[WIP] Reacher Trask

Discussion in 'Retired Characters' started by Eternis, Dec 9, 2014.

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  1. Eternis

    Eternis Page of Time reg

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    Needs formatting, and probably quite a bit of editing, but this is da character.
    Oh. And if anyone wants to make "Wee Jimmy Jinnikins", feel free to, but if he ain't up by Christmas Eve, he will be MINE.

    Name: Reacher Trask
    Race: Hylian
    Age: 28
    Gender: Male
    Place of Origin: Impa
    PWC: 5/1/2
    -Bonus Treasure (Bottomless Bottle)
    -Rupee Riches (+30 rp)

    -Bomb Bag (55rp)
    Augmentation: Bomb Arrow (20rp)
    -Straight Shooting (10rp)
    -Summon Ammunition (10rp)
    -Bottomless Bottle (Bonus Treasure, filled with snowmelt)
    -Guardian Acorn x 1(5rp)

    Rupees: 30

    Bow and arrows (three arrows secreted about his person, just in case one or more get lost)
    Boat [Golden Crest] (a large-ish cutter, can comfortably fit 6 total people, but can be sailed by an individual without too much difficulty)
    Bomb Bag
    Guardian Acorn (but he has no clue what it is)
    Some rocks (they're kinda especially smooth? Really, he just keeps them to act as a way to hand over his messages.)
    A Sling (Sometimes the rocks are used to literally add insult to injury.)
    A mostly-blunt razor
    Boat stuff (Food supplies, rope, etc.)
    Bottomless Bottle (used to be filled with top-notch rum or whiskey, now the best-tasting snowmelt he's ever had)

    Pet: None

    Personality: Reacher is a mildly surly smuggler, who tolerates no fools and very little drunkenness. After his experience in the mountains, he's gained a great respect for the spiritual and those who, like himself, are recovering from the penalties of alcohol. What he does not respect are those who would do anything under orders. There are some lines he will not cross, and those who do on the orders of another, he sees as worse than scum.

    Reacher is generally unkempt, but his tight sailor's clothing keeps him from looking too ragged. His stubble-coated chin always looks as if he hasn't shaved in six days, even if he shaves every morning that the seas aren't too rough. His brown hair grows shaggily on his head, somewhat stringy from all that exposure, but he makes sure to wash it every morning from his bottle, so it isn't too terrible. His lean frame hides a fair quantity of stringy muscle, formed from 15 years of nearly continuous seafaring (read: smuggling).

    Reacher was born in Impa, the son of a skilled fisherman who's sailing skills and knowledge of the local area was second to none. Reese, from almost the youngest he could remember, sailed with his father, his mother having died in childbirth. But while the skills of Reese's father, Amos Trask, didn't diminish in the slightest, times changed. Trawling fisheries devoted to large-scale commercial catching slowly forced Amos and his son out of business, and when Amos finally swallowed his pride and asked for employment in the company, he was refused by a middling-level manager who had once disliked the tone of voice Amos had used when apologising after bumping into said manager with a sack full of fish on Amos' back, his son carrying up the gear.

    Not being one to flee from the sea, Amos decided to take his skills in a slightly less... legal direction, when Reacher was 12. Taxation and prices on imported goods from the Moruge Swamp and the then-portless Mido, Amos seemed to have found his niche market. The low levels of naval security simply made it easier, although guard on the shoreline tightened after word got out of his activities. For a while, all was good. Before too long, however, the prices got higher, the profits got smaller, and times got darker. Amos found himself less able to provide for his son, and began to take up the drink, which his son quickly emulated.

    Finally, when Reacher was 17, Amos hung himself, leaving no note apart from a will, granting all his possessions to Reacher, including his ship, his flask, his bow, and a special sack, eternally full of bombs, that he'd won form a stranger in a game of cards. Reacher cried, railed against the world, and threw himself into smuggling and the drink. He began to learn the tricks his father hadn't, or couldn't teach him, the thrum of the ropes when the boat was running right with the wind, the feel of the tiller in his hand as he fought against the might of the ocean to keep it steady and strong. He found solace in his father's flask, which he discovered contained what appeared to be an endless supply of rather good rum.

    The main pivotal moment of Reacher's early twenties was when he watched a fisherman from Mido, only the slightest bit tipsy, lose control of his hand on the tiller. It was for a fraction of an instant, but everything went wrong. The boom smacked into his head as the boat crashed into what would've been an easily avoided rock. The blood seeped into the water where he fell, sharks surrounding the body. Reacher fled into the north, drinking his fears and losing himself to doubt. As well as to not knowing where the hell he was.

    Tired, thirsty, and thoroughly drunk, Reacher stumbled through the plains on blistered feet, growing thinner as the sparse supplies he'd "packed" ran thin, then out. A pale light he couldn't be entirely certain he'd really seen, given that he'd been hallucinating his father for three days by then, appeared in front of him as he lay gasping, thoroughly ill and desperate for some liquid that wasn't wrecking his liver. The light led him straight to an ice-cold stream, which he promptly fell into. The waters of the stream were good. Not magical, not healing, but full of the minerals that true snowmelt is known for. He gulped the water down gratefully, and in the days that followed, caught fish and foraged for what plants he recognised, and emerged a stronger, healthier man. He opened his flask, intending to pour one last dram of rum on the ground before leaving it behind forever, but when the crystal-clear snowmelt poured out, he grinned and held onto it instead.

    He made his way back to Mido, hoping that his boat hadn't yet been stolen from its hiding place, which oddly enough, it hadn't. A, well, utterly mad deku scrub was waiting there, calling himself "Wee Jimmy Jinnikins". He taught him how to attach bombs to his arrows, taught him a few charms for his bow, and gave him an acorn, telling him to "hang on to it, because you'll need a better boat than this bloody thing."

    Once Reacher had been taught what he needed to know, "Wee Jimmy Jinnikins" started walking out of the cave. Somewhat startled, Reacher asked him two things;
    "Why did you do all this for me? And what in Din's name is this acorn?"
    The deku turned back.
    "Because I'm mad, and ask a botanist, you muckle capall!"
    This said, of course, before the deku dived straight into the water, submerging himself quickly out of Reacher's view.

    Reacher still carries the acorn in a pouch strung across his neck, with no clue what it is, but hey, it was free.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2014
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