker game. He always held doubts about whether or not she would truly abstain from putting the sleight of hand tricks he admired so much towards thievery- and no, he didn’t let her get away with it just because she brought him a Remlit and told him he could keep it. He didn’t. It was...a coincidence. She didn’t bribe him at all… okay, fine. She bribed him. But Fangs was the best friend he’d ever had! How could he say no to that fluffy face?

    When Lysander was six, however, he had his first of what would come to be a recurring and alarmingly frequent series of attacks in which he could hear everything. His hearing was precise and very, very strong, able to pick up such tiny sounds as the breeze on sand, and such distant sounds as a horse galloping in the distance. His hearing was always powerful, although it surged much stronger at times, enough to render him insensible on the floor from the migraines and audial assault. Sister Jade crafted him a pair of the thickest earmuffs she could, lined with wool and rock and fur. These are usually successful in lowering the peaks of his heightened hearing back down to his regular heightened hearing, but the condition set him apart from others as he struggled to not recoil at the quietest of volumes. Although he eventually became used to the bombastic acoustics of those near him and the distant noises of the city, the damage was already done.

    Eventually, Lysander convinced Hestia to teach him the basics of the magic tricks she used to perform to whoever would listen- from her he learned the basics of showmanship, even though he was kind of terrible at it. She took him to all the same people who had taught her in the first place, teaching him to play games and backhand cards and hide things in plain sight and slide them into his sleeves. He became her assistant- certainly not the lovely variety, but good enough. Sometimes she even let him take the lead for tricks that had no risk of harming him- although as that one time where Lysander forgot to reverse the sword handles before ramming them into the box and subsequently stabbed his sister proved, that didn't mean she was in the clear either.

    Maybe it was a little rocky and unsteady, and maybe the two of them had considered (and in Hestia’s case, attempted) running away once or twice. But when it comes down to it, Lysander is content with where he is, and especially if he’s got your card and you didn't notice.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2018
  2. Cloud

    Cloud friend admin

    Last edited: May 6, 2017
  3. Electronic Ink

    Electronic Ink local zora vet

    Plus one Wisdom for promotion to Veteran