Identifying Wood: Yep, That's Deku (The Great Deku Tree)

Discussion in 'Classic Dungeons' started by Razgriz, Jul 8, 2016.

  1. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

    Moonlight flickered through the thick canopy above, so obscured it appeared only to be a few more stars whose light had evaded the leaves to reach the soft earth below. Here a great sickness had spread through the entire forest; monsters spread to attack the neighboring villages and few foolish enough to enter ever left. Ironically, at the heart of the infestation lay perhaps the greatest good in the woods: The Great Deku Tree.

    Even through the aura of evil that choked their minds as much as their nostrils, even through the tree's self-inflicted rest could the Hylians sense the good of the tree. The threat had spread rapidly, in less than a week turning from a few scattered Gohma sightings into an impassible fortress of living wood. So severe was the threat that three of the best Hylian guards were sent to investigate, and on a forced march which brought them from Hyrule Castle Town to the foot of the tree in less than two days.

    The sound of three pairs of boots clanked through the tree's maw (were trees supposed to have those?) only to find the trunk hollowed out, massive skulltula webs spread across the floor and walls, and the Great Deku's corrupted offspring growing through cracks in the grain and bark.

    What had taken root here?

    (PS: Sorry about being this late guys, I've had several assignments to do and thought my work was going to 12-hour shifts in July, not June.)
  2. Electronic Ink

    Electronic Ink local zora vet

    The dot of light zig-zagged erratically around the woods, jerking along in a bizarre motion that had no particular pattern to it. Occasionally it would simply drop, smacking into the undergrowth in a puff of pink dust, and just as quickly shoot into the air again, or maybe zoom along the ground like an insect in its death throes. Any watching would have been suitably befuddled as to why this pink blur seemed to defy any and all definitions of normal flight, whacking at full speed into tree trunks and zipping on as if nothing had happened.

    The pink blur in question turned out to be a loose fairy. Squealing like a dying lamb, the fae appeared to be going out of her way to slam into every obstacle in sight. A chain of an indescribable green material dangled behind her, a rather large, thorny ball hanging dangerously on the end. It didn't seem to be the type of object to allow to swing around so willy-nilly, but the bologna fairy cared not a whit as the flail came dangerously close to impaling her own tattered wings or legs. Soon the fae smacked into the ground for a final time, rolling over on her back to look up.
    "Hey!" she squealed. "Big eco tree! Squash turnip!"
    She continued to giggle, fluttering her wings and buzzing in a half-circle under the nose of the Great Deku Tree. An acrid smell hit her nostrils and for a second the fairy stilled, sobered for a moment by the smell of dying wood. For a moment her eyes stopped swimming absently, focused on the enormous wooden nose above her, before she blurted a laugh and lost herself again.
    "You sick, Woody?" she demanded of the tree, then laughed hysterically at the humour of her comment. How funny! Wasn't she just the funniest fairy to ever... oh, who cares? She snorted a few more times, laying back and glowing amongst the fallen leaves of the Great Deku Tree.
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