[EVENT] Curiosity Shop

Discussion in 'Events' started by Curiosity Shop, Jul 11, 2015.

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  1. Curiosity Shop

    Curiosity Shop Care for a special bargain?

    Off the main dirt road of a small outpost, a small tattered-brown merchant's tent is set up among a few others like it. The front flap is rolled open, revealing a makeshift desk composed of several similarly-sized crates. Behind it appears to be a Goron--albeit an odd one. He(?) is wearing glistening red crystalline earrings on his ear-holes, is wearing heavy crimson eye shadow, and has nails painted the color of magma.

    Crimson lips give you a feminine smile, off-putting the sudden typical deep voice all Gorons seem to have. "See anything you like~?"

    Laid out atop the crates are five seemingly valuable trinkets, each of which has a price tag drawn in ornate red cursive lettering:
    • 13 rupees: A neatly-folded Backshift Cape
    • 21 rupees: An ornate Skulltula Suit, complete with a helm bearing a Skulltula motif
    • 21 rupees: A pale-green fruit, strangely labeled "Navigation" with a plain sticker
    • 25 rupees: A pair of glistening Fireshield Earrings, identical to those worn by the Goron
    • 40 rupees: A sheet of music unraveled just enough so the phrase "Command Melody" is visible
    "If you need time to think it over, hun, I'll be here until the end of the month."

    (To purchase any of these items, simply make an in-character post in this thread and deduct your rupees accordingly. This particular Curiosity Shop will close its tent-flap at the end of the month.)
  2. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    "N-no way, man--*hic*--there's absolutely no way Imma, Imma getting that spidah... spida *hic* armor...!" Tent struggled to uphold himself on the crates, eyeing the helm and the merchant selling it. "I-I already got a perfect--perfectly good helmet...! N-no offense to y-you madam...! ...A fence?"

    "Jeez, you're such a lightweight, man." Guy smirked at his companion, even as he was visibly struggling just to remain upright. "As soon as you take some sap you're hiccuping everywhere and... and messing up this poor woma--... this poor ma--... this poor Goron's shop!"

    "Nah, Guy, why do you think good--why do you good I think--"
    "--Why do I think you'd look good?--"
    "--Yeah, look good with a spidah on my head?"

    Guy sniggered to himself, trying and failing to hide his amusement. "Just trust me, man."

    "N-no way." Tent crossed his wooden arms, sneering at his so-called. "I'm drunk but I'm--I'm not--not that--*hic*--stupid! Din wouldn't want me wearing--You know what Din would like? Din would like--*hic*--like those earrings. She'd be... be all over them! You--you--should buy those."

    "I don't even have ears, Tent."

    "Wh-whatever!" Tent abruptly fell over, collapsing onto the dirt road, but continued speaking unabated, "Buy them, and I'll get the spider armor thing! And--and we'll both wear them!!"

    "Sure... Maybe I can wear them as rings, or something." Guy smirked slightly, "I'm only doing this because I like you"--and because a good friend deserved to be messed with, especially while wasted.

    After eyeing some of the other items, Guy pilfered a red and green rupee from his friend's pocket--21 in total--and laid them upon the crates. He then reached into his own pouch and--after struggling to both count and stand at the same time--placed 38 green rupees on the table. "C-cape... and earrings... and skulltula suit, please."

    The Goron raised an eyebrow, thoroughly unimpressed with the antics of two drunken Deku Scrubs. Regardless, a sale is a sale. She took the rupees and forfeited the purchased items, only to see both of the fools stumbling away down the path together, slurring their words and hiccuping all the way.

    [Guy loses 38 roops to gain Fireshield Earrings and a Backshift Cape.]
    [Tent loses 21 roops to gain a Skulltula Suit.]
  3. Devil-Steel

    Devil-Steel Your friendly neighborhood devil reg

    A young Hylian with sandy blonde hair, piercing red eyes, and a fair tan had found his way into the Goron's tent. He would spend a few minutes looking at the different items that the Goron had for sell. He was visibly torn on what item he should buy. The backshift cape, fireshield earrings, skulltula suit, or navigation. They were all very good deals, and any of these items would be very useful. Unfortunately for Samanosuke he was rather limited on funds at the moment and could only afford one of these items. With a sigh he fished some rupees from his pocket, and laid them on the makeshift counter. "The fruit please." With a smile the Goron handed the pale-green fruit to Samanosuke. "Hope you enjoy." Samanosuke would give the Goron a smile and his thanks as he bit into the fruit on his way out of the tent. It was a good thing he had bit into it on his way out. His face had visibly contorted from the taste of the fruit. It was terribly sour, but not completely horrid in taste once you made it past just how sour it was.

