Quill vs. Squishy

Discussion in 'Battle Arena' started by Quill, Oct 31, 2012.

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  1. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Quill: Loft
    Squishy: Locke
    Pot: 20

    This was, without a doubt, the village that time had abandoned. Frankly, Loft couldn't blame it for losing interest. This place was duller than a chocolate-less, fat-free, and sugar-lacking fudge-less sundae. It was shoved in the midst of a mountain range that leaned away from it, as if to avoid being infected by its lack of interesting qualities. A couple dozen two-story buildings were scattered around the valley, and some of them looked like they had been smashed in by a giant's wandering foot. The giant had probably barely glanced down before deciding that the little village wasn't worth any sort of attention. A lot of the wood had rotted away, windows were cracked and stained, and some of the buildings had collapsed altogether. All together, it was a place that was in serious need of being blown up and replaced by something fun.

    He stretched, touching his toes and jumping up and down a few times to warm his body up. It wasn't cold in the village, thank goodness, but he still wanted to be ready. If this opponent was anywhere near as fun as the Deku Dante, he would need to be in top-shape. In fact, he didn't like where he was standing. He was underneath a large sign, its letters long since faded away by time's diligent scrubbing. He remembered the Deku firing wind and daggers and meteors at him every few seconds, and he decided that it was best to find someplace less exposed to stretch. He darted behind a pile of rusted metal boxes and sat, extending his legs and grabbing his feet with his hands.
  2. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    Trophy Points:
    Locke wandered through the abandoned alleyway, pinching his nose in an attempt not to sneeze. Even the lightest steps made the dust swirl up around his feet, how long had it been since this place had seen a living creature?

    The buildings made one think it had been very long. Most of them were missing their roofs or large parts of the walls, the windows were mostly smashes to pieces and the smell of rotting wood filled the air. It seemed a strange place to fight, being crushed by a collapsing building seemed more likely than actually hitting your opponent.

    Which reminded Locke of the fact he had no idea who he’d be up against. He ran his thumb along the edge of his axe, deep in thought. Whoever would be his opponent, he’d kick his or her sorry ass. They’d be no match for him and his axe, bow and daggers.

    He checked the alleyway out a little more before climbing into one of the buildings through a window, deciding that starting from a hiding place was a better plan than just rushing into full sight, perhaps he’d just hide so he could wait and see his opponent and then come out with a strategy.

    Or just fill the unlucky bastard with arrows.
  3. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Loft was at one end of the village, hidden only by a couple piles of rusted metal boxes. He couldn't see anything, and he had absolutely no idea where his opponent was. He could be anywhere, or anything. Loft didn't know, and that made him very nervous. He supposed that he could just jump out from behind the boxes and run around the village, waving his arms and screaming like a banshee, until something happened. Then he remembered what had happened the last time he was in the Arena. An arrow had flown out of some nearby trees and sliced into his head. He shivered. No way he was letting that happen again. No, this wasn't the time for banshee-Loft. This was the time for Loft to make like a ninja and be sneaky.

    Thankfully, he had the perfect scout. He put his fingers to his lips and blew very faintly, just loudly enough for the notes to be clearly defined. He shifted over to his left, and another Loft was sitting against the crates in the exact position he had been in. Loft tilted his head and stared at the thing's face, the only part of the clone that wasn't a perfect replica. It was twisted in madness and despair and hatred, its eyes furrowed in confusion and fear, and Loft looked away. Something about that... he didn't want to look at it anymore. He didn't want to face it.

    He put his fingers back into his mouth again, and blew softly. A different melody issued forth, and Loft's world dissolved into a rush of colors and and sounds. Spirit travel was highly efficient, and Loft soon found the world restored. He flexed his fingers, noting how the clone's body felt exactly the same as his, and stood. The crates were tall enough to shield him, and he found himself wishing that one of them contained a mirror. He wondered if his face and his eyes were still fixed in that pained expression, the never-ending screaming contained forever in his eyes....

