Temple of Time [UD + SP]

Discussion in 'Classic Dungeons' started by UnnamedDude, Dec 2, 2012.

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  1. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Naomi coasted in a circle, trying to find a nice high spot to land. It wasn't easy, considering the stormy nature of the day and the stubborn, harsh winds whipping around her. Every time the Rito tried to turn the wind currents decided they had other ideas and blew her this way and that, thereby completely defeating the purpose of turning at all.

    She quickly grew tired of wrestling with the wind sheer and looked about for some form of shelter. The large temple seemed a good place, but the wind resisted her still and kept her from landing on the roof for a rest. She grunted her displeasure of such a thing even though she expected no quarter.

    She'd just have to land on the ground. She started circling as best the wind and, now, the rain, would allow.

    Unfortunately she was fatigued and did not notice the girl that had wandered into her intended landing zone. "Uh--Ack!" She cried and attempted a much sharper turn, accidentally grounding herself in the most undignified way possible.

    She soon found herself looking up at the girl.
  2. SenpaiPancake

    SenpaiPancake Shhh! I'm charging my laser... reg

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    The wind tore through the streets of Castle-Town, its shrill howl echoing with every blast. Commuters and merchants scrambled, caught unprepared by the sudden storm. Stalls had been blown asunder and hats soundly kidnapped, while afternoon laundry swirled high into to sky, far past the realm of birds and the like.

    Aliza took no notice of the surrounding commotion, nor of her thrashing dress or tangling honey hair. She stumbled through the wind, holding tight the most recent addition to her ever growing library. Those that rushed past shook their heads, mystified by Aliza's absolute oblivious captivation. Her bright, white garb was stark against the dreary shadow belched forth by the storm, giving the girl a serene, almost unsettling glow.

    SPLAT. A single fat raindrop exploded against the page, startling the girl. Aliza looked up and into the turbulent sky as the thick droplets began to descend. Her eyes leveled in an instant on the Temple just ahead, and she broke into a run, protecting her precious book the best she could. She was mere feet from the Temple when she caught sight of the winged girl, but the momentum she had accumulated denied her the quick stop required. Aliza skidded forward, bracing herself for impact, but instead heard the sound of a solid smack at her feet. Opening her eyes, Aliza saw the Rito sprawled across the ground, positioned quite ungracefully. She cocked her head quizzically, inspecting the girl, mystified as to how she had come to rest in such a position, before remembering that she was the source of this accident. Aliza set down her book as she knelt down, her face inches from the Rito’s.

    “Oh goodness, I am so sorry! Are you okay, Miss…?”
  3. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Being splayed out on her back and spread-eagled, in cold, heavy, rain and on a damp, hard ground was not a pleasant position. Naomi hated being wet, and she hated being dirty. Both of those hampered her ability to fly, and by extension her ability to explore. She grumbled slightly before propping herself up.

    "Oh, yeah, I just crash all the time," said the Rito with a light tone and speedy sarcasm. She wanted to shake this off or something... "Brr. Let's get somewhere dry before we chat, shall we?" She didn't know much about Hylian culture but she could guess that being dive-bombed and bombarded with cold pellets of water did not a good mood make.

    For a moment, Naomi regretted wearing what she did. Her sleeveless robe had no obstructions for her to catch her feathers on, but it also afforded her little protection in adverse weather. Little wonder, then, that the non-winged people she had seen would always had more clothing than her. She instead wrapped her arms around herself as she walked towards the temple.
  4. SenpaiPancake

    SenpaiPancake Shhh! I'm charging my laser... reg

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    Aliza smiled at the Rito’s fleeting sarcasm as it rolled off her like the falling rain. She had heard much worse, and at a much louder volume, from constant flow of Castle-Town’s more bitter inhabitants that frequented the potions store. Pulling herself back to reality, Aliza moved to girl’s shoulders, helping to prop the Rito into a sitting position, before taking to her feet herself.

    “Well, as long as you’re not too banged up. Quite sorry ‘bout that Miss! Names Aliza. Aliza Lemnley! Ali for short!” The girl bubbled, head tilted in a warm smile, as she extended her hand towards the Rito girl. “The Temple there will shield us from this rain.” Aliza continued as the Rito made it up to her feet, pointing to the majestic structure off to the side. “And the, ugh, bleck, wind!” she added, catching a gusted glob of rain in the face. Taking Naomi by the hand, the girl proceeded swiftly towards the temple, before stopping suddenly. Aliza turn and skipped back towards the impact site, scooping up her rain slogged book. “Ah.” she sighed, somewhat dejected. “I shoulda known. Oh well! Let’s get going!’
  5. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Naomi gritted her teeth as they approached the temple, and shielded her face with her wing. It only did her a little good, as wind changed the trajectory of the rain to bombard her from several directions. She was glad to get inside, and indeed didn't even pay attention much to the regal building's structure. She instead attempted to dry herself off by flapping her soaked wings. "I'm Naomi," she said finally, as she got good exercise out of her arms. "I was planning on touring the place, but there's this awful rain out there..."

    As she realized the futility of her task, she looked about her. Large classical columns held the roof above them, and it was a large hall, with a single centerpiece that looked like a pedestal, flanked on either side by large, imposing statues... It was simple, but despite that, this place projected an aura of... what was it? Primality, authority. She felt, standing here, as if she were in the presence of something much greater and much older than herself, despite the lack of any particularly striking features.

    She shook it off. "So, what are you doing here? I just ended up here to get out of the blasted rain..."
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