Abigail Cataphractoi

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Cataphractoi, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. Cataphractoi

    Cataphractoi Nanase is rebooting reg

    Paid for by Battle Outside Rauru and rupees from Tessa.

    Name: Abigail Cataphractoi

    Class: Archmage Aspirant

    Nicknames: The Miniature Mage, Abby Cat, Kittyphract

    Race: Sheikah

    Age: 23

    Gender: Female

    Place of Origin: Castle Town

    PWC: 1/5/3

    Racial Perk: Hylian Heritage: Magic Proficiency
    Racial Perk: Business
    Racial Perk: Barrier
    Craft: Outfitter Lvl 4
    Book of Mudora
    Ear of Truth
    Feather Fall
    Magic Power
    Stone Squall
    Drift Quill
    False Quill
    Tidy Pouch
    Seed Shooter

    Rupees: 20


    Runed Robes and Boots
    As a mage, Abigail typically dresses in ankle-length runed robes. She has several handmade sets of hooded robes, but each is jet black with golden highlights and runes along the seams, offering her some amount of magical and physical protection- roughly equivalent to sturdy leather armor. Beneath her robes she typically wears a bodice and a pair of simple pants- for modesty, mostly, as her robes provide sufficient protection on their own. Her boots are black and runed in the same fashion as her robes.

    Black Staff
    Abigail's "Black Staff" is her primary spell-casting tool, but it is mostly just a fancy wooden staff, made as a template for what her "dream" staff will look like. The staff is four feet long- short for a quarterstaff, but, then, Abigail is only five feet tall herself- and covered in carved runes. As the name suggests, it is pitch black in color, making the runes difficult to see at a distance. While it could technically be used in melee, Abigail has little talent or strength for that, and prefers to avoid it when possible.

    Book of Mudora
    The particular recreation of the original Book of Mudora carried by Abigail is a small tome with a black, featureless cover and a leather-and-gold clasp which wraps around the middle to hold it shut. The clasp has a secondary strap along the back cover which may be used to secure the tome to a belt or other such device; Abigail's robes have a small loop on the left hip for this purpose.

    Ear of Truth
    Worn on her right ear, Abigail's Ear of Truth is a gold stud earring in the shape of a rose, with a small, whirl-cut ruby set in the center. Her ear is pierced on the lobe near its base.

    Vision Trifold
    Assembled from Hawkeye, Truth, and Agony lenses, the Vision Trifold is a pair of goggles handcrafted by Abigail to grant her the functions of all three simultaneously. The vision functions of the Truth and Agony components are toggled at will, while the Hawkeye is operated by a slider on the right side. The housing of the goggles is composed of leather and gold plating and looks visually similar to two-lens safety goggles. Each individual goggle is about an inch long, containing all three lenses in series, and sturdy gold bridge connects the two over the nose. An adjustable leather strap holds the goggles in place, allowing the wearer to keep them mounted over the forehead when not in use.

    Appearance: Abigail comes in at all of 5’ 0”, with a weight of 132 pounds, putting her slightly into the overweight range as most people might figure it. She’s a bit curvy as a result, with big hips and thighs for her size. Her skin, hair, and eyes bear the mark of her heritage as a Sheikah, meaning she’s effectively albino with piercing red eyes and silver hair which runs down to her shoulders. The hair is a bit curly, most evident where it approaches her shoulders then veers off to the sides of its own accord, giving her two curled spikes of hair that reach out almost parallel to her shoulders.

    Personality: At the core of Abigail’s soul is a desire to be useful to those she was raised to serve: the Hylian royal family. She’s perfectly intelligent and capable of independent thought, but she’s still a person who was brought up under tenets of loyalty, duty, and service. The most important thing in Abigail’s life is that she fulfills her duty to crown and country…and that crown and country prove worthy of her service. She is the epitome of a Praetorian guard: she will not hesitate to lay down her life for her liege, so long as said liege isn’t an incompetent or fool. Royal ruthlessness in the name of national security is fine: ruthlessness for its own sake, or for personal gain, is unacceptable.

    Outside of work, of course, Abigail is a perfectly normal person. Mostly. She can laugh, empathize, love, and joke like anyone else, and has been known to party on occasion. Indeed, she might actually party harder than most people, to make up for on-duty seriousness. On duty, though, she is typically level headed and calm. Always calculating, never panicking. Her sense of loyalty bleeds over into her personal life, and Abigail’s friendships can be as long-lived as her grudges.

    Though she is slow to anger, her rage is the cold sort which never fades and never takes over, making her a dangerous enemy to have. Abigail will hold a grudge until it dies of old age, then have it stuffed and put on display. Her pride, on the other hand, has been known to get the better of her sometimes, and is probably the largest flaw of her personality, especially given that she’s not always wrong about her own skills…which just makes it all the more dangerous when it turns out she is wrong.

    And, though it has little impact on her life, Abigail is what one might call a natural born killer. Someone who can kill without hesitation or remorse, and required no conditioning to that end. In another life she could easily have been a psychopath or an outright monster, but she has her duty in this life, and her own personal ruthlessness is applied only for crown and country. She will not, however, hesitate to put in the ground anyone who is a demonstrated threat to those she defends.

    Abigail was born into an unremarkable Sheikah family. Her ancestors had the royal family for generations, but were never well known, even among their peers. A few mages here, a few bodyguards there- but all utterly mediocre. The Cataphractoi family had always served with loyalty but never distinction, and it was expected Abigail would do more of the same.

    Then she independently cast Feather Fall at the tender age of five.