    Loft shook his head violently and leaned against one of the crates. It began to shift, and Loft jumped back and hurriedly stopped it from making too much movement or, Goddesses forbid, falling over. He steadied it, breathed a sigh of relief, and frowned. A solid metal crate shouldn't be that heavy, rusted or not. He tapped one softly, and grinned when he heard the sound echo through it. It was hollow. A hollow metal crate. An idea hit him, an idea so awesome that he could hardly contain his glee. The idea was so genius, so amazingly inspired, that he just had to pat himself on the back for being brilliant enough to come up with it. He lifted one of the boxes off of the pile and put it down on top of him. He had to do an awkward crouch to fit, but that was okay. He was a ninja, under the cloak of mysteriousness. No enemy could possibly see through this cunning disguise; for how could a box be anything but a box? They were an entirely innocent race of creatures; they could never do anyone any harm. Loft did his best villainous chuckle, and started down the lane.

    He wasn't worried. This wasn't his body, after all. If he was harmed, he knew by experience that he would just be yanked back into his original form. No damage would be retained, and it would leave his opponent as confused as Loft had been when he had seen a bakery advertising healthy brownies. He started down the village's only street, waiting for something to happen.
  4. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    Trophy Points:
    Locke peered over the remains of the windowsill, having taken his hawkeye off his belt and putting it on his head. Before going up to the top floor, he had set some snares and small booby traps on the lower floor with bits of fraying rope and sharp pieces of wood he had found. Just to make sure noone’d dare to sneak up behind him.

    Now he was scanning the rest of the small village, using the hawkeye to zoom in on the buildings on the other side of the main road. And that’s when he spotted the box.

    ‘What the…?’

    He zoomed in a little further, until he had the object in full view. Slowly but surely, the box was moving through the street, leaving a long trace in the dust. His opponent was either a metal box, an idea that Locke quickly dismissed for being completely ridiculous, or someone small enough to fit inside the box. After careful consideration, Locke assumed the latter to be more likely.

    The appearance of the box called for a plan of action. A well thought-out plan. A plan so great there’d be no way it could fail. A plan consisting of a single arrow. Shot at the box. That was Locke’s master plan. He’d shoot a single arrow at the box, see how it goes and then come up with a new plan.

    Pleased with this plan and proud of himself, Locke set out to work and pulled out his bow and an arrow, peering over the windowsill again, trying to locate the box. In the few minutes that had passed, the box had traveled a marvelous six feet and was now in full view.

    ‘Three… Two… One.’

    The arrow whizzed through the air, and hit the box with a dull thud, before falling into the dirt. Locked pulled the hawkeye over his eyes again, scanning the box for any signs of damage. Unfortunately, the metal box had proved to be a formidable enemy for the arrow, as it hadn’t taken any damage at all, save for a small scuff mark on the side where the arrow had hit. So much for his master plan. Time to come up with a new one.

    An even more daring one.

    He got up, slung the bow over his back and carefully crept down the stairs, avoiding his booby traps and sneaking through the hole into the wall, back into the small alleyway. Arrows hadn’t been able to hurt the box, so he had to resort to some heavy violence. The big stuff. He walked over to the end of the alley, staying in the shadows in case the box had eyes hidden somewhere, and waited for the perfect moment to strike.

    When it came, he dashed out of the alley, grabbed the box, and gave a harsh kick to whatever was underneath it. That was a score on his side.
  5. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Something thudded against the side of the box, and Loft's heart nearly jumped out of his throat. His opponent had arrows. Arrows! Not again- Loft hated arrows. They were so fast and small and pointy. He liked knives and swords better. He kept going, just because he had nothing better to do. He had started this, so he might as well stick it through it and see what happened. The arrow had hit from the left, though, so he repeated it in his head over and over again. "Attack from the left, attack from the left, that means that it's on the left."

