Arena Fight #1: Speedy Spells

Discussion in 'Battle Arena' started by Eevachu, Apr 6, 2011.

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  1. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    [Combatants: Rika - Eevachu vs Leona - Chaos James
    Type: Exhibition Match - No Death
    Bidding: Nothing
    Arena: Default - The time is evening's twilight, setting the battlefield orange, and the weather is partly cloudy. The battle centers around a white-marble platform of a perfect circle, extending in a diameter of roughly 100 meters. The top of the circle is filled in with patches of dirt and short grass. Throughout the battlefield are spread one-dozen large oak trees, feasible to climb. Surrounding the marble platform on all sides is a six-meter wide pit of spikes, each spike a long, narrow, and sharpened log jetting out of a pit of mud. Beyond these pits is a bloodthirsty and savage crowd, cheering on the combatants. The bleachers extend several hundred meters outwards and upwards. Beyond this point, however, exists nothing but barren rockland interspersed with the occasional weed, of an unknown country or location. Immediately outside the bleachers is a magical cage controlled by the Lord himself; it normally appears invisible, but will immediately form an invincible barrier towards any solid or liquid material which comes against it.

    The battle begins with each combatant teleported to the far opposite sides of the marble platform.]

    Rika appeared on the far side of the arena, a cool breeze waving over him. For the most part, it was a rather calm situation. If it weren't for the fact that a fight was about to happen, and the excited, roaring crowd. They were certainly looking forward towards a fight, weren't they? Rika looked all the way across the field, his opponent on the other side. He couldn't get a very clear view on their appearance due to the distance. "Oh, hey!" He shouted towards them, waving his arm in the air. He started running forward a little; He was removing some distance between them, but he made sure not to put themselves too close together.

    "Oh, hey! I'm Rika." Rika said to his opponent as he got closer. He could make out the appearance; She was a girl. "So are you ready to fight, cutie?" Rika said, with a little laugh at the end. "I'm just messing with you. It's the truth, though, you are pretty cute." He said, laughing a little again. Rika was taking this rather lightheartedly. "The fight though, right." Rika pulled two daggers out of their sheathes. "I'm ready when you are!" She was probably better then him in terms of close range combat, so close range combat wasn't exactly the best idea. However, having the daggers out to defend- and attack if an opening is present- would be better then being empty handed.
  2. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    Appearing at the far end of an arean, the roar of the crowd soon reached her ears. Quickly taking in her surroundings, making note of the trees for cover and the spike pit them kept them inside the marble arena. Looking across from where she stood, she saw a small child dressed in red with green hair. Leona found his comments funny, which caused her to smile.

    "Aren't you a little young to be hitting on older girls." She could see the boy who called himself Rika pull out two daggers, so she reached back and pulled her own two daggers out, holding them at her side in a reversed grip. Inbetween the fingers on her left hand, Leona had also pulled out a Deku Nut, keeping it concealed with her dagger. "My names Leona, and I'm ready too, so watch out!" She called out happily.

    Pushing forward, Leona broke out in a run, charging the Rika with her left arm extended in front of her, blade ready to block attacks, while he right arm was held back ready to follow up on openings. Keeping a keen eye on the boy, she watch for any tricks the boy might do.
  3. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    "Oh, Leona? A cute name too. I'm certainly not too young, as least, I don't think so." He said. "Enough talk though, it's time to get serious." He spoke somewhat quietly to himself. Rika's face turned serious, as he tightened the grip on his twin daggers. He didn't know what to expect from her, she was virtually an unknown foe. Her attire and choice of weapons suggested she moved rather quickly, and was somewhat of a close range fighter. Then again, Rika wasn't really a close range fighter, and he used a pair of twin blades too. It wasn't really something he could judge from her appearance; He'd just have to find out in battle.

    She swiftly started advancing towards him at quite a remarkable speed. Granted, it wasn't absolutely amazing speeds, but especially for a Hylian it was fairly fast. As she got closer to Rika, the sound of metal clashing against metal rang. Rika blocked the dagger in her left hand with the dagger in his right hand, the sound of clashing metal having resulted. Rika was naturally left handed, so while he was efficient with both hands, his right hand suffered slightly. While it made little difference, it would be noticeable if someone else was using their dominant hand against him. Luckily, however, he didn't struggle much with the blocking. Perhaps maybe she was right handed? Or maybe Rika was just a big stronger so it evened out. Either way they were naturally somewhat even on the guarding.

    As the blades collided, Leona quickly took the split opening to strike with her right blade. Rika quickly turned, narrowly avoiding being slashed or stabbed. However, a problem that presented itself here was that due to the position he had turned his guarding on the blade in Leona's left hand had weakened, she could easily overpower it. Thinking quickly, Rika swung the dagger in his left hand at Leona. The objecting wasn't to cut her, however; In fact, that wasn't in Rika's plan at all, and if it happened was simply an additional effect. What would launch from the swing was a ball of Wind; The Wind spell.

    Assuming it hit, the resulting effect, considering Leona wouldn't exactly be prepared for it, would probably send Leona flying a decent amount of feet away, and probably either knock her down, uproot her and toss her into the air, or both. Of course, the effect of what happened; If it worked at all, all varied depending how she was hit. Nonetheless, Rika's swing was initiated, the ball of Wind being released from the end.
  4. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

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    The small boy Rika was actually quite strong based on his size, not that she was a powerhouse herself, but she didn't expect such combat prowess from a child. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind struck Leona in the chest and caught her off-guard, knocking her tumbling backwards. While she rolled backwards along the ground, she managed to keep her feet under her and slow herself and get back to her feet. This boy was not Hylian, that was for certain.

    "Your not a Kokiri, are you?" Leona questioned, as it seemed to be the best explaination. Giving Rika a chance to answer before launching forward, this time flinging her left arm forward, finally releasing the Deku Nut she had hidden, hoping to blind Rika before he let loose another spell.

    Either way, she would go in with another right swing, keeping her left blade for pure defensive to parry attacks.
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