Open for roleplay in Southern Hyrule.

Discussion in 'Role Play Discussion' started by Luneth, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. Luneth

    Luneth Cesare The Somnambulist new

    Now that I've gotten approved, I'm looking to join an rp or two. Hit me up if you're interested.
  2. Saria

    Saria Severely Acute Radical Syndrome reg

    I'm always down to RP. I'm planning on axing Navina but if you want to RP with either Spaghet or Wiki I'm down.
  3. Luneth

    Luneth Cesare The Somnambulist new

    That sounds down to clown. I was thinking perhaps they could embark towards Woodfall, perhaps get a DM and run the Swamp dungeon? Maybe kind of get Wiki to help him in order to open up the temple? Is that still a thing? I dunno. But yeah, I was thinking that, a quick run through the Woodfall dungeon to get Luneth started.
  4. Saria

    Saria Severely Acute Radical Syndrome reg

    I'm currently during Woodfall with Squish but Wiki needs the roops so I would be down to run it again. I could ask someone to DM or we could just run it ourselves. Up to you
  5. Luneth

    Luneth Cesare The Somnambulist new

    Either or sounds fine.
  6. Cloud

    Cloud friend admin

    I'll DM it if you two would like me to.

    I've also got a character currently anchored in Southern Hyrule (Lucian). He was raised with primarily a Hylian upbringing, despite being moored in the Eastern Caves, surrounded by Gerudo and such.

    He's also an amateur armorer (read: level 1), but more than knows his way around a fight.
  7. Luneth

    Luneth Cesare The Somnambulist new

    That sounds wonderful, thank you.

    Also, Woodfall is in Northern Hyrule is it not? How does one cross over?
  8. Cloud

    Cloud friend admin

    There are a few ways you could cross from Northern to Southern or vice versa -- over land (though this is quite dangerous), by sea, by air, etc. etc. You could just as easily have it be some sort of freak accident like being pulled through some kind of teleporter (like the ones in Twilight Princess) or something along those lines.

    When it comes down to it, though, if you decide to go about travelling to Northern Hyrule by land, that could really be a quest all by itself (and I would honestly prefer it, though I know the other two don't necessarily care about it) just because it's so dangerous.
  9. Luneth

    Luneth Cesare The Somnambulist new

    Since we're all in South Hyrule, we could just incorporate crossing over into the Woodfall quest. It'd be hella long but good.
  10. Devil-Steel

    Devil-Steel Your friendly neighborhood devil reg

    Well since you were online somewhat recently and your previous quest never took off, I would be more than willing to do a quest with you if you want. Really don't want to lose someone because a quest never got off the ground.
  11. Eternis

    Eternis Page of Time reg

    As above.
  12. jdd2035

    jdd2035 New Member new

    May I join? Just don't beat me I'm new!