    He heard scuffling footsteps, and before he could do anything the box had been violently grabbed. A foot sailed in and smashed into his side, and Loft gasped as his world dissolved into a kaleidoscope of colours and sounds. When the world had again stabled itself, Loft jumped up. This was his chance! He rushed out from behind the boxes, but at the last second he decided not to directly attack the man with the bow hanging on his back. The man might be, like, telepathic and whip around and fill his stomach with a dozen arrows before Loft could blink twice. Instead, he turned to his right and sprinted as quietly as possible towards the first in a line of two-story buildings. He was only exposed for seconds, but his heart still hammered horribly in his chest. He jumped mid-sprint as hard as he could, managing a couple steps up the rough wall before pushing off the wall and grabbing the second story windowsill. He quickly hauled himself up, rolling onto the dusty and slightly rotted floor. Hopefully it wouldn't collapse and fill Loft's chest with pointy wooden bits.

    He raced over to the window facing the street and pulled out a Deku Nut, rolling it around in his fingers. He couldn't stay here; the man might find him, and Loft hated the idea of running from a man with a bow. He threw the Deku Nut down at the man, pulling out a throwing knife and sending it hurtling towards the man's head. He leaped out of the window, tugging another Deku Nut out of the wooden organ hanging from his belt as he fell and throwing it down to the ground. He closed his eyes just long enough to shield them from the flash and landed, drawing Prissy (his non-throwing knife with an identity crisis due to it being more of a short-sword than a knife) and slashing it at the man's face.
  6. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    Trophy Points:
    Locke felt his foot hit something soft underneath the box. Possibly his opponent. That was what he thought at first, but then he saw someone roll out underneath and disappear. He stared at the place where the body had been, completely baffled, when he heard shuffling behind him.

    He whipped around, pulling out his bow and a few arrows, but the boy behind him was already nimbly climbing up a wall. Nonetheless Locke still tried to fire an arrow at him, but he only managed to hit the solid stone walls of the house. Meanwhile his opponent had hoisted himself over the windowsill and escaped into the house, but not before throwing a deku nut onto the ground near Locke's feet, followed by a throwing knife. The knife missed his head by a hair's width, embedding itself into the ground.

    Another deku nut was throw, but this time, Locke sensed a presence behind him, and he whipped around, but was just too late to block a blow of a knife to his face, and it left a large gash in his forehead. He whipped one of his daggers out of it sheath and made a wild swipe at his attacker, trying to aim for the face, while also trying to sweep his attacker's feet out from underneath him with his foot. Locke wasn't made for close combat. Sure, he could do it if his life depended on it, like now, but he much more preferred to trap his targets with snares or take them out from a distance with a well-aimed arrow. It seemed every time he got into close combat his mind shut down and all tactics he could come up with simply went 'stab stab until dead'.

    But now he had now choice but to engage in a knife-fight and hope he could get away as quickly as possible. As Locke tried to grab his other dagger with his free hand, he brushed against something in the pouch on his hip. Something he had completely forgotten he carried with him. A sly smile formed on his lips as he took the object out and curled his fingers around it, waiting for the right moment.

    Just as his opponent was about to attack again, he stepped backwards, then lunged forwards, knocking the other one off balance and throwing the gale seed in his hand between the other's feet, creating a large vortex of wind.

    "Heh, hope you like flying."
  7. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Score! Loft's knife slashed the man's face, colouring his forehead red. Hopefully, he would be blinded by the blood and Loft would have a chance to strike. Loft ducked under the retaliatory slash of the man's dagger, noting that it wasn't nearly as nice as his. Something wrenched at his legs and Loft was flipped to the ground. He used his hands to change the tumble to a handstand-flip, and he landed catlike on the ground. He rushed forward, feinting a thrust and swinging his foot through the air to try and catch the man off target. Unfortunately, the man stepped back, then lunged forward as Loft was recovering from the roundhouse kick. Loft reflexively flinched back, and the man chucked a small blue rock at his feet.

    The rock smashed open, and wind began to explode from within it. Loft's eyes widened as his clothes rippled and his hair was blown up to the sky. The invisible vortex of wind had him securely in its grasp. There was no escaping it; he was caught in its invisible hold.

    "Hope you like flying," the man jeered.