    [Samanosuke loses 21 rupees and gain the Navigation trait.]

    Hanno had been wandering around for awhile before finding his way upon this strange shop that was run by an even stranger Goron. Then again maybe the Goron wasn't strange at all, and he was the one that was strange? Who knows. It didn't much matter anyway. He knew exactly what he wanted the moment he walked into the tent. Fireshield earrings. Well the moment he had laid his eyes upon them at least. Being an aquatic born creature the Zora wasn't too keen on fire or high temperatures. In fact he practically hated both of them, and so these earrings were the perfect solution for him. Fishing the twenty-five rupees from his adventure pouch he would hand them to the Goron and point at the earrings with a smile. As soon as the Goron handed them to him, would he put them on. The sooner that they started working, the better. Giving the Goron a smile he would walk out of the tent. The sun was shining brightly and Hanno never felt better.

    [Hanno loses 25 rupees and gains a pair of Fireshield Earrings.]

    The sound of heavy metal could be heard nearing the tent. Had some guards come to shut down the shop? Or was it some hooligan coming to try and steal something? The Goron inside was positive it was the latter as Sandal walked in and began to look around. He armor could be rather frightening when he is first seen in it. At least until he starts talking that is. It didn't take long before the large suit of armor began digging around in it's adventure pouch for something. As it pulled it's hand from the pouch and quickly moved it towards the Goron it would move backwards avoiding what it thought was an attack of some sort. In reality Sandal had gone hunting for his rupees, and in his excitement accidentally thrown the thirteen rupees at the Gorons. "Cape! Cape! Want cape!" The Moblin was practically chanting those lines over and over. He had found himself a new piece of clothing and it wasn't terribly expensive either. He wasn't happy, he was overjoyed! The Goron let out a relieved laugh as he(?) handed the cape to Sandal would quickly threw it on across the back of his armor. Curious as to what it looked like on him he had grabbed hold of one of the cape edges and had pulled it close to him as he turned his head to try and look at the back of it. Taking a few steps backwards he tripped over a rock and accidentally activated the effect of the cape. Luckily for the Goron his back had been to the door and he went flying out the door doing no damage it's tent. A loud crash could be heard from outside the tent, but the Goron figured that the creature would be alright from the laughter he could hear.

    [Sandal spends 13 rupees and get's a Backshift Cape.]
  4. Cloud

    Cloud friend admin

    Julius wandered into the Goron's tent, on one of the few occasions where he was almost entirely inebriated. He had heard about the peculiar merchant from Guy, along with Tent. He had no idea the two knew each other, given their... rather conflicting personalities, but he supposed that even the best got along with the worst.

    Not Sienna, but that was beside the point.

    He looked over the very strange merchandise the sales...woman? Goron didn't have women. Maybe this one wanted to be one. Maybe they did have women? Julius' head was spinning, and he could hardly concentrate. He looked around for anything nearby -- before he abruptly exited the tent, barely making it all the way out, before the contents of his stomach were escaping from his mouth. This definitely was not his proudest moment, but he'd earned those drinks, damn it all.

    With his stomach empty, he wandered back into the tent. He was, not surprisingly, hungrier than he had been before. "How, err, uhh..." He trailed off, trying to keep his balance. "What--" No, those weren't quite the right words either. He let himself stand for a second, poised to speak, before abruptly collapsing onto one of the crates.

    There was a strange green fruit situated in front of his face. His stomach growled, wanting what he thought was food. "I'll ta- I'll, um." Fuck. I shouldn't have drank so much. He was definitely regretting his past actions. "The fruit," he barely managed to mumble out, fumbling with his Adventure Pouch before bringing out a smaller sack that held a few precious gems. Let's see . . . Julius realized he had no idea how much it was. "Twenty one, darling. What's a cutie like yourself doing here anyways?" The Goron was definitely making some bedroom eyes at him now, as far as Julius could recognize. Maybe it... Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. He belched again, before handing her a blue rupee. "That's not enough, dear. Another blue, a yellow, and a green." He fumbled inside of his wallet. He pulled out a red one, handing it to her. "Well, that's good enough, dearie." She(?) handed him back four green ones. He struggled to put this back in his wallet, but he succeeded... somehow.

    "Now, will there be anything else?"
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