    She hadn’t entered any form of training yet; she hadn’t even been evaluated for competencies. But early one morning, while her parents prepared breakfast, Abigail found herself an open window upstairs leading out onto the roof. Toddlers being toddlers, Abigail was rather clumsy, so the result of that little misadventure was more or less a foregone conclusion. Just as her parents came looking for her, she managed to topple off the roof...and then floated to the ground unharmed.

    Hylians- and many Sheikah- possessed an innate proficiency for magic, but it was practically unheard of for a mere child to cast without even the most basic concept of what magic was. Ezekiel, her father, knew this much, as his own father had been a mage as well, but had displayed no talent until he had at least begun formal training. As a result, he recognized exactly how she had escaped injury after falling one story onto a cobblestone road.

    Though Abigail was young for it, her parents immediately took her to the elders for evaluation. She was confused, and not a little bit frightened, but after some incredibly brief instruction, she successfully manifested an Ice spell- attempting to test her ability to use Feather Fall would have been, at best, an unnecessary risk. Her elders confirmed what her parents suspected: Abigail was a prodigy spellcaster.

    Within the year Abigail was receiving lessons from experienced Sheikah mages. This wasn’t special treatment per se; Abigail was pretty much the equivalent of a child with an automatically reloading crossbow permanently affixed to her wrist. She was brilliant, and talented, but also exceedingly dangerous, especially to other children. What she needed was control, as well as a full comprehension of what she could do. If anything she actually progressed more slowly than she could have in casting, as her teachers thought it important she understand who she was, where she came from, and magic itself.

    Instead, Abigail was taught the history of Hyrule and its royal family, as well as its Sheikah protectors. She learned of magical theory and enchanted items, heroes of old, language, mathematics- everything which might feasibly be useful to a mage. As she grew older she learned stealth, and underwent basic athletics training as mandated by custom. It became rapidly obvious to her and everyone else that she would never be a battlemage, wading into combat with sword and spell, nor an assassin, using the shadows to her advantage and striking from stealth. But one day, if she lived long enough and worked hard enough, she might be something more suitable- an archmage.

    Abigail took to her lessons with an all-consuming passion, absorbing tomes of magical lore like city-folk went through trashy novels. She studied under tutors Sheikah and Zora, Hylian and Kokiri, to master her spellcasting abilities and learn the art of crafting magical items.

    It was as she entered her teens that her teachers deemed her ready to broaden her ability to cast. Under their expert tutelage she perfected Ice and learned to form and utilize Barriers. Abigail studied the Stone Squall spell to give herself another offensive spell, and through skill and practice she gradually increased her casting speed, as well.

    At eighteen, Abigail’s teachers deemed her lessons complete and recommended her for active duty. A mage with four spells and such rapid casting was nothing to scoff at, and she would have been accepted immediately, but Abigail requested two more years of study at the under a master rather than enlisting immediately. The request was granted; Sheikah are not compelled to serve, even in her clan, so the request was a formality more than anything.

    Her thirst for knowledge just hadn’t been satisfied yet. And so she went to seek out a dedicated master-student relationship, ultimately ending up with a man named Zeph- and Abigail rapidly came to understand exactly how good she’d had it back home.

    Zeph was, frankly, an awful teacher. But he was old, experienced, gifted, and had probably forgotten by then more than Abigail had yet learned. Getting information from her master turned out to be like pulling teeth, and every time she learned something it felt like a tremendous accomplishment- not because of the difficulty involved, but because it was practically in spite of Zeph’s best efforts. Unfortunately, Abigail was the equivalent, by that point, of a graduate student, and she needed a mentor to guide her studies, so she was stuck with the old coot.

    During her time with Zeph, Abigail studied primarily the fabrication of magical items. It was there she crafted her robes and boots, placed the enchantment on her Ear of Truth, and, for her final project, replicated the legendary Book of Mudora- admittedly a well-documented procedure by that point, but one frequently undertaken by aspiring mages. At the end of her time with him, Zeph patted her on the back and sent her on her way. It was about as unemotional a departure as possible, but by then she was well and truly tired of the old man, so she was glad to put him behind her.

    At twenty, she was finally employed by the Hyrulean Royal Guard and employed primarily as a magical problem solver and weapon. Since then, she’s been doing her duty and following orders, but the job as left her somewhat unsatisfied. She was raised to serve the royal family, but has done precious little of that, at least directly. Unknown to Abigail, her superiors are fully aware of her willful streak, and have been employing her in a manner unlikely to give her a chance to go full Praetorian Guard on her charge. She’s too good for them to dispense with her skills, but too dangerous to use as a guard unless they’re sure she’ll respect her charge, as the consequences- for Abigail and everyone else- would be enormous otherwise, and she’s absolutely worthless for anything physical or stealthy. So they use her as a pocket nuke, while keeping her far, far away from the objects of her loyalty.

    What she’ll do if she discovers this fact is anyone’s guess.

    -Magic Power II
    -Goggles (Filter Lens modification, Hero's Charm modification)
    -Strengthened Robes (Dodongo Hide, Silver Scales, White Hide, Skulltula Silk)
    -Water Controls + Augments
    -Black Staff (Undetermined)
    -Language of Flora + Fauna
    -Adventure Pouch
    -Basically any magic item I can stuff into an Adventure Pouch
    --Flying Broom, Imagiscope, Hearing Shell, Infinite Novel, Life-Binding Charm, Moon Pearl, Palm of Gohdan, Poe Clock, Stone Mask, Stallion Statuette, Vial of Winds, Commshell, Deku Nut Supply
    -Assorted spells probably chosen at random

    Red Rupee Kinstone (Merged, Reward Received)
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2017
  2. Cloud

    Cloud friend admin

    Accepted. Good job on the profile, Cat!