    Loft grinned. "I'm a birdy." He reached out and grasped the man's shirt, yanking him close to Loft and into the wind's grasp. "Now you're one too."
  8. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    Trophy Points:
    "Now you're one too."

    Locke's face went white with horror as the other one grabbed his collar and pulled him into the vortex, which in turn slung the two up in the air.

    "You-! You-! ...Are you mad?!" He screamed as he tried to pry himself free of the other's grasp. "You're going to kill us both! ...I had to kill you!" He had to shake that guy off, and quick, before they hit the ground and got turned into miserable piles of human remains.

    The wind whipped around their faces wildly, blowing loose strands of hair into Locke's face and making his eyes tear. The blood that still gushed from the wound on his head and now slowly seeped into his eye didn't make things any better. He sought his belt for another dagger, the first one had slipped from his hand when he was slung into the sky. He found one, and sneered at his opponent.

    "See if you can hold on to this."

    Then he stabbed the other's hand.
  9. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Loft hissed as he saw the blade shine in the sun's light. He pushed himself away from the man, the vortex's power still boosting them up through the sky as he inserted distance between the two of them. He wanted to throw more daggers at him, but the vortex only made him and the other dude fly. He felt a twinge of sadness that his daggers wouldn't know the joy of flying, but he pushed it aside. They could feel it as he felt it; they were strapped to his body, after all.

    The momentum ceased, and Loft hung for a split second at the apex of the vortex's power. They were really high up. They were really, really high up. They had almost cleared one of the smaller mountains, and Loft looked down below his feet. Uh-oh. The village was a tiny speck. None of the smaller buildings were really visible. Loft may have felt like a birdy when they were flying, but he didn't think he'd land like one. His eyes flicked back up to the man. He had started this, he must have had a way to finish it! No-one would carry a flying-stone without having a landing-stone too!

    They began to fall back down, and Loft threw his arms out in an X. He waited a few seconds as his flight slowed. He flipped himself forward, angling down at the man. He exhaled and streamlined his body. He rocketed down through the air at the man's back. He slammed into his back and tried to wrap his arms around the man's body- arms included.

    "Use a stop-stone!" He screamed. "Use it, or we go squish!"
  10. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    Trophy Points:
    “No way in hell! Why’d I let you live?! Let go of me!” Locke yelled at the kid, trying to struggle free. He slammed his head backwards, into what was hopefully the kid’s face and broke his arms free. He tried to struggle some more to lose the kid completely, but to no avail.

    The kid had an iron grip on him, which was, frankly, not very strange. They were approaching the hard ground with a speed of who knows how fast, fast enough to make sure that whoever had to clean them up would have one hell of a job. If Locke had been in the kid’s shoes, he wouldn’t have let go either.

    He could save the both of them, he still had enough seeds to slow them down for a safe landing, but then he’d still have to deal with his opponent. Unless he could come up with something. He wasn’t going to save the kid’s arse for free. He was going to pay a hefty price for his life, however short it would be after they landed.

    “Alright, I’ll save us, but on one condition: you hand over all your weapons to me. Else it’s goodbye to your precious life.”

    Now that was a deal the kid couldn’t possibly refuse.

    He hoped.
  11. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Loft laughed, his arms still locked around his opponent. "I've already died once," he said, "death isn't scary anymore." His head was sore from when the man had smashed its top, but thankfully his nose hadn't been hit. That would have been bad. Speaking of bad, they only had a few seconds left before they crashed into the ground and became little puddles of glop. The launch stone had thrown them up really high into the air, but they were falling really, really quickly. The buildings below were growing larger at an alarming rate, becoming more and more defined as the duo plummeted towards the ground. There wasn't much time left for them, and there was certainly not enough time for chit-chat.

    "Seconds left!" He screamed over the wind. "Stop-stone or death for us both!"
  12. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    Trophy Points:
    Locke had no other choice than to use a second gale seed, seeing as he didn’t feel much for being splattered against the ground, no matter how badly he wanted to lose the kid on his back.

    He reached into the pouch and pulled a second seed out, aiming it at the ground which was now, to be honest, getting too close too rapidly for comfort. As soon as the seed hit the ground it sprang open, releasing another vortex which caught the two combatants and slowed their descent to a slightly more safe speed.

    But that didn’t make the landing any softer.

    Moments before they hit the ground, Locke had spun himself around and pushed the kid downwards, landing heavily on top of him and pinning him against the ground. He wrapped his hands around the other’s head and violently slammed it onto the hard ground, giving Locke a chance to run away, disappearing in one of the alleyways.
  13. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Footfals runing away, guy's leving. Cnat think. Head hurtz. Loft picked himself up, wincing. Touch head, blood. Gross. Loft staggered to the side, into a nearby building. He allowed himself to topple behind a cluster of barrels in a corner. Fog clouded his head like a mist around the base of a bakery, and Loft felt like a rat after being snapped in a mousetrap- rat because it would hurt more because a mousetrap was for mice and rats would get hurt more and Farore his head hurt. He touched the back of his head again, his trembling fingers coming back in front of his face covered in red fluid.

    He sniffed and huddled behind the barrels again. He hated pain, he hated it. Pain hurt, burned, and Loft hated hated hated it. His prickling eyes glazed over a stairway, and he moved as if half-asleep, walking up the wooden flight to the roof of the two-story building. He stood on top of the spacious roof and looked down on the forsaken village. The village was stuck between the mountains, and the ground on which it stood was slanted. He was in a building near the top of the slant, the king of the hill. The sky was open and innocent, but Loft remembered the fall and shuddered, looking away. He wandered back down the stairs and stared at the barrels he had just hidden behind.

    With a crash, the lid of the nearest one fell to the ground. Loft reached into it and pulled out a few lumps of coal. He stared at it for a few seconds and then looked up at the many barrels in the place. He grinned, and his smile was lop-sided and his eyes still slightly glazed. Coal burned very well. Coal go big boom. Loft sidled back into the midst of the barrels and sat down, pulling out his Red Candle and nestling it in his lap.

    "Hello?" He called. "Mr. Fly-bye man! I miss you," he said, laughing, "come back! I'm in here!"
  14. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    Trophy Points:
    Locke had dashed away, nimbly climbing up a building and disappearing through a hole in the roof before he dared to slow to a halt and catch his breath.

    He was pretty sure the kid was knocked out, or at least disoriented from the blow, but who knew if it was just another copy acting as a decoy. The real kid could be creeping up on him any minute for all Locke knew.

    Then he heard the kid’s voice, not too far from him, perhaps a few houses away. He sounded suspiciously happy for someone who’d been tossed into the air, nearly flattened against the ground and just had his head bashed in.

    Either the kid was still loopy from having his head bashed in, or he was simply insane.

    Or he had a plan.

    Anyways, Locke had to be cautious. He decided it wasn’t a good plan to just run back and burst into wherever the kid was hiding, seeing as what happened last time he directly attacked the other. He slowly crept a few houses back, ending up in the house next to the one from which he heard the kid calling. Locke shoved his hawkeye over his eyes again, spying the building for any signs of his opponent.

    Then he spotted him.

    The kid, grinning like a madman, was sitting on the ground with a candle in his lap. Obviously, he was planning something. Something bad and probably very painful, Locke thought. Especially with the dust covering everything in this village, it was a surprise the kid hadn’t set himself on fire yet.

    Locke took out his bow. Perhaps, if he was careful, he could land a few arrows in, or at least near the kid. And if he would only drop that candle on the floor…
  15. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    The seconds ticked by. Or, at least, they would have, if only there was a clock present. Since the wall was sadly lacking a large grandfather clock, Loft was forced to make the ticking sounds himself. He swayed back and forth, ticking softly to himself with his tongue. He thought of the poor barrels, shoved into a corner of the house by their uncaring, unloving owner. All they had to look at were a couple windows, and all they showed were the sides of the next building. Not only were there no grandfather clocks in this room, but there were no pictures hanging from the walls, no spiderwebs of cracks worming through the wood, and no animal carcasses pinned above the door. How boring! These poor barrels, forced into looking only through the windows!

    Loft's eyes wandered out the windows. He got a quick mental flash of how cool it would be if his eyes could literally wander out the windows; if they could just pop! out of his head and hop out the windows and see the world for themselves. The next building's wall wasn't too far away, and it's closeness gave the bored Loft an idea.

    He glanced from side to side, checking to see if Monsieur Flybye Man was anywhere nearby. A grin flashed across his face and he held his still unlit Red Candle carefully in one hand as the other reached behind his waist and into a small wooden blob hanging from his belt. He pulled a small Deku Nut from the dead Deku's organ and threw it through the window. It smashed against the window with a loud crack!, white light flooding through Loft's closed eyelids and sending little squiggly worms dancing along his eyes. Loft giggled and repeated the game.

    "1 Deku Nut smashed on the wall, 1 Deku Nut! Take 'em out, smash 'em around, 2 Deku Nuts smashed on the wall!" He paused in the song to smile at the nearby barrels. "Cool, huh?" He asked cheerfully. "Not so bored now, huh?"
  16. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    Trophy Points:
    The flash of the Deku nut startled Locke, nearly causing him to lose his footing. He had found out he couldn’t reach the kid from where he had first stood, so he had climbed out of the window and onto the roof, which gave him a more clear view of the building next to him.

    He paused while he tried to blink the lights in front of his eyes away, then returned his focus to the window once more and aimed his bow. He fired, and missed.

    “Dammit.” He hissed quietly to himself.

    He had to get across from the house if he wanted to get a good aim, at this angle, it was too tricky and missing would alert the boy to his presence. Although, if he kept on throwing Deku nuts like that, none of them would be able to see the other.

    He would just risk jumping between the flashes, and then come up with the next part of his not-carefully thought out plan. Right now, he just wanted to see blood. Preferably the kid’s.

    At the edge of the roof he waited for the next flash, then, he took a few steps back and ran forward, jumping across the gap between the houses. He landed with a loud thud, sending a few roof tiles to the ground. He had made it, but was blinded immediately again by a new Deku nut.

    ‘You’re mine now, kid.’ He readied his bow again, this time with a clear aim at the kid. He was still sitting on the ground, smiling and rocking back and forth, holding a burning candle. Locke decided he really was a madman. Perhaps he would be doing to world a favor by ridding it of the idiotic kid. Then he noticed the barrels. Filled with coal.

    A wicked grin spread across his face. Boy, this was going to be fun.

    Between flashes, he aimed at the kid’s hand holding the candle, and unleashed a volley of arrows, hoping at least one would hit its target.
  17. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Loft's hand flicked out again to toss another nut at the wall behind the window. "Seven thousand four-hundred ten billion Deku Nuts on the wall," he moaned. His head bonked backwards against a barrel of coal. "Where are you, Monsieur Flyguy?" He glanced behind him at the barrel of coal, and winced at the red smear left behind. "Too strong," he muttered, "hurt the barrel."

    He sighed, reaching behind him again to pull another Deku Nut from his pouch. He held his Red Candle in his other hand, its magical flame burning straight and unwavering, powered by his will alone. It looked like Mr. Flyguy wasn't going to be coming anytime soon. How long would he have to wait? How long-

    Three things happened in very quick succession. A multitude of bright silver flashes burst from a side window, embedding themselves into barrels and the floor. His arm, wrist, and side felt dipped in molten lead. His hand spasmed, sending the still-burning Red Candle flying into the air, its flame still burning brightly. Loft howled, pounding the floor and jumping up in down as pain speared through his body. It covered his mind in a dull red haze, oblitering all other thoughts and cutting off his concentration on the Red Candle. His brilliant booby trap clattered lifelessly to the ground across the room, its magical flame vanishing with the disappearance of its power source. Loft staggered back into the cluster of barrels, sending a few of them toppling over onto the ground. He tripped over them and disappeared into their midst.
  18. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    Trophy Points:
    Suddenly the bright flashes of the Deku nuts stopped appearing and Locke ceased his attack.

    He paused with his hand on the last arrow in his quiver, staring intently at the window. He couldn’t see the kid anymore, just the pile of barrels against the wall. Perhaps the kid had seen a way to escape his volley of arrows and was now hiding somewhere, or he had hit his target, the latter obviously being the preferable option.

    Locke waited for a while, the seconds slowly creeping by, waiting for a new attack or another flash.

    But it never came.

    He relaxed a little, wiping the dried blood of his forehead before putting on his hawkeye again. The room really did seem empty, save for… He zoomed in a little more on the pile of barrels, some of which had been knocked over, trapping something underneath them. Something which looked very much like a foot. The kid had gotten himself trapped underneath the pile of barrels. He was easy prey now, if he was still alive.

    Locke hopped back across the alleyway, and climbed into the room with the barrels. Upon inspecting the pile and the foot, he noticed there was no movement at all. Perhaps the kid really did get himself killed.

    A wide grin formed in Locke’s face, his opponent, the troublesome kid, had gotten himself crushed by harmless wooden barrels. A fitting end for a poor sod like him, Locke thought. He was done here now, all he had to do now was to find a way out of this wretched village.

    He sheathed his bow, checked the foot one last time by kicking it, and when it didn’t move he walked down the stairs and out of the house, onto the street.

    ((Loft's actions, or rather his inactions, have been written with Quill's permission))
  19. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Trophy Points:
    Footsteps thudding on a wooden floor. Dully, Loft registered something smack his foot, but the feeling was vague, as if submerged in several layers of grape Jell-O. Loft loved Jell-O. A feeble grin stretched his face, unseen in the near-total darkness caused by the barrels pressed up against his face. He could go for some Jell-O right now. He reached up a shaking hand to touch the barrel, but he could barely muster up the energy to lift his hand, let alone shove that one barrel off of him. What about all the other barrels? They must really love him if they were crowding around him like this. Their lids had been knocked off by the toppling, and coal that hadn't met the sweet mountain air for years was now spilt against the floor all around him.

    "Too much love," he said, although in reality what issued from his lips was only the slightest of inflectioned exhalations, "Loft can't breathe." He could breathe, though. Did that make him a liar? Loft didn't know.

    Footsteps were moving again, moving away. Loft's hand nudged the barrel, finally, and he realized that he was holding something in it. Something hard, something nutty... one last Deku Nut, ready to play.

    "Just you and me, buddy," he coughed. The coal dust, scattered all around him by the barrels' toppling, was hard to breathe in. He reached his hand up a little higher, face scrunched up with the effort, and knocked it against the barrel's opening.

    The Deku Nut burst against the lid, and the explosive nut was enough to spark against the highly flammable coal. The dust and rocks both reacted to the tiny spark, and the barrel exploded with a bang! The other barrels were all swept up in the fire and force, creating an enormous chain reaction of booms in the small corner of the little building. The walls and roof were all blown outwards, and what little was left of the jell-O loving ninja, Loft, was either disintegrated or charred beyond recognition.
  20. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    Trophy Points:
    Victory had never tasted so sweet, Locke thought as he came out of the house. He was going to celebrate this big, with booze, good food and perhaps a pretty la-

    The ear-shattering explosion behind him cut off his train of thought as he was flung to the ground, ears ringing and vision blurring. Locke panicked, what had happened? The kid was dead, he had checked. Twice.

    But he didn’t get much time to ponder over his opponent’s last stand as the next house exploded. And the next. And all the other houses. Flames filled the air and as Locke struggled to get up. His legs had been riddled with splinters by the explosion, and the smoke coming from the burning buildings made it hard to breath. To the left of him another coal-filled house blew up, sending him flying into another building which had not yet been touched by the flames, and then it dawned on him.

    The village had been a coal mining village. All houses were filled with barrels of coal. Without knowing, the two had fought on a minefield that could’ve had exploded with only the tiniest spark. A spark that the kid had managed to make in his final moments. A spark that would kill Locke as well.

    The last thing he experienced was the deafening sound of the building around him exploding, taking him with it.
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